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What are your fears


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I'm not big on being scared on things, mostly because I've grown out of them. However, here are some things that do scare me. :rolleyes:

The image of the girl really doesn't need to be creepy for you. It's just a mysterious photo. I saw it before, and what happened was some father was taking photos of his daughter in the fields. When they went to get the photos developed, this spaceman randomly appeared in the background after it got developed. The father assured nobody was behind her at the time.

Seems more mysterious rather than creepy.

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The image of the girl really doesn't need to be creepy for you. It's just a mysterious photo. I saw it before, and what happened was some father was taking photos of his daughter in the fields. When they went to get the photos developed, this spaceman randomly appeared in the background after it got developed. The father assured nobody was behind her at the time.

Seems more mysterious rather than creepy.

It's the Solway Firth Spaceman, and it's a hoax or something with the camera, with the camera that took the picture you could only see about 70 percent of the shot through the viewfinder, the guy might not have seen it. Most people think that the "spaceman" was the guy's wife, she was in other photos of that day wearing a dress whose color looked exactly the same as the "spaceman".


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I'm afraid extremist... superstitious people will take the world to the edge of collapse. I mean, us westerners have it pretty easy when it comes to... superstition. Nobody will kill you because you don't believe in their... horoscope, or other kinds of dangerous beliefs with the same ammount of evidence backing them... But there's places where it's getting quite wild, and there's two cultures crashing into each other. If one of those cultures doesn't stop trying to spread around their... superstition, I'm not sure how much the other half is willing to take before going on a murderous rampage.

I don't like superstition. :(

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"I was living with a girl for a while. We worried about different things. One day, I was like, 'What do you fear the most?' And she was like, 'I fear you'll meet someone else, and you'll leave me, and I'll be all alone.' And she was like, 'What do you fear the most?' And I was like, 'Bears.' " - Mike Birbiglia

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, and The Thing :o

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dying right after i finish college to only wake up right on the first day of first grade and for that to infinitely repeat. no matter what.

Edited by jman508
i really dislike some of my teachers.
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Does anyone have negative feelings about this sight?


(you approach it, look down, and there's nasty stuff going into the abyss)

Exactly my thoughts, but I also usually think of several-metre-long seaweed tickling (or grabbing :sealed:) my feet while swimming in deep water, which is pretty uncomfortable. :S

I also fear of a new cold war, and possibly a new war in Europe. My country (Hungary) lies right in the buffer zone between West (U.S. & Allies) and East (Russia & its sphere of influence) just next to Ukraine. This location always divided two opposing cultures, great powers or alliances (Western Europe vs nomadic tribes, Western Europe vs the Ottoman Empire, Germany vs Russia, NATO vs Warsaw Pact), resulting in numerous devastating armed conflicts. Nowadays tensions are rising again, and neither side does anything to solve the situation.

Another thing I fear of is an illness which would suddenly kill me or disable me in some way (like losing my eyesight).

Edited by jmiki8
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Does anyone have negative feelings about this sight?


(you approach it, look down, and there's nasty stuff going into the abyss)

Sufficiently deep water will do it for me (more than a good few metres). There doesn't need to be anything there, although it's worse when there is. Let's say... a ship that's literally just sunk from the surface and has begun its descent, right beneath you. It's just... there's something right there, and it freaks me out. It could also be something resting on the sea floor not too far below. Then there's Nemo 33... damn, that thing scares me. 34.5m to the bottom. Y-40 is even worse.

I'm a good swimmer, though, so it's not for a fear of drowning or anything, and I can hold my nerve just fine in somewhat deep seawater (~5m), though I'm not entirely sure what to expect if I were suddenly planted in a situation like any of the above. Bathophobia (?) with a blend of megalophobia, it would seem. Lovely.

I'm sort of claustrophobic, too. Sort of. Most small spaces and I'll be fine. Others, not so much. I hate lifts (elevators) and the thought of being stuck inside one, though I'll use them if I must; if there are stairs, I'll take them. I could also never go potholing, crawling through some narrow cracks in some cave... ugh.

Fortunately for me, this stuff doesn't come up very often at all, so I'm fine :)


Damn it Bonnie. You're the worst of the Fazbear crowd, purple rabbit.

It's not a real fear, it's just... damn, that's scary.

Wish I could see the looks on your faces when you open that spoiler up :P

Edited by RogueMason
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This location always divided two opposing cultures, great powers or alliances (Western Europe vs nomadic tribes, Western Europe vs the Ottoman Empire, Germany vs Russia, NATO vs Warsaw Pact), resulting in numerous devastating armed conflicts.

I think you'll see that role was actually played by Croatia, which is evident by the fact of its look today.


At one point during the history, it was almost completely consumed by the Ottoman Empire, but it withstood the attacks as a buffer zone between the east and the west.

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I don't do well with not being able to move my arms. I'm not claustrophobic, but if I don't have a good range of motion for my arms, or if I have the perception that I can't leave an enclosed space, I will absolutely start to freak out. I'm also afraid of falling, to be distinguished from a fear of heights. I can barely stand up on a 10m diving platform. The threshold seems to be once I'm standing on something a little over 5m up. By contrast, I've been on a zipline that was easily 300ft over the canopy in the valley below on the side of a mountain, and I didn't think twice about hanging upside down with no hands. I trust the zipline. See the same thing with high bridges (think suspension bridges). I can drive over them no problem, but I get rubber legged walking (the bouncing doesn't help. Suspension bridges bounce constantly).

I've never encountered a millipede in real life, but based on pictures, I don't think I could deal with millipedes. They get too big, and I don't really do large insect/bug life. Reptiles are fine, as are rodents as long as they aren't in the house. I also don't really do earwigs. They're gross and unnatural.

I'm also totally afraid of wasps. Bee's are fine because they are pretty non-aggressive and the bumble bees are super cute, but if I am alone, wasps make me anxious and I'll usually just go inside in short order. But around other people, my fear of wasps goes away. It's not like I am sucking up my fear and hiding it from peer pressure, I actually don't feel any fear or anxiety, even when they are buzzing around my head (at that point I'll try to move away, but I'm not really that worried). It's weird. I don't care much for gardening, and this is a big part of that.

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Spiders are fine :)


I rescue the ones that appear in our house and set them free after negotiating a one-sided peace treaty with my sister. Being in the UK, that means I'm not likely to see any of the nasty ones, though if I do, I'd be retreating to retrieve small arms (BB guns...) before attempting capture, just to be safe :wink:

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So I just recently got over all of my fears due to 1 thing-

a bully.

So this kid got ticked off with me (for some reason) and starts chasing me down this hall.

He throws a punch to my back

And of all places he hit my spinal cord.

My legs just stopped.

(i can walk, it was momentary paralyzation.)

Not walking made me realize how easy it was to stop something.



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