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Architect's Pack


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Recently, I've been playing with the idea of bases.

Unfortunately, everything I've tried (or even seen) have been set up to require kethane/karbonite/regolith or some other resupply mechanism.

That's not how I play KSP. The fun for me is designing, building and flying, not the minutiae of supplying.

Thus, the resource requirements for things like Extraplanetary Launch Pads completely suck out the fun for me.

What I would love is for somebody to come up with a set of parts that would let me build these things, put Kerbals aboard them, launch them, assemble them in orbit or on some body, do a bit of science AND NOTHING ELSE. No planet surveys, no mining, no drilling, no shooting up rocket after rocket filled with snacks.

Isn't there something for this game designed to appeal to the architects, or must we be forced to become resource managers and bean counters?

Edited by AdmiralSirJohn
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Lack Luster Lab is what you are looking for.

It is just a ton of parts that you can put together to make whatever you want, from ship to stations. Does absolutely nothing else. I don't think it even have science modules. Just try to figure how to assemble them in other bodies or orbit, however. Or someway to haul your whole base off kerbin.

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What I would love is for somebody to come up with a set of parts that would let me build these things, put Kerbals aboard them, launch them, assemble them in orbit or on some body, do a bit of science AND NOTHING ELSE.

So, just do that then.

If you want more structural parts, Tweakable Everything and Procedural Parts will see you through most building designs possible. I haven't tried LLL stuff like RainDreamer has suggested but going by the video it might suit some of your needs.

Otherwise, Hack Gravity, use unlimited fuel or use Hyper Edit so you can get your stuff where you want. There's no real middle ground. The point of in-situ resource production and construction is that they fall within the expected nature of space exploration and are consistent with the (mostly) physics based universe that is KSP. You can always lift heavier stuff with MOAR BOOSTERZ but the whole construction thing still has to happen somewhere and getting that stuff from A to B might be easier if you keep In-Situ fuel production in mind.

If you want more stuff like static structures, there are mods for that (though I think they mostly add stuff to Kerbin) too.

EDIT: 300th post in 4-ish years.

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Head, meet brick wall.

Like I just explained over on Facebook, I don't want to tweak the game's own resources. I just want my offworld facilities (especially the launch pads and VAB-equivalent) to function the same as the ones at the Space Center. Same parts, same fuel loads, just available at all my facilities.

Is that really, REALLY so hard to understand?

(And RainDreamer, while LLL isn't quite what I'm looking for, it does look interesting.)

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Is that really, REALLY so hard to understand?

It is when the your description is all over the place.

Why talk about anything other than "I want launchpads on other worlds that work like the vanilla one."

What you want is probably something along the lines of Kerbal Konstruct then...

If you want to MAKE a launchpad on another world, via in game stuff, then ELP is what you need even if it's not what you want.

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If you want to make new crafts outside of kerbin (as in actually spawning them there with a base that you create and place down), currently Extraplanetary Launchpad is the only thing that is capable of such task. You probably should ask the mod creator if it is possible for a lite version to be made that only allow stuff being spawned off world without the need for resources. Otherwise, just make stuff on planet and hyper edit them to your location and pretend your kerbal made it, because I don't think anyone is brave enough to take on such a big task like this.

Edited by RainDreamer
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I suspect you're right.

And Kerbal Konstruct is exactly what I'm looking for. Thank you, Axelord!

(Was my description really that scattered? "Same process, different location" was really all I was after.)

And I'd like to thank you for not assuming I haven't already looked for such mods. Over in the Facebook group, they assumed I just wanted everyone else to do the work and present me with a ready-made recipe. If I hadn't been banging my head against the wall trying to find such a thing myself, I wouldn't have come across as so frustrated/hostile...

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