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Munar Surface Rendezvous


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Finally, I was able to recreate the Apollo 12 mission of surface rendezvous. Unlike Apollo 12, I was trying to join up with another manned craft. Hopefully, NASA will actually do this one day.

I launched two missions back to back. Differences in the orbit meant that one crew had less fuel, so I landed them first. The crew with more fuel was given the tough job of landing next to them.

I found at from previous attempts that it\'s a lot easier if you orient the camera and the 8-ball so that the directions match. It\'s easier to eyeball it.

I know a lot of you have done this already. I salute you. It was tough but fun!


From above.


From the side.


From the second lander, the experienced crew.


From the first lander, the rookies.


The map.


The Kerbal postage stamp.

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If they\'re still there, you might want to fast-forward until Kerbin is rising / setting behind them, and get a nice long-lens shot of that.

Except Kerbin doesn\'t move in the Mun\'s sky (well it rotates about its own axis), as it is tidally locked to Kerbin =P

Anyway, that\'s a nice landed rendezvous there, I have a few rockets to launch now!

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