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Flight crew video feed choppy

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Hi all,

Picked KSP back up again after a brief hiatus, enjoying the new features in both stock game and small mods that I rely on. However, I have noticed since I started playing on 0.9 that the flight crew video feed (the bottom right windows of their faces) is much, much slower than it used to be. I know the feeds are meant to be mildly choppy, but this essentially a 1 fps slideshow of the Kerbals inside the ship. For comparison, older versions of KSP were much smoother and would have more Kerbals in the ship. The game otherwise runs at a rock solid 60+fps, and I have in fact had a processor upgrade since I last played.

I am running mostly aesthetic mods - a couple replaced universe/planet textures, cities and lights, custom suits, etc., as well as Chatterer and KER. Only one mod that adds items (forget the name, but it adds navlights and beacons like on planes). Hardware is beyond "recommended" specs. x64 exe. Ran the exact same mods back 0.24 and 0.25 with no problems.

It's honestly a minor thing, but I personally love seeing the Kerbals react to everything that happens mid-flight. With it essentially a slideshow now, it just loses that magic. Has anyone else seen slowdown/choppiness of the flight crew video feed since 0.90 came out, or am I just unlucky?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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First of all, do not use 64-bit version.

Second, do not use 64-bit version.

Third (just in case you somehow managed to miss the previous two), DO NOT USE 64-bit version.

Last, but not least: sloppy video feed is a stock x64 bug. It was present since its introduction (0.24), and presumably doesn't affect anything.

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I like having the expanded memory support (and please don't preach ATM to me - I know about it). There is no need to be condescending in your reply...

I am aware x64 is frowned upon, but, as I mentioned, I had had literally no problems with it since 0.24, both with and without mods. This seems like something that has come up only with 0.90. Searching both on the forums and on Google for all sorts of permutations of "flight", "crew", "feed", "video", "issues", "ksp", etc. etc. led to absolutely zero results for me. I'd like to think my Google-fu isn't that bad, so I would think I would have seen something if it's a well-known x64 bug.

Am I to understand then that the x64 exe for 0.90 is worse off than the previous versions?

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