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WhiteKnuckle Aerospace: Spaceplanes, VTOLs & More! [New ships for 1.05]

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Again with the stuff that isn't quite ready for release yet...

My first Duna capable spaceplane, designed to be towed to orbit by a Longbow, the Boone:






(can you tell I love taking pictures around Duna?)

Landing was sketchy, but made it first time. This thing is built to take a beating. Takes off and gets to orbit just fine. All I need to do now is make sure it has enough DV to get home, pretty sure it'll make it with fuel to spare but I want to be sure before I release it. Got some other stuff to take care of in the Duna system while I wait for the transfer window to come up.




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Yeah, it's got a bit of a falcon-vibe going - kind of looks like it's just hovering.

It practically is hovering! I don't know what it's stall speed is on Kerbin when it's low of fuel, but it's slooooooooow. Probably under 50m/s.

Your big MK3 lifter has a similarly organic theme, though that's probably more of a goose, what with the long neck :)

The Goose. I like that, I needed a name for it and giving it the callsign of a dead pilot is fitting seeing how many of my Kerbals the damn thing has killed :mad: It flies fine, gets to orbit fine, re-enters fine, and then pancakes itself into the runway if you touchdown with more than 2-3m/s of vertical speed... It's been driving me nuts.

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  • 2 months later...

Had a day or so to putz around and get some idea of how the new aerodynamics work...ish.

More than enough time for the boffins at WKA to throw together...er... thoughtfully design a new VTOL trainer:

The Sparrow Mk1:




The Sparrow is a basic two engine VTOL. It features jet engines for main thrust, a Vernor system to aid maneuverability and to cushion landings. And new for 1.0 an airbrake setup to help transition from horizontal to vertical flight! And of course it's got an ejector seat for when things go all pear-shaped.



Type: Single seat VTOL jet trainer

Use: Learning how to fly (and crash) VTOLs in 1.0

Part count: 46

Weight: 10 tons

Action Groups:

1. Toggle Vertical jet engine

2. Toggle Horizontal jet engine

Abort: Ejector seat

Craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nez44fgpsebdbzt/Sparrow%20Mk2.craft?dl=0







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  • 8 months later...

I'm back...



I... err, We here at WKA have gone far too long without releasing a a VTOL trainer. But the wait has been worth it, with the new 1.05 parts we've been able to create our easiest to fly trainer, ever.

SPECIAL NOTE: This one is all stock for stock aero, has not been FAR tested! (should might work though...)

Bumblebee Mk1


The good: So easy to fly your grandkerbal could land it. The bad: It's slow. Real slow. 



Type: Single seat VTOL jet trainer

Use: Learning how to fly (and crash) VTOLs in 1.05

Part count: 34

Weight: 5.8 tons

Action Groups:

1. Toggle Vertical jet engines

2. Toggle Horizontal jet engine

Abort/spacebar: Parachute

SAS use recommended.

Craft file:




Happy Landings

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To show off how easy the Bumblebee is to fly, I made a few passes under the bridge at KSC. 

I am not good at going under the bridge... at all. 


Note: For the video I limited the rear engine to 83% thrust. I was able to do the same run with full thrust, but with the video capture running it liked to crash my computer.


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Condor Mk1 ISRU-VTOL:







Low part count, easy to fly, large ISRU parts mean quick refueling. STOL's when full of fuel but still easy as cake to land even in bad terrain, full VTOL with half fuel or less. Designed to hop around Kerbin for as long as you feel like flying.

The Condor's development is the result of one unavoidable fact: The small ISRU parts are sllllllllooooooooowwwwww. The WKA experimental scrap heap hanger bay is full of Mk1/Mk2 ISRU aircraft and spaceplanes that fly great, can land and refuel themselves indefinitely, but take weeks of sitting around on the ground refilling their tanks 

I had been avoiding the Mk3 parts due to large ships and my computer not getting along very well since 1.0 but I recently realized that had more to do with part count than part size (looking back in the thread, something like the Carrack with 205 parts would result in near-unflyable lag) So my build priorities shifted to using the bare minimum of parts, which leads to using the biggest parts. So this whole ship only has two solar panels, one radiator, ect.

