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Mun Walking - an attempt to circumnavigate the Mun on foot.


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Ouch. For a while there, it seemed like you had found a way to solve the misalignment problem.

Maybe if you found a way to brace all of the legs and joints before saving? Using KAS struts perhaps?

I'd have to find some way to lower the body to the ground and lift the legs so that gravity is perfectly equal. I went back through my saves and it appears that one save, where 2 of the rotors were just a fraction off, led to them migrating even further after every save. That kind of perfection only exists in the hangar. The only other option I've been told of is a mod requiring me to drag a part around that's a hangar. Octo is big enough without that addition and IMHO, I shouldn't have to.

I've even tested time warping and then saving... doesn't work. Wherever the part is when you warp, that's where it stays, even if it's misaligned.

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Hate to see you throw in the towel on this, although I completely understand why.

As far as solutions go... I get that it's kind of a cheat, but perhaps save-editing OCTO back to pre-launch conditions might be called for? Other than being tedious, it seems like fair compensation for the game being screwy on you. As long as you're not changing location or adding / removing parts, I don't see anything "morally" wrong with editing alignment to correct game- and ship-breaking issues.

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I've spent LOTS of time developing these walkers. This mission was a test of their endurance. I know now what the limits are. While I probably could do some save file editing, here's the problem I have with that. This problem most likely doesn't occur for most people, so it's going to be low on Squad's priority list. If I do find a 'workaround' it'll be even lower.

Plus, have you seen exactly how many significant digits there are to a part's location... gaaaa.

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Hah, well I wasn't suggesting going in and manually editing each part location. More like, have one "perfect" on the runway, save it as the Override version, and then whenever you pull legs in and park on the Mun, just swap out the Octo Override for the on-mission Octo. It'd be a matter of changing location coordinates (and rotation), rather than the mind-breaking tedium of manually editing each part.

Just my thoughts though. I subscribe to Brotoro's line of thought, in that cheats / save-edits are acceptable solutions to fixing Kraken attacks and KSP bugs.

Of course, there might be another option entirely. Wouldn't help Octo II any, but for "walking around the Mun," what if you had a lightweight walker with a supply of RCS or LFO - instead of parking on the ground and remaining subject to gravity and warping effects, give a quick vertical hop and save in zero-g floating above the surface? Only major catch being, you'd need to be careful landing again, but I seem to recall your Mun Runner doing somersaults in that video... pretty sure you have the design chops for it at least ;)

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Hah, well I wasn't suggesting going in and manually editing each part location. More like, have one "perfect" on the runway, save it as the Override version, and then whenever you pull legs in and park on the Mun, just swap out the Octo Override for the on-mission Octo. It'd be a matter of changing location coordinates (and rotation), rather than the mind-breaking tedium of manually editing each part.

Correct me if I'm not mistaken, but part locations are also based on your physical location. Correct? Or are they merely based on the 'controlling' part. I know I've checked save files and even minute changes in location seem to affect part connecting points.

Just my thoughts though. I subscribe to Brotoro's line of thought, in that cheats / save-edits are acceptable solutions to fixing Kraken attacks and KSP bugs.

Of course, there might be another option entirely. Wouldn't help Octo II any, but for "walking around the Mun," what if you had a lightweight walker with a supply of RCS or LFO - instead of parking on the ground and remaining subject to gravity and warping effects, give a quick vertical hop and save in zero-g floating above the surface? Only major catch being, you'd need to be careful landing again, but I seem to recall your Mun Runner doing somersaults in that video... pretty sure you have the design chops for it at least ;)

As for save file editing, yea, I agree. But it's such a pain in the ass.

Now that second idea may have some merit but I'd pretty much have to save at the apogee point to make sure there's 0 gravity effects. May be something to experiment with.

- - - Updated - - -

Great work so far. Have you tried out Spin o tron motor mod?

Never heard of it, but I just downloaded it. Thanks!

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