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[Plugin 0.14.4] Part gravity - v1.0


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Someone needs to stick a load of ladder rungs and a Damned Crewtank to that moonlet. Maybe even add a hatch and crew capacity so it\'s actually a hollowed out space-station.

Also, what\'s the rescaleFactor that will get it up to the 2km limit?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Its still works and still fun to play around with :) well then you can use the nice asteroid on spaceport for it :) I havnt checked if he share the source for this plugin but surly new asteroid would work wif this code still works ;)

http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/draktec-asteroids/ This one i meant but if you make a basic asteroid in blender and import it it should work to :)

Edited by ahappydude
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Yeah, the modelling for that one in game doesn't work, but he did put an update, Draktec I mean, which sort of helped the mesh and not so.. crazy explody buggy XD

Its fun watching things ram into it because of SCIENCE.. err gravity!

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Haha exactly, all is fair in the name if science ;) You know what, just got an idea, i wonder if we are able to tow that asteroid nearer kerbin if you got an big enough ship haha Going to try to land on dracs asteroid using this plugin today cheers

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I don't think that if we create a big ship it wouldn't create a big enough gravity well to effect the asteroid. But, if you use structural plates, I found you can push it! but you have to touch it first EVERRRR so slightly and combat the gravity with RCS until you touch the asteroid. Then, push away just don't fly off the sides or BOOM!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay, so everything, and even the gravity, works with this mod EXCEPT the Larger bumpy asteroid, its model seems to be missing.

the model does still work remember the asteroid has a 500m radius launch it and zoom WAAAAYYYY out.

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I have a problem. I tried to land on the small mun thing, and the lander just exploded..

It's because they changed the way mass works in 0.16. More massive parts do more damage, even at incredibly low velocities.

You can even see this in stock KSP. The orange tanks like to cause anything they touch explode.

I hope they fix it, because this is an excellent (but dated) plugin.

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It's because they changed the way mass works in 0.16. More massive parts do more damage, even at incredibly low velocities.

You can even see this in stock KSP. The orange tanks like to cause anything they touch explode.

I hope they fix it, because this is an excellent (but dated) plugin.

It wasn't exactly true in one of Scott Manley's video, when he just destroyed the asteroid in one speedy move... And he lives more or less 55 miles from me... :D

And no, he didn't use this mod. But he did use DrakTec.

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It wasn't exactly true in one of Scott Manley's video, when he just destroyed the asteroid in one speedy move... And he lives more or less 55 miles from me... :D

And no, he didn't use this mod. But he did use DrakTec.

Thats the thing. He used DrakTec. Part gravity not only gives parts gravity, but also mass. That is why things go poof.

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Very interesting, would like to see what this does to the Sulaco... I really would love to walk around the 300 metre long IVA section I made!

Can I assume this will also give the kerbals some form of gravity?

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"I really would love to walk around the 300 metre long IVA section I made!" I would like that to!

Hm i dont think so, i recall it creating an kspfield . About the mass problem, could the gravatron part(i think it was called that?) if you were to plant it on the asteroid? Also hooligans squid parts can be used to pull or push things around, maybe that would work better hmm... Here is a screen with some tests with this from 0.19 using squid and dukesofhell seasickness cure



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