The result is that she flies really nice for such a big lady. With full fuel you're looking at a stall speed of around 30-40m/s. She isn't fast. In case there was any doubt. But the large jets are very efficient, and she will fly at 4x timewarp, doing some tests now to find her max range before refueling is needed, but I expect it to be a significant way around Kerbin.

Craft file:


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5 hours ago, Dafni said:

Definitely gonna give the Condor a spin tonight. Nice craft.

Where is that second picture from, if I may ask? The one with the radio dishes in the background.




Hey Daf, I just noticed I forgot to post the craft file last night, I'll put it up later today.


The radar dishes and all the other locations you see in my pics are courtesy of the Kerbin-side mod by AlphaAsh:

It's currently on hold till 1.1 due to some known bugs, but there's a workaround on the last page of that thread. I highly recommend it if you like flying on Kerbin.

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WKA is proud to introduce our best ever light-utility VTOL, the Ibex Mk1 line:



The Ibex was designed as a Search and Rescue bird to recover pilots who crashed in mountainous terrain. It can hover and land at over 6km elevation even when heavy on fuel. Near sea level it will hover at only 2/3's thrust on dry mode, giving it a massive performance envelope for aggressive flying.

Ibex-T Mk1:



The transport version of the Ibex features room for three, a probe core so it can be flown remotely, a drop pod fuel tank, wide-set landing gear for off-field landings, powerful searchlights, parachutes for "whoopsies" and adequate horizontal performance from it's four Juno engines.  



Type: VTOL SAR and Transport.  

Use: Saving the day.

Part count: 73

Weight: 11.8 tons

Action Groups:

1. Toggle Vertical jet engines

2. Toggle Horizontal jet engine

6. Ladder 

9. Toggle Panther Wet/Dry mode

Abort/spacebar: Parachute

SAS use recommended.

Craft file:




Yeah yeah, we hear you. You don't want "adequate" horizontal performance, you "Wannna-go-fast!" We understand.


The R-model Ibex swaps the Junos for a Whiplash, giving 1km/s performance for impressive long range ability. If you need to pick up a single pilot in a hurry, or just realized you left your cell phone at the top of the ski lift, the R will get you there in style. It also features a standard WKA ejector cockpit for emergencies, and dual fuel drop pods.




Type: VTOL Jet

Use: Being awesome.

Part count: 59

Weight: 11.8 tons

Action Groups:

1. Toggle Vertical jet engines

2. Toggle Horizontal jet engine

6. Ladder 

9. Toggle Panther Wet/Dry mode

Spacebar: Drop pods

Abort/spacebar: Ejector seat.

SAS use recommended. Full power takeoffs with both types of engines discouraged. Gain horizontal speed (20+ m/s) ether using horizontal engine or a nose-low attitude with vertical engines before pulling in full war-power. Under 20m/s control surfaces lack authority to prevent the combined thrust vector pushing craft into a backflip. If backflip occurs, a quick half-roll will save you... probably.  

Craft file:



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24 minutes ago, Red Shirt said:

Grabbed this to figure out how to set up a VTOL. Learning a lot and having great fun buzzing the KSC tower. Makes a great trainer for learning to land.   

Glad to hear!

It really is a lot of fun. I still find myself flying it all the time.


If you're using it to learn about VTOL's, feel free to rip it apart and add things to it. The front and rear fuel tanks aren't used for anything but ballast, so you can add or subtract parts and then play with the fuel level to put the CoM right in the middle of the cockpit. With the amount of SAS it has you just need to be in the ballpark and she'll fly fine.

Another option is to bolt things under the wings, which are close enough to the CoM that it wont mess things up. I have a version that has two more horizontal engines under the wings, still isn't fast, but at least it's less slow.

