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The Geronimo Challenge

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Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to drop a bunch of kerbals and land them in specific spots.


Every Kerbal on launchpad= 50 pts.

Every Kerbal on VAB helipad= 50 pts.

Every Kerbal on the Flagpole= 150 pts.

Every Kerbal on top of the Island Airport tower= 50 pts.

Drop Altitude Scoring:

From 10-50m= +0

From 50m-100m= +10

From 100m-500m= +50

From 500m-1k= +100

From 1k-5k +200

From 5k-10k= +300

From 10k-20k= +500

Past 30k= +600


Rocket Man (drop from a rocket)

Munwalker (get home from the Mun using a rocket pr plane that landed there(you don't need to hit a target to qualify))

Minmus Master (same as Munwalker)

BadS=true (land on a target using an orbital Return Cannon)

Jeb Approves (open your chute less than 100 meters up)

Mods Allowed:

B9 Aerospace(No VTOLS!)

Firespitter (No helicopters/VTOLs!)

Non-performance affecting mods (KerbPaint, Texture Replacer, Hotrockets, Kerbal Engineer)

Mods Required:

Vanguard Parachutes


No VTOL planes.

Rockets are allowed, but can only drop after one orbit from an altitude over 10,000

The Drop Altitude Scoring is for the DROP, not when the chute opens.

No debug menu!

No mechjeb targeting.

You can use the EVA pack all you want.

To be on the scoreboard you must have:

A video of your whole flight + drop and landing, or screensshots of Craft, Takeoff, Jump, Chute opening and Landing.

Screens of any awards you feel you earned.

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Honorable Mentions:

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  jman508 said:
its because this looks impossible.

plus where is your entry?

isn't it a requirement when making a challenge to have an entry on the hardest level to prove its possible?

It is NOT a requirement! Read the rules you pull out of your exhaust port so readily. It is a courtesy for the poster to make a self attempt, but it has never been a requirement. And yes this is doable, if you set action groups and have all the kerbals deploy parachutes at about the same time.

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  Blaster said:
It is NOT a requirement! Read the rules you pull out of your exhaust port so readily. It is a courtesy for the poster to make a self attempt, but it has never been a requirement. And yes this is doable, if you set action groups and have all the kerbals deploy parachutes at about the same time.

On the very page the mod is featured on, it says there is a hot key (space+f I think)

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