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How to level up engineer and scientist

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Hi guys

Where in the manual does it explain how to level up the engineer or the scientist.

In fact, I dont know how to make use of the engineer at all.

Can someone please explain?

Edited by ceauke
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All professions level up with the same mechanisms I believe. For example: Orbit Kerbin, Plant Flag, Orbit Moho, Plant Flag on Eve, etc etc.

  • Engineers - Level 0 engineers have no special abilities. At level 1, they can repack parachutes. At level 2, they can repair lander legs. At level 3, they can repair wheels. They gain no further abilities with additional levels.

Here is the wiki page.

Edited by Zuqq
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All professions level up with the same mechanisms I believe. For example: Orbit Kerbin, Plant Flag, Orbit Moho, Plant Flag on Eve, etc etc.

That is my understanding as well. I've been sending groups of ~8 rookies on tours of Mun/Minmus. Regardless of the profession, they all gain the same amount of XP, as long as I remember to do exactly the same things with them (e.g. EVA in low Mun orbit).

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There's a manual?

Where's this manual?

It's a distributed architecture manual. Components can be found on the Wiki, these comment sections, YouTube, and various third party websites. Piecing it together is notoriously difficult, but not quite as bad as surviving on a desert island with nothing but a rusty spoon, or landing on Moho.

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orbit kerbin, orbit mun, land on minmus and plant a flag, dip out of kerbin SOI and then return to kerbin to get enough exp to go to lvl 3, which is full use for now for engineers and moderate use for pilots and scientists

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Hi guys

Thanks for the answers. This is what I found as well:

- All kerbals level with the same criteria. E.g. you dont level a scientist by doing science, you dont level an engineer by fixing stuff. (I tried SO MANY times to get my engineer to fix the broken solar arrays to no avail)

- Engineers start with no abilities

- Scientist start with no abilities even though it says 100% science. That is because following levels increast is to 105%. Wil be handy if they start with +0%. Its clearer then what happens

- PILOTS on the other hand, starts already with stability control even if they have no stars

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You my friend, should get a star if you managed to land on level 0 runway :-)

It's an interesting system alright. I hope that eventually kerbals will get skills in whatever they do often. Ala skyrim. If you shoot arrows, then you improve arrow shooting. After a while if you want to go level 2 or three, you need to choose a carreer but can still get the low levels of everything

In fact, in true kerbal style it will be funny if you sent your future engineer to go fix something and he breaks it because he has 0 skill. Or your scientist totally mucks up an experiment because he's not skilled yet.

You'll be going "Dont' you dare go close to that engine Jeb, I just had it fixed. I'm watching you"

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