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[Computers] Farewell, Microsoft!


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Microsoft specifically said not to use the technical preview for normal usage. I mean honestly it's not as if they didn't warn you. Also I'm with Frozen-Heart, I really just don't care.

And gpisic, you said nothing is free and that the prices is your privacy with Win 10, you do realize that Linux is free right? Bit of a contradiction.

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And gpisic, you said nothing is free and that the prices is your privacy with Win 10, you do realize that Linux is free right? Bit of a contradiction.

No it's not free, the price was the sweat of all the Linux community members that worked on it to make it happen. But this price is not to be payed by the user.

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My logic is: "If google/microsoft/THE MAN is watching me, then they're probably watching millions of other people too, why are they gonna spend the time watching someone who browses the KSP forums and blender tutorials when they could be laughing their sides off watching someone else who's probably 10x more interesting to watch?"

Have my data, Google. It's not that interesting. It's not like I'm a legendary lumberjack immersing himself in the wilderness leaping from tree to tree and such, then googling "oh gawd i'm falling how do I not die" Logic dictates, by statistics, there's someone with more interesting data than you.

Or someone googling "Google, can you please give me information on acronyms. Thank you, google. Sorry for bothering you" but that's another story entirely.

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I have to say, there was a world before the internet/Microsoft existed. (People got invited to parties, because we were always in contact with each other ... by phone, by face-to-face, etc.) The computer is one of the greatest 'tools' ever invented; But we've strayed from its original purpose. This is what happens when you allow Sales & Marketing and greed to dictate and direct. Those that provide have got you by the balls because you live your life thinking "I just can't live without this." ... but you're wrong, because you can, because we did. You are the enabler, because you keep buying into it. When Win10 comes out - refuse it. Go with something else (Linux FTW!). There are always alternatives... and if they're aren't, make/create them... it's how we got here in the first place.

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I have to say, there was a world before the internet/Microsoft existed. (People got invited to parties, because we were always in contact with each other ... by phone, by face-to-face, etc.) The computer is one of the greatest 'tools' ever invented; But we've strayed from its original purpose. This is what happens when you allow Sales & Marketing and greed to dictate and direct. Those that provide have got you by the balls because you live your life thinking "I just can't live without this." ... but you're wrong, because you can, because we did. You are the enabler, because you keep buying into it. When Win10 comes out - refuse it. Go with something else (Linux FTW!). There are always alternatives... and if they're aren't, make/create them... it's how we got here in the first place.

To me its needed. Where I live I have no phone signal and my friends are scattered across the country. I'm not going to drive for an hour to say 'is anything planned this week' and drive home again.

What is so wrong about using the internet and social networking to keep in contact with people? We've been given a tool that allows much easier communication with each other and with groups of people at once. Why should we refuse to use it?

If Microsoft wants to carefully study my browsing patterns on the KSP forums then by all means let them. If they want to study my more... interesting browsing habits then they better have some eye bleach on hand... ;)

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There are still cookies.

Cookies are deleted when you delete browsing history, if you choose so.

My logic is: "If google/microsoft/THE MAN is watching me, then they're probably watching millions of other people too, why are they gonna spend the time watching someone who browses the KSP forums and blender tutorials when they could be laughing their sides off watching someone else who's probably 10x more interesting to watch?"

Have my data, Google. It's not that interesting. It's not like I'm a legendary lumberjack immersing himself in the wilderness leaping from tree to tree and such, then googling "oh gawd i'm falling how do I not die" Logic dictates, by statistics, there's someone with more interesting data than you.

Or someone googling "Google, can you please give me information on acronyms. Thank you, google. Sorry for bothering you" but that's another story entirely.

[Overly political, and religious.]

Edited by sal_vager
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I have to say, there was a world before the internet/Microsoft existed. (People got invited to parties, because we were always in contact with each other ... by phone, by face-to-face, etc.) The computer is one of the greatest 'tools' ever invented; But we've strayed from its original purpose. This is what happens when you allow Sales & Marketing and greed to dictate and direct. Those that provide have got you by the balls because you live your life thinking "I just can't live without this." ... but you're wrong, because you can, because we did. You are the enabler, because you keep buying into it. When Win10 comes out - refuse it. Go with something else (Linux FTW!). There are always alternatives... and if they're aren't, make/create them... it's how we got here in the first place.

