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[0.14+][stock Mun rocket] Namenlos

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I decided I wanted to make a tall slim rocket that has plenty of fuel to go to the Mun and back. I don\'t know if someone else has already made the same design.

I named it Namenlos because I can\'t think of a good name for it.

Anyways, let me know what you think of it.


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Not bad, I made something similar when trying to avoid using radial decouplers or fuel lines, though mine has very little reserve and no proper name.

I don\'t think mine deserves it\'s own thread so I\'ll put it here, I\'m not sure if the legs are a good idea anymore due to a recently discovered bug that causes ships to be less responsive.


Is this the same Namenlos you based your race craft on?

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Not bad, I made something similar when trying to avoid using radial decouplers or fuel lines, though mine has very little reserve and no proper name.

I don\'t think mine deserves it\'s own thread so I\'ll put it here, I\'m not sure if the legs are a good idea anymore due to a recently discovered bug that causes ships to be less responsive.


Is this the same Namenlos you based your race craft on?

I actually didn\'t base this rocket off of anything. I had a few design goals and built this.

Design goals:

1) Make it to the Mun and back

2) Have a plentiful delta-V reserve (I had about 1300 dV left over)

3) Lander with ASAS

4) Slim profile (for when a proper drag model gets implemented)

I added an SAS unit to help with the ascent. Tall rockets have a high moment of inertia in the pitch and yaw axis. If you pitch/yaw too quickly, you won\'t be able to stop it before overshooting your wanted pitch/heading. The SAS unit will greatly help to recover the craft.

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The pitch problem I usually avoid with vectoring engines, or occasionally with winglets, and most of my designs are likely going to suffer a bit with proper drag, hopefully we\'ll at least get aerodynamic nosecones.

I find one of the worst types of craft for unwanted pitch is a spaceplane, for some reason KSP hates having wings or vectoring engines mounted above the center of gravity of the rocket and I lose control with that kind of craft more than with any other.

I really wish the VAB had a CG indicator.

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