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MFD rasterpropmonitor extractor


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Hello, I think that it is possible to extract a stream of MFD rasterpropmonitor in this way:

But I do not know how.

The MFD cougar Thurstmaster a display + 8 "will nickel gear level. the challenge for me is to retrieve the display synchoniser flows and the keys ...

Thanks to the good dev.

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I can think of two ways:

1) Use a multiplayer mod.

This second monitor then must be in fact a second computer which runs a multiplayer client. On your main computer runs KSP with the multiplayer server. The button bars must be some kind of custom built USB keyboards (powered by an Arduino?) which feeds a modified version of RPM.

2) There's at least on mod which allows to remote-control KSP (I can't remember a name).

The second monitor then only must be a normal monitor with some custom built keyboard bars around it. You'll then have to write a program which imitates RPM on it, connects to the mod but runs outside of KSP.

Either way it's pretty difficult stuff if you really want to set this up.

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I thought of capturing the rendered image but there's the problem that you always have to have RPM in view on your main monitor for that to work. So you either need a second copy of KSP to display that or imitate RPM outside of KSP.

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