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Stock Piston Engines: Someone building the Titanic II? Maybe i've got the thing for ya.


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Because noise, smoke and dirt.


Obviously too large, too heavy and too many parts to be really practical, at this time. Squad, we need some bearings. Small ones. But ... it's the first stock, not welded, not supported by TT18-A's, reciprocating piston engine. Using mods I have made a lot of designs which are much lighter, much smaller and use a lot less parts, and run fast too (in the kerbal universe). Almost ready to be used - just need someone to write me a kOS script for the ignition. Want to help me? Raise hand.

Anyway ... does anyone want this monster? It's not even finished, version 0.11. Amount of parts: 845. I build for the future. In a few years time, crafts with 500 parts or more will be seen as normal.

Edited by Azimech
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Cant see much but its promising. How do you power the movement ( i guess its related to the top engines firing successively?)

and is that what you mean by kos script? (firing up the engines in a peculiar way)

In a few years time, crafts with 500 parts or

more will be seen as normal

Really ? Didnt know squad was working on such performance improvement tweak.

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I use a low end CPU which I upgrade every few years, yes. Processing power has never been so cheap.

- - - Updated - - -

Miniaturize and upgrade this baby, and I'll stick it into my warships. :cool:

The best option would be to use mods, right now I'm using cargo bays as bearing rings. I'll have to find a proper alternative. Nice ships!

- - - Updated - - -

Cant see much but its promising. How do you power the movement ( i guess its related to the top engines firing successively?)

and is that what you mean by kos script? (firing up the engines in a peculiar way)

Right now I'm using action groups to toggle the engines. I've got engines pointing down and their jet pushes the pistons down, the other engines are to prevent the engine lifting off the ground. Using kOS and the wheel telemetry mod, I can have a switch that does that for me, making multiple cylinders in different shapes possible.

Take a look at this. This one could be built into a plane, although still a bit large:

Really ? Didnt know squad was working on such performance improvement tweak.

There' much optimisation to be done ... we might be surprised.

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