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How to add/remove parts from craft (after launch)

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The kraken ate my engine after I landed (it did not explode, it was fine for a few minutes then it just vanished after a quickload). I would like to re add the engine to it so I can get back into orbit (even though it was just 9,000 ✆and cheap to relaunch).

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I've never had to do this for a landed vehicle before so I don't know if it works the same. For a vehicle in orbit, what I did was edit the save file to swap a corrected vehicle which I placed on the launch pad prior to saving into the place of the orbiting vehicle. I'd be afraid that doing this for a landed vehicle might collide it into the ground but you can try it. Make a copy of the save first and then find your vessels by name.

"Swap the orbital parameters over from the existing craft, effectively hyper editing it into place and returning the old one to the surface. (Do them both at the same time, or bad things happen.) Orbital parameters are near the top of the "VESSEL" structure. Search for your vessel by name." - Claw

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If you swap them, just keep the other one on the ground at KSC till you get the swapped ship back, maybe?

Of course, you could always pull all the science out via Kerbal on EVA (which might be necessary anyway, after all, swapping ships would take the pilot with if he's still in there)

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I see it as an opportunity to send a rescue mission personally.

It would be quite a feat to rescue the ship itself though. Saving the kerbals is one thing but hovering above the ship while you grab with a claw would be beyond my capability.

- - - Updated - - -

I will just antenna it back. Thanks everyone.

I wonder if the science will be present in the ship once transferred to the landing pad. I can't imagine it will disappear.

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