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[0.90] Lazor System v35 (Dec 17)


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  White Owl said:
Yeah, what this guy said... me too. I was loving the robot arms and docking camera, and only installed the full pack to get the EVA construction features.

It is supposed to do that.

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Sorry, I didn't preface my question properly. I am using the standalone docking ports, I guess that makes sense for the mass Lazor applications to destroy the pad to destroy the debris, but I was wondering if there was a workaround with the the standalone mods such as the ports.

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The launch clamp explosion thing will be improved/fixed.

The eva stuff will be available on all lazor powered plugins. (i'll probably add a "cheat" option so you can enable it without having lazor system on the vessel)

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  Romfarer said:
The launch clamp explosion thing will be improved/fixed.

The eva stuff will be available on all lazor powered plugins. (i'll probably add a "cheat" option so you can enable it without having lazor system on the vessel)

well that's good news, I also seem to have a bit of lag, I'm not sure if it's the mod...

is there any know issues with the mod?

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  Romfarer said:
Allright i see what is going on here with the lazor on the helmet. It appears to be hidden but still available just by having any of my lazor powered plugins installed. It was actually meant to only be available when lazor system is installed on the vessel. anyways i now know about this bug and will correct it. In the mean time if you want to make sure that the gui is available, send your eva's out of a lazor system vessel.

Yes i have done this many times ;) but allthough i can see how it can fail i need steps to reproduce this bug.

dont know if this will replicate this incident, but heres an exact rundown of what i did just prior.

all done is space orbit approx. 100km

step 1: position robotic arm so that magnetic grasp detects light fixture.

step 2: kerbal EVA

step 3: accidentally destroy light fixture immediate adjacent to light fixture(planning to move).

step 4: successful disassemble. magnetic grasp immediately engaged after.

step 5: repositioned light fixture to new area, didnt like orientation so was going to assemble re-position arm and then reorient light.

step 6: assembled, repositioned arm, repeat step 1, 2, 4.

step 7: pull arm, light moves along the plane of object its attached to, yet will not pull off of object(as if a small portion of light is stuck inside object its attached to.

gave up, space centered out. and noticed a few hours later via my ground based laser mounted object detection device that space station had two new orbiting debri, one forward in same orbit, one behind in same orbit. one was light fixture which was stuck, other im assuming was accidentally destroyed light as it has no object model.

BTW all of my kerbals have laser mounted helmets, and none of which have been in any laser mounted vessels, my only laser system is my unmanned ground based debri removal system. the GUI seems to randomly come and go, but the laser helmet capability is always there. which i think is good, should keep it that way n just nix whatever makes GUI only pop up if kerbal is from a laser vessel.

Edited by Sinner_D
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New to the game and the forum so 1st off just wanted to say a big thanks to any and all who produce these fantastic fantastic additions to an already wonderful game.

Now I see this has already been kind of discussed on here but my issue is just a little bit different. I have installed the stand alone docking cams ( which are just superb ) as I didnt want all the other things that came included in the full laser pack.

It seems though , and thankfully I was just testing a few mods on the launch pad and not while adding bits to my space station , that my little kerbals have now developed the ability to blow things up and un-weld parts. Is this an accidental addition to the stand alone docking cams or an intended feature ?

If its an intended feature , is it a possibility to have the docking cams without the added beams of death as im sure I will accidentally blow something up I want to keep at some point.

Oh and is there a way to get rid of the target beam with a key press ?

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  Sinner_D said:
dont know if this will replicate this incident, but heres an exact rundown of what i did just prior.

all done is space orbit approx. 100km

I'll be running through this scenario and try to iron out that bug, i was half way aware this could happen so i'm keen on fixin it.

  welshboy said:
Is this an accidental addition to the stand alone docking cams or an intended feature ?

This is a bug. It's on my high-priority fix list.

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  Romfarer said:
I'll be running through this scenario and try to iron out that bug, i was half way aware this could happen so i'm keen on fixin it.

This is a bug. It's on my high-priority fix list.

Awesome , thanks for the quick reply and I look forward to the fix.

And again thanks for adding so much great stuff to the game

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Hello, I seem to have a bug where the cameras (both docking and non-docking) show only the skybox and some static models. This occurs only when I have set the in-game resolution to less than the full desktop resolution, and have set the game to full screen. If I set the game to windowed and less than full desktop resolution, the cameras work normally. Also, if I have the game set to full desktop resolution and full screen, the cameras also work normally. This testing was conducted on KSP x86 on Linux. If you need further info or screenshots, I would be happy to oblige.

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  rifter said:
Hello, I seem to have a bug where the cameras (both docking and non-docking) show only the skybox and some static models. This occurs only when I have set the in-game resolution to less than the full desktop resolution, and have set the game to full screen. If I set the game to windowed and less than full desktop resolution, the cameras work normally. Also, if I have the game set to full desktop resolution and full screen, the cameras also work normally. This testing was conducted on KSP x86 on Linux. If you need further info or screenshots, I would be happy to oblige.

