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Workarounds to very high lag due to high part count?

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I'm guessing a lot people have had this problem before because I know my PC is definitely not a terrible PC but yet it still tanks to hell whenever I try to assemble anything in orbit. I have a two part mothership, front-end and back-end with a heavy Duna lander, a lighter Ike lander and a rover for transportation on Duna and every time I control the thing my FPS drops insanely low. I've heard about the physics thing or whatever and its at the default setting but I was wondering if there are any fixes or mods that can solve this issue without having to restart the station construction because I'm lying when I say it's taken at least 8 hours.

Whoever can figure this out gets eighty bucks and a hooker. Thank you :D

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The easiest way is to decrease the graphic quality in the settings.

Try running at 1/8 res of the texture quality with aliasing to "off", Pixel Light Count to 0 and Shadow Cascade to 0... it SHOULD give you a little FPS boost, but for very massive ship don't expect miracle either :)

And yes, it's gonna be ugly ;)

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The easiest way is to decrease the graphic quality in the settings.

Try running at 1/8 res of the texture quality with aliasing to "off", Pixel Light Count to 0 and Shadow Cascade to 0... it SHOULD give you a little FPS boost, but for very massive ship don't expect miracle either :)

And yes, it's gonna be ugly ;)

Just saw this and nope, didn't really help :L But thanks for tryin

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