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Reaction wheels that don't stop

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Another random issue, that's probly un-replicable, but its happened more than once, so here goes..

Seems that when doing positioning with sas and then time warping, vessels may get reaction wheels that turn continuously in the last direction you told it to before the time-warp, unless you manually fight it by inputting the opposite torque or time-warp again to stop physics or toggle all the reaction wheels off. But you can't use the hold vessel direction, be sas on or off.

The debug menu showed no errors or even warnings..

edit: no joysticks, never use trim, happens in space exclusively, occurs after excessive time warping and sas (and apllying torque at the same time as hitting warp) things like that tend to cause it

Edited by Nemrav
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If you could at least attempt to put together a brief set of reproduction steps, we might be able to look into it. As-is, there's very little to go on here. We need data to be able to do anything.

Also, do you use a joystick, or even just have one plugged in? Is this a completely stock install? Can you provide craft files/save files for this occurrence?

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