Hmm I wonder if that is related to an issue I have. With the dll installed at times launching a vehicle (from SPH or VAB) causes the lighting to flicker within a radius around the ship. It looked like it was getting pretty close to its memory limit also, so I tried launching the 64 bit version but that crashed. Can launch the 64 bit version without the dll fine.

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When my ship comes within loading distance of my target, the target will completely disassemble. Each piece is ejected at differing velocities in the prograde direction. Is there some setting that I'm not using correctly? I've got the main module on docking ship but no lazers. Any suggestions?

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I've got a problem when I'm trying to dock a ship to a SS. When the targeted SS station comes within the load distance of my ship, it will spontaneously disassemble into each individual piece. Is there some setting, or something I'm not doing correctly?

Here's a picture of the aftermath :(


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Bug with Remote controll.

So i've found this bug with the RC system or error i really hav e to explain what im doing so you'll understand.

So what im trying to do is to fly 2 planes simuoltaneously by controll one plane and remote controling the other, only problem is that when i press the direction keys on the lazor system RC controll UI the second aircraft (the one im trying to RC) will not have any controll surfaces respond and it just goes of and crashes because the only thiing i can controll is thrust.

I hope you understand my problem, also just to affirm that it's not the lazor range i have tried it on max and on an appropriate level (<500m).

Please either help me fix it or tell me is it a bug everyone has?

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  WallaWalla said:
When my ship comes within loading distance of my target, the target will completely disassemble. Each piece is ejected at differing velocities in the prograde direction. Is there some setting that I'm not using correctly? I've got the main module on docking ship but no lazers. Any suggestions?
  calantlar said:
Bug with Remote controll.

So i've found this bug with the RC system or error i really hav e to explain what im doing so you'll understand.

So what im trying to do is to fly 2 planes simuoltaneously by controll one plane and remote controling the other, only problem is that when i press the direction keys on the lazor system RC controll UI the second aircraft (the one im trying to RC) will not have any controll surfaces respond and it just goes of and crashes because the only thiing i can controll is thrust.

I hope you understand my problem, also just to affirm that it's not the lazor range i have tried it on max and on an appropriate level (<500m).

Please either help me fix it or tell me is it a bug everyone has?

Same behavior here. RC is bugged and poorly implemented. I believe Rom will revisit it after getting some other stuff out of the way.

I also experience the rapid explosive disassembly when using RC or coming into range (approx 6km - despite 96km dist. setting)

Any launch supports not destroyed will warp to your ship location, causing a disaster of kiblical proportions, so make sure the mod is on prior to activating that first stage.

I've been trying to use RC to remote launch a ICBM and shoot it down as it flies over alla Missile Defense Agency. Wanted to make a North Korea-esce type fan movie but the instability of RC for launching but the kabosh on that idea.

I managed to get it to work once or twice, but it is wholesale frustration.

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  WallaWalla said:
When my ship comes within loading distance of my target, the target will completely disassemble. Each piece is ejected at differing velocities in the prograde direction. Is there some setting that I'm not using correctly? I've got the main module on docking ship but no lazers. Any suggestions?

Set the loading distance in the LazorPowered menu to default. That should fix this issue. I might actually have it set to default, err, by default as it is only the missile systems that require more range.

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  bigmos said:
I cant get the vector angles to show up when trasfering to a diff planet ???

they will only show up when your orbit is more or less circular, beyond a certain point, they won't have any meaning anyways so they are removed then

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I've seriously problem with this plugin... I mean I installed this as manual says, the game is launching but I dont see any GUI, dont see any Lazors part, except some small and big white laser, but this part dont do anything... No other parts are inside game like sunbeam, laser guided missles, cams... All other mods like ship parts works perfect, but have also problem with MechJeb. I tried to reinstall game couple times and nothing. Also I tried to install KSP and this plugin on other computers and there was same problem. Thanks for any replies.

I'm adding some log, this maybe give you knowledge what cause this:

Cannot find a Module of typename 'LazorControlT2'

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)

lazorwarhead NOT FOUND!

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)

Cannot find a Module of typename 'LazorWarhead'

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)

JCR100S(Clone) Center: (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), Extents: (0.3, 1.5, 0.4) 0.3393289

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)

Part: 'H:/KSP_win/KSP_Data\../Parts\PC_Nuke\part.cfg'

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)


(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)

lazorcontrolt2 NOT FOUND!

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)

Cannot find a Module of typename 'LazorControlT2'

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)

lazorwarhead NOT FOUND!

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)

Cannot find a Module of typename 'LazorWarhead'

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