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Leave the Solarsystem

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Ok, so here is the deal. I was on the mun and i done orbits around it until i get bored so i found out i need to go somewhere else.

TO THE SUN i said, well yea i gone to the sun.

It took me 2 days to make a perfect ship for the mission.

Things i did:

1. Orbit around the planet.

2. Speed up and go out for a sun orbit.

3. Start 'breaking' til my periapsis reaches the sun.

4. I\'m getting faster and faster while i\'m getting closer.

5. I reach the sun. (not a big thing just burn out your eyes, it\'s like you playing in front of a white background)

6. When i reach my periapsis i start speed up to 100.000m/s.

7. I\'m leaving the solarsystem.

Time: 233:00:31. (i\'m still in the mission when i\'m writing this)

Pure LH2 fuel on 10%, RCS Fuel on 15%.

Altitude: 924,122,633,260m

Current Speed: 50545m/s

Sadly i didn\'t make pics when i was in the sun I started makeing photos after i leave the system.

Is anyone tried this before ? or getting out of the orbit of the sun ?

It writes to me I\'m orbiting it maybe 10 years later i will go back i dunno.

I upload some pics. sun is getting smaller and smaller now i can\'t see it absolutly nothing around me just stars and black space.

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I actually successfully left the system twice.

First two screenshots = I flew towards the Sun, in such a way that I would pass very closely to the sun.

In third screenshot, I did the opposite - I kept pushing the apogee further and further away from the system, till I could break out of the system.

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Does sun gravity decrease as you leave, or do you always come back?

Gravity from any body decreases so long as you are in its sphere on influence.

F=G*m_1*m_2/(r^2), where r is the distance between the centers of mass.

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I have gotten over 250,000,000,000,000 (thats 250 trillion) meters with no slowing down.

I would like to see other solar systems that one could travel to, so this information is of some use.

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whats the big deal? its not hard at all to reach the sun and/or leave the system.. i sadly had to notice it has a collision model now :D.. it must have been a quick death with ~200.000m/s :D

By skirting the sun for his final burn, he\'s taking advantage of the Oberth Effect, which magnifies the kinetic energy for a set amount of fuel being burned. This results in a higher velocity excess as he leaves the system.

You could probably really break some speed records on the following flight plan.

1. Get into low Kerbin Orbit

2. Run yoursefl up to ~5000 m/s headed out the leading center of the Kerbin SOI, so you\'re near Kerbol escape veloicty once you exit, saving fuel using the Oberth Effect.

3. Coast out to a far apoapsis, then decelerate to skim the surface of the sun (Bi-elliptic transfer, cuts necessary delta-V to sundive by as much as half over the direct Hohmann drop)

4. At Kerbol Periapsis, burn the rest of your fuel (Oberth Effect again).

Takes ridiculous amounts of time and is a very roundabout path, but you\'ll wind up moving pretty darned fast.

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