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I walked through my universities Lab Animal Facility center


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It\'s a part of job.

Normally, no big deal, just annoying to access into (restricted).

Today, it smelled of 1,000 water soaked, dead, shedding gerbils; a stench so vigorously potent it made me question my ability to finish my job.

And I\'m almost positive the stench has stuck to me.

If you\'ve ever had the chance to smell Hexenes, then you\'ll understand how bad it is when I say that this was almost worse.

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I go to University at Buffalo (SUNY). It\'s primarily a research university, that\'s where they make most of their money.

One of the medical complexes has a Lab Animal Facility (LAF) center thingy where they...do things...to animals.

I\'m relatively sure it\'s just rabbits and mice/gerbils.

No they don\'t mutate them or whatever. I think they\'re mainly used for medical experiments elsewhere in the complex.

As in they may infect a rabbit with a virus and let the rabbit culture it in its blood, then extract the blood and use it to show how agglutination tests are done in hospitals on sick patients.

I laughed pretty hard when I saw a car park in the builing\'s parking lot with a bumper sticker titled 'Animal testing is inhumane' or something to that effect.

I don\'t think they had any idea what goes on in that building >.<

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