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Steering Issues

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Recently, I decided to play Kerbal Space Program again, and hit head-first into a problem wall: Whenever I tried to perform the gravity curve with my rockets, they would never stay still again - as in, they would wobble crazily to the point of me losing control. I know, I know, moar struts, but here's the catch: The rocket's already strutted to the max. Despite me strutting it beyond oblivion, the struts offered no effect and my rocket still wobbled to death.


Edited by Commissioner Tadpole
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Hmm...there've been improvements to the way parts attach to one another in the last few updates; a plethora of struts is no longer necessarily the answer to a structural integrity problem. Could easily be that you've got too much thrust for the size of your rocket. I've had issues with craft that were overly SASed along anything other than the longitudinal axis; without looking at your craft I couldn't suggest a fix one way or the other. Any chance you could post a screenie of the craft you're trying to launch, or better yet the craft file? Also, are you playing with any mods?

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Yeah - truth be told SAS and ASAS.......er, sorry, Reaction Wheels and Reaction Stabilizers are largely unnecessary for well-built rockets these days. You might need one - tops - and generally that's to assist a rocket with a probe core that doesn't have native SAS capabilities as its main command module. Examples are the Stayputnik and OKTO2, maybe the QBE but don't quote me on that since I'm just going off the top of my head.

Reaction Wheels, Reaction Stabilizers and Large ASAS Modules (that last one is the only one that was never renamed) all do the same thing any more; the difference nowadays is in how much torque they generate and in their size. Reaction Wheel is tiny/5 kN, Reaction Stabilizer is small/15 kN, Large ASAS is large/30kN. That change came somewhere around 0.21 IIRC, or maybe it was 0.20; I don't recall exactly. Sufficed to say that it was fixed and now there is no difference between SAS and ASAS.

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