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solar sails


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It's nothing but a little thought I have had about how to simply make a solar sail. I'm not planning to do one because of IRL stuff, it's just a question about if it could work the way I thought to make it.

Before anyone says: I know a quite realistic solar sail won't fit at all in KSP for gameplay reason.

So here is what I have in mind: the solar sail will be just a modified solar panel (i mean:edited solar panel config) . A thrust module is added to the config, and instead of being throttled by throttle control it will be by another module that reads irradiation from the solar panel module and convert it to a throttle value for the thrust module. Ovviously power output is set to 0 unless you want a solar sail-and-panel. I don't know a lot about how to deal with modules, but I think there's nothing that module manager can't handle (again:I don't know a lot module manager).

Is such a thing feasible in your opinion?


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There was a plugin but haven't seen the thread in along time it was something *FX and don't thing you can just added a module to the solar panels to get it to work pretty sure you would have to have unity and set a thrust transformer on the panel but you could use 2 parts to do what you want.

EDIT- And Interstellar mod think has solar sails and frizzank did one along time ago.

Edited by Mecripp2
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