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Uncompleteable Contract??

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I just accepted a contract to Perform Gravimetric Scans of Kerbin, one of which was to Record gravitational Forces above 17,800Km. However when I flew to the site and tried to record the data it said that 'Scan can't be done right now'. So far I've not found a way to get around this and complete the mission parameters.

can anyone help?

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I'm pretty sure he means 17800 meters since he was initially trying to do this in the atmosphere. I got a contract like this and it was definitely a head-scratcher for a few seconds until I realized that it would necessitate an LKO vehicle rather than a jet.

Actually I'm sure you COULD do this with a jet, with good planning one could slingshot out of the atmosphere and take the reading via high suborbital trajectory. The bottom line is that the grav sensor won't function while flying in an atmosphere.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I now have the same contract and I don't know how to solve it :(


Record gravitational Forces on the Surface at Area YCN-0

Record gravitational Forces in flight above 19,600 meters near Lemson's Triumph

Record gravitational Forces in flight above 17,200 meters near Sector R-VWU

After trying to record the data with my GRAVMAX in air at R-VWU (not possible) I landed my Jet at YCN-0. I used the GRAVMAX but the objective wasn't recognized, though the waypoint YCN-0 was flashing.

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