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is this caused by chrome, ksp, internet explorer, hamachi, or steam?

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I had 5 things open on my msi gaming dragon. I don't know specs exept mine is octocore. my problem is, right when I launched ksp, everything was unresponsive. chrome was invisible, ksp was loading, steram was fine, so was hamachi. I had open internet explorer, and chrome was playing some ambient music. what caused the entire responsive parade to happen? and how do I fix it?:( I like the stuff I have installed, but need to know what it was. or is it just that I was downloading warthunder, or that I have too many steam games. I closed up ksp and everything was fine. I've had problems like this before. please help.

edit: and when I posted this(using chrome because it was already open) my ambient music tab became invisible again

edit again: my ambient music stopped again, but not everything is unresponsive now and internet explorer is closed

Edited by jake9039
more problems with chrome
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ok. will do, but it's just that I use hamachi for minecraft, and it is evil to my internet, but atm is also known to slow down my computer. just saying because before today all it messed up was my speed and youtube videos(that I watch)

edit: for a good output log, should I wait untill I hear the awesome menue startup music? or is it just loading ok?

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when it was loading, at first( before witty loading commedy even pops up and it's just a white screen) it slowed down, but then, after it actually started loading up, I only got a few problems and that was when I switched over to it( like normal) so I think it is the (as I call it)"preparing to load" phase of startup

Edited by jake9039
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A long white loading screen is a known issue with Unity 4. To fix this, all you have to do is go to Network and Sharing Center > View network adapters > Hamachi Network Interface > Disable. Make sure Hamachi is off and closed for this. (Restart?) Then when you're done playing KSP, re-enable the Hamachi adapter and program.

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no I haven't. good idea. also, I must declare, that I am currently putting my computer into overdrive mode, aka no longer planning on using ONLY luquid coolant, but also fans, letting it run faster

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now, all I am getting is 3 bells. all the time, whenever I click anything that has anything to do with steam

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no I haven't. good idea. also, I must declare, that I am currently putting my computer into overdrive mode, aka no longer planning on using ONLY luquid coolant, but also fans, letting it run faster

- - - Updated - - -

now, all I am getting is 3 bells. all the time, whenever I click anything that has anything to do with steam

Sounds kinda like your steam is not happy. Hmm. I remember a fix that has to do with deleting a folder in the Steam directory and then restarting your computer which fixes a lot of things, but I cant remember how to do it.

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