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Station Science TH-NKR Science Lab breaking rightclick menus in VAB and flight.

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Bug: Right clicking on the science lab in the VAB (or in flight) will not bring up any menu and additionally will make it so all other right click menus do not show up.

How to reproduce:

start with a new vessel.

place science lab.

attach any other part that might have a right click menu (tanks, solar panels, etc.

right click on attached part (to prove your right click menu is working)

right click on science lab. (nothing happens for me)

right click on attached part (to prove right click menu borked.

I am playing with a slew of mods and dont have a good idea of howto make a backup to see if it's Station science specifically, but it only started happening playing .90 and the mods that I think might have bearing that i'm using are Station Science, Tweakscale, Tweakable Parameters, and the SETI mod.

Can't find this issue with any other part.

Log has a line: "[ERR 08:41:34.909] [ModuleScienceLab]: No Container Module found at index 0"

Rest of log:


Edited by Venusgate
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Having exactly the issue. Same reproduction steps, similar large number of mods, etc.

Here are my logs:



Edit: It's probably not Station Science doing it, even though it's breaking the TH-NKR. Station Science alone in a clean install works fine.

Edit2: Confirmed some sort of interaction with the SETI mod. With an identical install minus SETI, the part works fine.

Edited by Wiseman
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