No, i'm going to upgrade to windows 10 because i game. DirectX 12 FTW.

Microsoft isn't using Windows 10 to spy on you, they don't care about what you do. The technical previews for Windows have always sent data back to Microsoft, it's a way to get free testers and publicity. Why do you think some AAA games have open betas?

Edited by ZedNova
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You have an e-mail, don't you?

Which people would have to go out of their way to contact me on. What is easier, making a single event and just adding who you want to come, or finding every friends email address / number and sending the details individually?

Why should I not use something that makes my life significantly easier?

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Which people would have to go out of their way to contact me on. What is easier, making a single event and just adding who you want to come, or finding every friends email address / number and sending the details individually?

Why should I not use something that makes my life significantly easier?

I'll answer you with the words from the lajoswinkler's post:

This is how freedom dies, dude. With passive people not giving a f*** because lifting their ass from their chairs is too inconvenient for them.

There are over9000 alternatives of keeping in touch with other people. Better, safer, private. But no, everyone's afraid to fall out of common trends.

Politics is offtopic here, but if the time comes when everyone with a little bit of authority would come looking inside your underpants - remember what you've said today and don't object.

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There are over9000 alternatives of keeping in touch with other people. Better, safer, private. But no, everyone's afraid to fall out of common trends.

Politics is offtopic here, but if the time comes when everyone with a little bit of authority would come looking inside your underpants - remember what you've said today and don't object.

That quote is completely paranoid. That has no impact on freedom.

If something start preventing my from doing things and living how I want, then my freedom is being impacted on.

And no, I don't want to fall out of common trends as that's the easiest way to stay in contact with friends. I've known several people that refused to use social networking and they all fell into obscurity due to being a pain to contact. I'm not going to basically cut contact with people to hide with a tinfoil hat on somewhere.

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The network effect is relevant to why Facebook is so useful. It's not the best software, or best privacy terms, or any of that. It's that it has the largest userbase of the social networks that makes it desirable. In the social circles I'm in you can certainly get by without it, but you miss out on a lot of stuff and are always playing catch up.

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Paradoxically, many of the things that you might do to anonymize yourself on the internet have the effect of making you more of an outlier. In some cases it's easier to hide in the noise as it were.

Some of you may find this tool interesting.


For reference, I've managed a fingerprint of one in 238,985 browsers.

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Paradoxically, many of the things that you might do to anonymize yourself on the internet have the effect of making you more of an outlier. In some cases it's easier to hide in the noise as it were.

Some of you may find this tool interesting.


For reference, I've managed a fingerprint of one in 238,985 browsers.

This scared me... It knows that I installed NASA Eyes program to my PC...

BTW I have a browser that appears to be unique among the 5,018,771 tested so far.

I'm not sure about installing windows 10 too. I don't like the fact that they put int that sh*ty Xbox feature and also cortana

Edited by montyben101
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…Why do you think they will be giving it away "for free" to legit Win7 and Win8 users in form of an upgrade?…

Because it reduces the ammount of money they need to spend offering support for obsolete platforms. Upgrades for free cost them money, yes, but not as much as having to split their workforce between supporting 7, 8, and 10 separately. Consolidating their user base allows their support staff to focus on issues that affect all their customers at once, rather than those that affect only a portion and have already been fixed in later versions. They only recently got out of the whole "extended XP support" debacle - a system that was more than ten years old, by the way - and they're keen on not doing it again.

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There is a difference between cutting contact and not following a stupid trend. Facebook is plain and simply dangerous, at least politicaly; saying otherwise is so naïve it is scary. Have you ever read 1984?

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There is a difference between cutting contact and not following a stupid trend. Facebook is plain and simply dangerous, at least politicaly; saying otherwise is so naïve it is scary. Have you ever read 1984?

