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SPH and problems with defaulting to radial symmetry mode

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This problem is a new one and just happened to me today. As I was in the SPH constructing a new aircraft, I went to add landing gear, placed on the wings, when the symmetry mode switched from mirror to radial mode. Here are a couple of screen shots...

Picture5_zps2991f35b.png Picture6_zpsd20d4513.png

In the first image, as I went to place the landing gear, it defaulted from mirror symmetry to radial symmetry, placing the wheel on the opposite side of the opposite wing (as a note, I used Procedural Wings mod for this aircraft). Using my smartphone, I looked up the key bindings for KSP to learn that now I can select radial or mirror symmetry in either the VAB or SPH by using the "X" key. So I pressed "X" and as soon as I moved the wheel back into position, it again switched back to radial mode. I actually had to manually place the wheel on the other wing in the desired position. :mad:

In the second image, the aircraft in flight, I noticed a blinking aviation light where there should none be - under the aircraft and not attached to anything. Although I had selected "mirror symmetry" (I used a stock canard for the tail for this aircraft), there it was... where it should not have been because the game defaulted back to radial mode as I was placing the piece. This had also happened with the air intakes, so I had to manually place those on the craft as well.

How can I solve this problem or is this merely another bug within the system? IF I had to choose, I would prefer to go back to just having mirror symmetry in SPH and leave the radial symmetry alone!

Edited by adsii1970
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X just changes symmetry value, between 1 and 8 with radial, and single or pair with mirror mode.

R will switch between radial and mirror, but your parts will inherit the mode of the parent.

So press R and see if that helps you :)

I tried your recommendation and it halfway works. It seems that with stock parts and B9 parts; the R key does trigger between the two modes and the symmetry mode will stay set according to whatever I set it to. However, when it came to the Procedural Wings parts, I could not change to mirror mode and it defaults to radial mode.

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I've experienced this as well, but with stock wings.... All but the first wing section I place was forced to radial symmetry. I just built the one wing with no symmetry and then duplicated it on the other side placing the whole wing with mirror symmetry.

Are you using the editor extensions mod as I am?

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I've experienced this as well, but with stock wings.... All but the first wing section I place was forced to radial symmetry. I just built the one wing with no symmetry and then duplicated it on the other side placing the whole wing with mirror symmetry.

Are you using the editor extensions mod as I am?

No, I am not - although I probably have every other mod but that one! :D

I decided to go back and tinker with the entire craft again to find out what I was doing differently. My other aircraft, using the exact same fuselage configuration, have not experienced this symmetry problem. It does not happen with stock wing parts or the B9 wing parts since using the suggestion by sal-vager.

After a few minutes of tinkering, what I have found is that when you use a procedural wing in SPH, it defaults to radial mode. Since the wing I created was unknowingly in radial mode, every part I tried to place on it would also default to the radial symmetry mode, as per sal-vager's wise words:

your parts will inherit the mode of the parent

So, for now on, when using Procedural Wings, always check the symmetry FIRST before placing on your craft. This seems to "solve" the issue for me; maybe something similar is happening with the mod you are using?

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Does it work to pull the wing "root" off, unset summetry, replace it, pull it off again, set summetry to mirror, and replace it again?

I completely deleted the wing, reselected the Procedural Wings part I wanted to use, selected the symmetry button at the lower left corner of the SPH view, then cycled through using the "R" key until it indicated mirror symmetry. I then placed the wing, pulled and tweaked it until it was the shape I wanted and... added parts using the mirror symmetry just as I was able to before this strange bug appeared. :rolleyes:

I am not sure what changes that KSP or Procedural Wings did that caused this, but now that I know how to work around it, I am pretty happy.

Edited by adsii1970
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