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Frustrating bug and issue with the forum instructions

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KSP is a really great game - one of the best I've played but its defintly a bit buggy. I've seen bug 2355 twice now where a particular ship configuration will cause KSP to exit to the desktop when you initate the second stage. Spent a couple hours testing various rover designs and am now ready to send rover probes to other planets and KABLOOEY ... game over. I was going to do the full deal and upload the log file but the path has changed from what is listed on the forum read me files.

The read me says to go to ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

But perhaps that has changed in the Beta version - I'm not a total linux hack but here is my attempt to navigate to the log file

moot@bighorn:~/.config/unity3d/Squad$ ls -l

total 8

drwx------ 2 moot moot 4096 Dec 21 23:06 Kerbal Space Program

drwx------ 2 moot moot 4096 Dec 21 01:03 Kerbal Space Program Demo

I can get to the squad directory but my ls -l command yeilds what look like two directories but I cannot cd into them :(

KSP: Beta Linux 32bit --- vanilla install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 32bit

Problem: Bug 2355

Mods Installed:


Nav Ball

Surface Lights

Module manager 2.1.5

Reproduction Steps: Build a ship of the class that requires using stack decoupler TR-38-D in the second stage and the lower stage has additional boosters + decouplers and uses the EAS-4 Strut Connector in that lower stage. In this case I use the struts to tie the tops of the boosters together to keep them from wiggling around.

There is a proposed work around where you change the physics of the decoupler which I will try and then report back

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Hi HW_Hack, we'll try to help, your KSP.log would help a lot so would updating module manager, the one you are using is very old.

/home/user/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/ is the path Unity uses for the KSP player.log on *buntu systems so should be working, though why you can't access it via the terminal I don't know, is Nautilus not an option for you?

The decoupler lives in /Kerbal Space Program/GameData/Squad/Parts/Utility/decouplerRadialTT-38K/

I know from my own Linux KSP install that the decoupler doesn't cause issues under normal conditions, so we need to find out what is happening to you, if you're running the x64 binary you will want to delete the settings.cfg and run KSP with LC_ALL=C as the location fix was not applied to the x64 build.

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  sal_vager said:
Hi HW_Hack, we'll try to help, your KSP.log would help a lot so would updating module manager, the one you are using is very old.

/home/user/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/ is the path Unity uses for the KSP player.log on *buntu systems so should be working, though why you can't access it via the terminal I don't know, is Nautilus not an option for you?

The decoupler lives in /Kerbal Space Program/GameData/Squad/Parts/Utility/decouplerRadialTT-38K/

I know from my own Linux KSP install that the decoupler doesn't cause issues under normal conditions, so we need to find out what is happening to you, if you're running the x64 binary you will want to delete the settings.cfg and run KSP with LC_ALL=C as the location fix was not applied to the x64 build.

Thanks for your offer of help - I upgraded the module manager to the latest version and retested and the failure still occurs.So I'm using that log file - its not a pretty launch but fails as soon as I stage the second stage. Here is a screen shot of my system setup - I'm using an Nvidia Linux graphics driver

Link to system screen shot


Here is the link to my log file


Let me know if the links have issues ...... as I was aware their were issues with 64bit Linux I made an effort to stay with 32bit Ubuntu

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