How on earth can you call it dangerous. Its a web program that allows me to have a profile and talk to other people I know. A bit like this forum is.

I use it because it makes life easier and more convenient for me. Simple as that.

Edited by Frozen_Heart
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First of all, it require your real name. This forum doesn't.

Second of all, it doesn't create new contacts, as you say it "allows [you] to have a profile and talk to other people [you] know". While talking to people you know is okay, the whole concept of a profile is utterly stupid. Why on earth would you put even your name on display?

I get that you want to stay in contact with people, that's only natural. But western society have invented a concept call "Secrecy of correspondence" that cannot be enforced on Facebook.

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First of all, it require your real name. This forum doesn't.

Second of all, it doesn't create new contacts, as you say it "allows [you] to have a profile and talk to other people [you] know". While talking to people you know is okay, the whole concept of a profile is utterly stupid. Why on earth would you put even your name on display?

I get that you want to stay in contact with people, that's only natural. But western society have invented a concept call "Secrecy of correspondence" that cannot be enforced on Facebook.

I have no objection to putting my name on display. I put it on display in real life for many reasons, such as putting a CV out on a job site. I'm not trying to hide from anyone.

If you're having to move around classified info or want to remain hidden then facebook isn't your best bet, however neither of these applies to me.

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First of all, it require your real name. This forum doesn't.

Second of all, it doesn't create new contacts, as you say it "allows [you] to have a profile and talk to other people [you] know". While talking to people you know is okay, the whole concept of a profile is utterly stupid. Why on earth would you put even your name on display?

I get that you want to stay in contact with people, that's only natural. But western society have invented a concept call "Secrecy of correspondence" that cannot be enforced on Facebook.

To each their own. If I never had Facebook, I would've never met my Nephew, who I didn't know existed for 20-odd years.

If I never had Facebook, I wouldn't be able to keep in contact with people I haven't seen in years.

If you don't want someone looking at your profile, don't add them... there are tons of security options.

Really, what is there to be so scared of?

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I think it is worth pointing out (correct me if I am wrong, cicatrix and lajoswinkler) that the people expressing concern about online privacy have admitted elsewhere on this forum that they are from the former eastern bloc and former Yugoslavia. Maybe we shouldn't read their opinions so much as "paranoia" but as a warning. They are from cultures that have been down that road and it didn't end well. The phrase "you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide" is cringe inducing for a reason.

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putting a CV out on a job site.

Job sites are not better than Facebook. I'm not on a rant against Facebook, I just try to point to you the dangers of any social medias.

however neither of these applies to me

You've got nothing to hide right?

Well yes you have: do you want your insurance company to have access to your medical record? Do you want the police to know if you are politicaly left, right, center, anarchist? Do you want your parents to know what you like to do in bed with your girlfriend? Do you want the Torries government to know that you buy books on socialism?

And Facebook is all against those kind of secrets: it wants you transparent, that is the business model. Tell me it is not dangerous.

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The OP in a nutshell:

Lives in a forest, limited DSL Internet connection. Still uses a Palm OS phone without WiFi to avoid being hacked.

Downloads emails to phone through HotSync. Connect to Internet once a week for an hour, downloads all the pages and then views them offline. Uses Lubuntu as his main operating system.

Doesn't have a Google, Facebook, Twitter or Microsoft account. Can't use any cloud storage whatsoever, no MS Office, no Google search, no Yahoo weather because doesn't trust Yahoo with his location.

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Job sites are not better than Facebook. I'm not on a rant against Facebook, I just try to point to you the dangers of any social medias.

You've got nothing to hide right?

Well yes you have: do you want your insurance company to have access to your medical record? Do you want the police to know if you are politicaly left, right, center, anarchist? Do you want your parents to know what you like to do in bed with your girlfriend? Do you want the Torries government to know that you buy books on socialism?

And Facebook is all against those kind of secrets: it wants you transparent, that is the business model. Tell me it is not dangerous.

I think the reasonable course of action if one wants to use Facebook is to treat everything posted there as public.

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