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Logo for Infernal Robotics Model Rework


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I wasn't sure whether to put this here or in fan-works, but seeing as that doesn't seem to contain many requests it seems add-on affairs may be better.

I'm looking to refresh the Infernal Robotics Model Rework, by simplifying downloads and adding many new parts, and would like to have a logo I can use to promote the mod. The idea is it would be something along the line of the KAX mod, so a logo that can be used in the thread and on videos, but also as a flag or maybe even in-game company logo.

Would anyone be interested in creating this?



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Well, before logo: Do you have a catchy name for your in-game company/part pack yet? I am talking about a brand name. Something that will reminds users about your product and evoke specific memories?

You can also check the list of 50 famous robotic companies and their logos out here. See if you are interested in the design of some and it may help direct design effort.

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Thanks for the replies :)

  RainDreamer said:
Well, before logo: Do you have a catchy name for your in-game company/part pack yet? I am talking about a brand name. Something that will reminds users about your product and evoke specific memories?

Since this mod is part of an existing project, the company name is Magic Smoke Industries. However, I'm not that interested in having a logo for them (unless Sirkut wishes one to be made), and instead am after one for the research division that deals with robotics parts, that being Infernal Robotics. Maybe MSI could feature as a slight emboss or something. A tagline for the division would be "For All Your Actuation Needs", and my specific mod is called the Infernal Robotics Model Rework & Expansion, or just Model Rework.

You can also check the list of 50 famous robotic companies and their logos out here. See if you are interested in the design of some and it may help direct design effort.

That's a very useful link, thank you. Out of them, I think these offer a good reference of the sort of thing I'm after:









I think the main thing to take away from these is a bold angular font, with some difference between the Infernal and Robotics words, and maybe some form of logo, either off to the side or as part of the wording itself. The background should be white/transparent, but with the possibility to invert the colours to place on a dark background

  Vindaloo said:
The ASI and VGo logos are very nice. Would be easily readable and recognizable, even on small parts.

I'm not intending for the logo to appear on the parts, but having the option would certainly be nice. Would certainly be worthwhile for a flag.

  Zuqq said:
Do you have any particulars?

Colors / fonts / wording / symbols / etc?

Or just looking for anything?

Colour wise, here's the main ones I've been using in the mod so far (in addition to white), so maybe they can provide a good starting point (I'm not that fond of the orange/brown at the end, but the yellow may be good)


For a symbol, maybe something like this robot arm or these gear setups, but that's only if it seems necessary to have a symbol:


If one was done it would be nice if it could be adapted to a small square icon for use with the stock toolbar, to replace the current image which is just the letters IR. If the logo doesn't have a symbol, but the I and R shapes can be adapted into a symbol, that would be good as well.


Treat all the above as just suggestions, I'm open to any other ideas :)


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  ZodiusInfuser said:

I'm not that fond of the orange/brown at the end (...)

But that white-orange-grey scheme kinda defines your parts :D

They are simplistic but beautiful...

I quickly slapped something here, they are NOT meant to be submissions, far from that, they are all wrong, just throwing ideas...



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  Thiagobs said:
But that white-orange-grey scheme kinda defines your parts :D

They are simplistic but beautiful...

Its going to be a challenge for me to maintain that beauty when it comes time to do propped textures :P, as that orange colour is placeholder for motors in almost all cases.

I quickly slapped something here, they are NOT meant to be submissions, far from that, they are all wrong, just throwing ideas...



That first ones an interesting thought, perhaps for the Model Rework & Expansion bit since it replicates the current part style, rather than for IR itself.

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I don't know if it's too soon to post about this again, but I was working on more parts and thought this shape may be good for a possible symbol (in the style of the earlier one I posted):


Also, I don't know if this can offer inspiration, but it's cool non-the-less :)

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