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KBoy420 Requesting Permission to Come Aboard!


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Hey Everyone,

Lurked enough and decided to join up on the forum and introduce myself. Just found out about this thing called KSP. Looked kinda cool. Build rockets and land on planets. Sounds neat. So I download the demo, fire her up, and utter frustration. Didn't know I actually had to know how rockets and physics work. ... is deltaV and is this going to be like Call of Duty anytime soon where I just point and click?

So I head on over to YouTube, watch a few videos, realize just how far in over my head I am, and uninstall the demo. Boo KSP. Too hard. But then Steam tell me I should buy KSP. So I think about it, and I do, because I love this freakin' game and cannot get enough. With about 50 hours in to it, I have successfully crashed into the Mun 3 times. All 3 times I used rockets that were entirely fuel inefficient and weight 100 tons more than they needed to. Jeb has dies twice and I just learned there are more places than the Mun to go to! (Not sure how I will get to any of those places, yet...).

Anyway, looking forward to learning more from the forums and actually learning how to be an astronaut. Now, back to figuring how how to not build a huge ass tower that still barely makes it to the Mun! :)

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Welcome :-)

Start small and see how far you get, then get a little bit bigger. Being able to get into orbit reliably in the first place is a major achievement and from there it takes comparatively little more to get to the moons. After that the other planets are the same on a bigger scale, but you need to know about transfer windows (when to go). The other major learning steps are landing - as you've discovered - and docking.

If you have fun just building I suggest staying in sandbox mode but for a more controlled start try science mode - you start with very few parts and need to run experiments in order to unlock more. Career mode has a lot of extra complications - like money - which make things much more complex when you are still trying to work out how to build rockets.

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Thanks for the tip, Pecan. I jumped right into Career mode and to be honest, ended up with ALL these parts and had no idea how they worked or how they were intended to be used. Spent most of my time wiki-ing them all. Might give the Science mode a try and see how that goes with building smaller and adding fewer parts. When you unlock a new science it's like you are so excited at all the new parts, you just throw them all on there. And soon, you end up with a 300 ton rocket that doesn't go very far and uses up a ton of fuel. So far I've done everything without a single mod so I've been forced to manually learn the terminal velocities at a given altitude, etc. I'm really enjoying the game and am looking forward to the day when I can create more advanced ships and missions! :)

PS - the space plane hanger is the devil. I tried to make a plane. Gonna stick with rockets for a while more ha. Jeb doesn't deserve that kind of abuse :)

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