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How do you bind keys? (Different form)

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I'm trying to figure out how to bind keys and make it easy for me to activate/use a function in-flight. Specifically, how do I bind keys to parts that are from mods? If you still don't understand my question, take BDArmory for an example. I've seen many youtubers use it and fire the weapons without the need to right click on one of the guns or missles and fire it from there. Or in B9 Aerospace when you have a cargo bay, how do you bind a key to that so when you press it, you close/open the cargo bay without needing to right click and close/open from there? Screenshots or videos will be much appreciated! Thanks!! :D

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Rizzee is right, action groups are how that is done. The linked wiki article shows how to get to the Action Group Editor, then you select which action group you wish to bind (1-9,0 are the popular ones), then select the part which you want to control and add whatever action to the group.

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Sorry I should've said that I don't know how to assign a part to a group. That's what I need to know. I do know there are custom action groups, but how is it that I assign a part(s) to a group? The wiki explaining what and how action groups are used was confusing for me to understand.

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1: Click the hammer and wrench icon up top near the ship name (picture).

2. Select the action group you want to add a part to (Custom01, etc).

3. Click the part you want to add to the action group.

4. In the "Selection" part of the window, a list of actions for that part will appear. Click the desired action to add it to the action group.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all the parts and actions you want to add to the action group are added.

6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for any other action groups you wish to add.

7. Enjoy!

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1: Click the hammer and wrench icon up top near the ship name (picture).

2. Select the action group you want to add a part to (Custom01, etc).

3. Click the part you want to add to the action group.

4. In the "Selection" part of the window, a list of actions for that part will appear. Click the desired action to add it to the action group.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all the parts and actions you want to add to the action group are added.

6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for any other action groups you wish to add.

7. Enjoy!

Thanks for the clear explanation but I just have one more problem (I know I'm a noob). After settting the custom action groups, how do we set the custom "button" to activate them. For example, how do I set it to a 9? Does it depend on what custom# you set it on? (Custom01,02,etc.)

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Yes, that's correct. Custom action groups 1~9 correspond to the (main keyboard only, not keypad) numbers 1~9 and group 10 corresponds to 0.

Note that you can change the keys assigned to each custom group through the key binding settings menu if you really want to :)

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Good show! Glad you're getting it now. I flew for a long time without using them as well, because I didn't really get it how they worked, what the purpose and advantages are. Welcome to a new era in KSP for you! You can really achieve some neat things using action groups. :)

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