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[0.90] Lazor System v35 (Dec 17)


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Any harm done if I've already updated .20's docking ports with the "module" entry?

(Wow, that was quick!)

It doesn't harm that you have added the modules manually but the plugin will do this anyways.

The new docking cam doens't need any parts shipped by the plugin to work either.

Just copy the stuff over and run ksp...

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It doesn't harm that you have added the modules manually but the plugin will do this anyways.

The new docking cam doens't need any parts shipped by the plugin to work either.

Just copy the stuff over and run ksp...

Uh, nice!

Less .cfgs to fuss around with!

Thanks for the cam, by the way!

Makes docking as easy as picking up kerb-girls with Jeb!

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Hey all; I've heard this mod is a way to remove unwanted parts from your stations by burning them off with Lasers... but I can't see the Sunburn part which presumably does this? I've unzipped the folders into the root KSP directory, and I can see the Lazor systems under Utilities in the VAB, but what do I need to do afterwards? And is it possible to target very small units with it, so I can make them go POP...? ;)

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Sunbeam is a separate download on spaceport, however you can cut and weld in EVA from a Lazor equiped ship.

Thank you; there doesn't seem to be any information on cutting and welding in the original post, can you explain how it's done in Lazor please? Do I need a particular colour lazor mounted on my ship?

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Thanks, Romfarer! Do you have any plans to update your robotic arms so they would not blow ships up during docked ops? :)
That's a Unity issue, not a Romfarer issue. The only advice I can give is use capslock for fine control. It at least...lessens the effects to be manageable.
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Thank you; there doesn't seem to be any information on cutting and welding in the original post, can you explain how it's done in Lazor please? Do I need a particular colour lazor mounted on my ship?

1. Have the main lazor system on the ship.

2. Send Kerbal out on an EVA

3. Turn on the lazor on the top right corner

4. Either press 1,2,3,0 or click the button to begin the option that you want

5. Click on the item you would like it to happen to.

For example. Click explode and then click the part you want to explode, make sure the red lazor is on it and not hitting another part.

Warning: using these options use some of your jetpack fuel. (I think 10% each time)


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I seem to be missing a texture.


Any ideas?

I'm going to unload all my mods, except for LAZORZ, and see if I run into the same problem. I'm installing with KSP Mod Manager.

If you can just point me to what needs to be changed/moved from what was in 0.19 (Still have that as a completely separate install) greatly appreciate it.

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I seem to be missing a texture.


Any ideas?

I'm going to unload all my mods, except for LAZORZ, and see if I run into the same problem. I'm installing with KSP Mod Manager.

If you can just point me to what needs to be changed/moved from what was in 0.19 (Still have that as a completely separate install) greatly appreciate it.

I have this same texture issue.
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The texture issue is caused by KSP Mod Manager. This is likely because the mod manager is not updated properly to account for the new file structure. You see, lazor uses the latest 0.20 file conventions.

I suggest not using any mod managers for the time being and just copy/paste the contents of the zip files over to the game directory.

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congrats on the quick update rom, commend the haste. is there anything i can do to temp fix the texture issue? still have yet to even see this GMOD thingy of .20 btw my testure issue is the parts themselves, not the hud.

update: new game data dir...makes mod installs a breeze...lol


Edited by Sinner_D
answered my own question
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The texture issue is caused by KSP Mod Manager. This is likely because the mod manager is not updated properly to account for the new file structure. You see, lazor uses the latest 0.20 file conventions.

I suggest not using any mod managers for the time being and just copy/paste the contents of the zip files over to the game directory.

I also would recommend to not ALT+TAB out of the game during the loading process. The same thing happens with MechJeb windows if you do so. Either watch the loading screen, or run it in windowed mode. FYI, there is also borderless windowed mode if you add -popupwindow to the shortcut. :)

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This is the 4th time im asking this .... will you ever fix remote controll so that it will function with planes more specifically their controll surfaces and as mentioned in a prevois post im not the only one having this problem so please at least answer.

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Thanks guys. I'll take a look into that. The mod manager has been updated, but there might be some glitching with it still. I'll pass the news on.

EDIT: Just to confirm, this worked.

Edited by Pontiac
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Thanks for making the Docking Cam a stand-alone module, as that's the only part of this light show that I'm interested in. The current installation is very tidy - no messing with config files, just delete it to get the original parts back. That's nice.

However, it still gives me the IMO useless "Lazor Powered" configuration box in the upper left corner of the Space Center view, that I can neither move nor disable. I don't need this and I don't want it. Can you give me any way to get rid of it?

Edited by Commander Zoom
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congrats on the quick update rom, commend the haste. is there anything i can do to temp fix the texture issue? still have yet to even see this GMOD thingy of .20 btw my testure issue is the parts themselves, not the hud.

update: new game data dir...makes mod installs a breeze...lol

The parts look odd because they are legacy parts. Could wait for the ksp fix or i could convert them to the new format.

This is the 4th time im asking this .... will you ever fix remote controll so that it will function with planes more specifically their controll surfaces and as mentioned in a prevois post im not the only one having this problem so please at least answer.

Remote control will be fixed to work with control surfaces. I just can't promise when it will happen.

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CXongrats on making such an amazing mod ON TOP OF being a dev :)

I fully expect you to nudge the developers to add sever features from LAZOR into the game (Welding on EVA and whatevert wizardy you used for lazor guided flight)!

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