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Ok, enough with the VTOL's for a minute (hopefully I can stay away that long). Since water is a fluid now, and not some dastardly substance made out of concrete and evil, let's make a seaplane! 

WKA is proud to introduce the Supermarine X1:



The Supermarine is a hotrod, pure and simple. It has no real purpose other than to look cool, go fast, and pick up chicks.



Dumb chicks mind you. No intelligent being of any sex would get anywhere near a deathtrap like this:


Now wait a sec, that shouldn't fly at all...



Yup. The Supermarine is technically unstable in straight and level flight, but gains stability when turning. This makes it a blast to fly. It has excellent roll and adequate yaw capabilities, but where it really shines is it pitch authority, specifically it's abilities to perform rather insane negative-g pushovers. I'll be putting up a video to show off just how quickly this thing can pull out of a dive... the wrong way.



Type: Low altitude Seaplane and aerobatic demonstrator 

Use: Killing test pilots due to redout

Part count: 50

Weight: 13.3 tons

Action Groups:

1. Toggle engine

8. Toggle Thrust reverse (note: should not be attempted, like... ever. But it's there if you want it)

SAS use recommended.

Flight notes: Water landings should be performed at lowest possible airspeed (40-50m/s) Water landings up to 70 or 80m/s are possible but usually result in the craft flipping over onto it's back. Due to it's rather odd aerodynamics, she will take off quite happily when upside down... you'll just look really dumb doing it.

Craft file:




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Been a while since I released a spaceplane, this one is a little different than most since it's a Liquid-fuel only design, no Ox or Monoprop.

Introducing the Thrush Mk1:




Two turbojets, one nuke. The accent profile is tight because you have to thread the needle between the jet's altitude and speed limitations and the nuke's low thrust, but once you know it it's really easy to fly. With a clean accent you'll wind up in LKO with almost half your fuel left.



Enough to get to LMO and back to Kerbin. Not quite enough for a Munar landing, but it does come standard with a docking port, so it can easily be refueled and sent deeper into the void.




Use: Sticking it to the Ox salesman!

Part count: 40

Weight: 15.6 tons

Action Groups:

1. Toggle Turbojets

8. Toggle NERV

SAS use recommended.

Flight notes: Accent profile:

Stay low after takeoff, build speed to 400m/s and gently pull back till you achieve a 30* attitude. At 15km turn on nuke engine. When jets flame out turn them off. Switch to map mode and wait till your AP is over 70km, then follow prograde until a stable orbit is achieved (you will probably burn the nuke right up until AP)

Decent profile: Keep the nose as high as possible (90* for as long as you can) Once under 1200m/s level off and fly it normally. 

Craft file:



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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, YellowWolf said:

Where are the download links for the Nomad models?

The Nomad was from a few versions ago, the new jet engines will not fit in the Mk2 cargo bays unfortunately. I did make an updated copy, but it's kinda ugly due to the need for air intakes attached to the vertical engines.


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Since multiple docking ports are now a thing, WKA decided to make a rover that could be air dropped (vertically or horizontally) from a Condor and then driven back into the cargo bay and re-docked, no need for struts!










Type: VTOL Jet/Airdrop Rover

Use: Putting a Rover in inappropriate places. 

Part count: 77

Weight: 47.7 tons

Action Groups:

1. Toggle Vertical engines

2. Toggle Horizontal engines

3. Toggle Cargo bay doors and ramp door.

4. Decouple docking ports

5. Drogue parachute

6. Main parachutes

9. Toggle wet/dry mode on vertical engines.

SAS use recommended.

Flight notes: When dropping the rover, open the appropriate door (bay doors for vertical drop, ramp door for when in forward flight) Activate ether the main chutes for a vertical drop, or the drogue chute first then the mains if in forward flight. Then quickly press 4 to decouple the docking ports and let the rover fall away. 

Driving the rover back into the bay can take some wiggling, suggest turning the reaction wheel on when getting up the ramp. Once in the bay the docking ports should line up very quickly.

Craft file:








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