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[0.90] Muscle Car Parts Mod v1.1 (Updated Feb. 13, 2015)


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DOWNLOAD LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2SZct6epOSdWGw1a2xvQWhYRnc/view?usp=sharing

WIP Thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/106003-WIP-Muscle-Car-Parts-Mod

Requires TouhouTorpedo's MMW mod(http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93205-0-24-2-TT-s-Modular-MultiWheels-7-2-Update-to-resolve-mass-bug-get-Roverpilot)

This is Version 1.1 of the Muscle Car Parts Mod, which aims to let you build useful rovers that actually have a bit of power and style to them. All relevant information on the mod is pretty much in the development link above.

New in V1.1: 1969 Swerve Sprinter(69 Charger analogue) with available General Lee livery, as well as one or two minor bugfixes that I can't remember specifically. Also added in the download is an Update Plan, so youse can know what is coming next.

The new Swerve Sprinter parked next to the KSX.

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Example shown in this driving test is a KSX in a red-white paintjob with black trim. Any of the colors can be changed via rightclick menu.

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I plan on making this a funny sales-pitch post, but have the Readme instead. I will eventually get around to making this a decent post(hopefully).


Installation: merge GameData folder with its equivalent in KSP root directory. Merge Ships folder with its equivalent in your savegame to get a pre-assembled example rover.

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Features: Slider-based painting of parts(up to four different color regions per part). Functioning head/tail lights. Optional doors/hood/trunk that open and close. Fully collidable interiors, so you can put stuff in the trunk, under the hood, or inside the cabin, as well as seating kerbals inside the cabin. Drift handling that feels sorta-kinda like a muscle car. Modular construction, and strong connections with reinforced parts to handle stunting(YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO...).

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Notes: Due to the seriously stupid(imho) way wheelcolliders work, the wheels will fall through the ground if they are not oriented properly. As of now, there is no indicator of which way is the right orientation, so I made the wheels spawn in the correct rotation when created. If you happen to accidentally rotate one and can't find the correct orientation again, the general rule of thumb is as follows: Place the wheel and orient it so that setting rideheignt(in parts rightclick menu) to 0 pushes the wheel UP relative to the orientation of the rover. In other words, you will know that you have it in the correct orientation if changing Rideheight has the CORRECT effect on how the rover would sit on the groundlower values = lower to the ground, higher = higher off ground). I plan on adding some sort of orientation indicator later.

This mod comes with its own partcategory, which can be accessed ingame by clicking on the "extras" arrow up in the top left corner(same way you would access the subassemblies list).

Painting is as simple as changing the RGBA slider values for a section of a part in the rightclick menu. There are currently up to four different paintable regions supported per model. Some models dont have four regions, so some of the sliders will do nothing. Trial and error should help you learn the ropes if the semi-self-explanatory region names aren't enough. You can also hide any of the four sections via toggle button to avoid editing a section you have right, or to reduce clutter in the rightclick menu.

The wheels require TouhouTorpedo's Modular MultiWheels plugin, found here(http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93205-0-24-2-TT-s-Modular-MultiWheels-7-2-Update-to-resolve-mass-bug-get-Roverpilot). It does work in 0.90, so you should be fine. If you don't wan't it, you will just have to use regular electric wheels.

The source is included. Duh.

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-- Me. I am the biggest issue with this mod, lol. I have little experience with KSP modding, am a middle-of-the-line modeller, and don't know the first thing about texturing or coding, really. If there's anything dumb that I did wrong, feel free to go to the release thread on the KSP forums and yell my ears off about how stupid (insert error here) was and how any intelligent person would have done it. If you want to improve on my models or plugin code(PRETTY PLEASE?), send me a PM on the forums or post that you would like to do so in the release thread.

-- the models look flat at night. probably because I suck at texturing. feel free to tell me how to fix this

-- the wheel orientation issues outlined above. I know about this and have a fix planned.

-- the rightclick menus for the parts are too cluttered. I know about this too, so I included some handy-dandy buttons to hide parts of the painting menus that you dont want to see

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To-do list:

-- inline garages to carry rovers on rockets

-- custom seats for kerbals

-- probecore functionality in engine, makes life easier

-- more vehicle bodystyles(already taking care of this one)

-- engine customization for performance(hood scoops, turbochargers, NOS, etc)

-- basically making my models and textures suck a lot less

-- anything else that catches my fancy(a lot of things do that, I have the attention span of an untrained Labrador...)

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(For now).

Yeah.... sorry about that. I couldn't be bothered to go through the details of the licenses I could have used, so this is my lazy-mode speaking. If you want to modify nsomething, just ask me via PM or forum post and I will change the license for you.

Edited by UnstableOrbit
Improving post, linking Kittabos mod review.
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This engine combined with the TT wheels is a smoke machine! Been trying to drift around the KSC, and other than a few minor mishaps (those silly trucks left around the KSC keep tearing the nose of my car off) I'm getting better at it.

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looks good :)

I would just add attachment points for doors/hood so they can be precisely. plus maybe couple of screenshots from game or using Kronal Vessel Viewer of how to assemble the car since it might be confusing at first.

Other than this I didn't manage to start and move the car so dunno what's wrong, probably short explanation how TTwheels/engine works would help:)

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looks good :)

I would just add attachment points for doors/hood so they can be precisely. plus maybe couple of screenshots from game or using Kronal Vessel Viewer of how to assemble the car since it might be confusing at first.

Other than this I didn't manage to start and move the car so dunno what's wrong, probably short explanation how TTwheels/engine works would help:)

The car needs oxygen-containing intakeair(as well as liquidfuel), first of all. So, if you are on the mun, you are going to have to use monopropellant engines(cabin contains both liquidfuel and monoprop because of this). I am currently planning to add engine pieces for the W-12 Rawror that let it operate in airless environments. If you are on a planet with oxygen, however, it is probably a fuel flow problem. The way fuel flows in KSP means that radially-attached pieces may not be able to get fuel, so try using fuel lines. Once again, I am working on a fix for this, so fuel lines are a temporary solution.

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resolved issue, I didn't install dependency mod. now I can move forward backward but can't steer no matter how I position wheels :/

You need to enable steering in the rightclick menu of the wheel. Basically, it can be modified just like a TT wheel.

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Hi! Great job with the mod! My suggestion is, can you add sounds to the cars? You know, tires screeching, engine reving. I think that would be nice.

I could look into it... I heard touhoutorpedo was experimenting with that kind of thing for his plugin, but he had some issues with it. I will see if I can fix it.

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Can you do a Plymouth Road Runner and Aston Martian if so that would be awesome. :cool:

I already have a 70 Roadrunner on my to-do list, and it was the first car I tried to model(before I even announced the mod). However, I couldn't get it to look right because I was still experimenting with how to model from blueprints at that time... the GSX was the first one where I figured out how to make it look decent. OFC, I will be revisiting it now that I have figured out how to model from blueprints in a way that doesn't look like total crap.

As for the Aston-Martin..... I'll look into some of their designs and see if any will fit in with this mod.

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I install the mod but the parts don't show up. Yes, I installed the Touhous Torpedo MMW mod and it still doesn't show up. Maybe I haven't installed MMW mod well.

What version of KSP are you using, and what folder did you put the parts in.

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