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Moho - very problematic, disappointing, and maybe a bug?

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I'm running Win8.1, KSP v0.90.0 in Science_sandbox, with current Lazor (Romfarer) and SCANsat mods installed.

This is the second time in v0.90.0 that I've lost a SCANsat probe in orbit around Moho. The first had finished the low-res scanning, at 250km, and was left in its circular polar orbit; It just disappeared one day, last seen on Dec 26 2014. I put a second SCANsat probe up and allowed it to finish the hi-res scanning, at 750km, and then parked it back down in a circular polar orbit at 250km. It disappeared at some point today, Jan 27 2015... either that, or yesterday. It was there yesterday when I began a new science probe journey to Moho. I noticed today, coming in for Moho orbit intercept, that it was gone. I've checked the Persistent.sfs file, but the probe is not there... just the accomplishments are. I'm wary of doing Moho missions now, of leaving anything parked in orbit. This is the only body I've had such problems with thus far.

Why does this keep happening? Is this a 'bug' that should be reported to the Devs?

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  GoSlash27 said:
Wild guess: You've exceeded the default number of objects?

I believe that only applies to debris. "Max persistent Debris" is how it's phrased, I believe. Anyways, I haven't run into this with my Moho mission yet, but I haven't timewarped too long.. I guess i'll need to make very regular backups!

Edited by Norpo
oops again
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  Norpo said:
I believe that only applies to debris. "Max persistent Debris" is how it's phrased, I believe. Anyways, I haven't run into this with my Moho mission yet, but I haven't timewarped too long.. I guess i'll need to make very regular backups!

I was just off reviewing the menu. It is indeed max persistent debris. Maybe it doesn't just apply to debris? I've never had ships just disappear around any planet, so I'm just guessin'.



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I've been having my marker flag at the end of the KSC runway keep disappearing. It could be that the game is eating objects. I'm only at about 10 flights so I don't think it's a max number of objects thing.

Edited by helaeon
Removed dumb question.
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Well, my Max Persistent Debris is at the default, which I believe is 250... but I have very little debris, as I clean it regularly. As for a default number of objects, if that is a setting other the debris; I don't know. Let's see... {goes and checks}... I've currently got 12 probes, 1 ship, 3 stations, and 65 'space objects'. That doesn't sound like I'd be exceeding anything; Then again, I don't know what that default count is.

- - - Updated - - -

As for time-warping, I do a good bit of it, but I juggle with it. I've 2 probes on their way out to Jool at the moment, plus the science probe I just sent (arrived) to Moho... plus a manned Mun mission which, for now, is docked at its Mun station. I jump around, sometimes time-warping, sometimes killing time with short local missions (with minimal time-warp to get to Mun/Minmus and back).

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I have had scansats do weird things when left around other worlds, I'd be surprised if this was something specific to Moho.

In my last career before the beta, three of my scansats around Joolian moons completely lost their scanning equipment, the parts just dissapeared, the pistons they were attached to were still there though.

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I have had some orbital probes disappear too, all over the kerbol system. It only happens rarely, and only one at a time, but it seems the kraken is able to eat anything left in a low orbit around a world. I get no warning message, no tragedy report, I just can't find the probe anymore.

This had been bugging me since version 0.24, but it might be an older bug.

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I had a manned craft vanish from a stable orbit around Gilly, a few versions ago. Wrote it off as one of those things which just happen, and put up a memorial flag to the crew at KSC. A few days later they turned up together as the crew of a routine shuttle flight. I bet that caused a few awkward moments in the office...

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Have you changed or updated mods? If parts become unavailable the game will simply delete the ship outright when you open the save in question. I don't remember if it pops up a message but even if it does there's no way to stop the deletion.

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  DeMatt said:
Do you use the map icon filters at all?

If you're referring to the ones at the top of the screen, in Tracking Station and in Map mode: No, I do not... which is to say, I don't have Probes or Ships toggled off - just 'Space Objects' is off.

  cantab said:
Have you changed or updated mods? If parts become unavailable the game will simply delete the ship outright when you open the save in question. I don't remember if it pops up a message but even if it does there's no way to stop the deletion.

Yes and No. I attempted to migrate from v0.25 to v0.90 when it came out, but the mods (SCANsat especially) were not working... and indeed, I did lose ships (two of them). Once the mods were ready for v0.90 I installed them... I essentially started my Science_sandbox over, from the beginning, building all new ships. On that note, I'm kind of sighing here, because I can see already that when v1.0 comes out, I'll be starting over yet again.

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  helaeon said:
I've been having my marker flag at the end of the KSC runway keep disappearing. It could be that the game is eating objects. I'm only at about 10 flights so I don't think it's a max number of objects thing.

I had to keep replacing my runway approach flags in my last career game (0.23.5 to 0.25) - it got quite tiresome. I also had a probe disappear from low orbit around Pol. I assumed at the time I'd set the orbit too low and had a Controlled Flight Into Terrain, but now I'm not so sure. I had almost "60 flights in progress" at the time. The only mod I use is Kerbal Alarm Clock.

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