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  1. I checked; the extinctionthickness values are all already set to 1, as they are in the stock scatterer config. It's not caused by EVE because the issue still persists even if EVE is not installed.
  2. I get a big black shadow in the opposite side of the sky just before sunrise or immediately after sunset. It seems to be coming from the "Long Distance Terrain Shadows" feature, because it disappears when I turn it off. I know that Kerbin/Earth itself is supposed to cast a shadow at sunrise and sunset, but the shape, position and color here seems completely off, especially ay 14 km altitude. Is there any way to fix/reduce this? The below screenshot is taken right after sunset and the shadow is in the East. Link on Github
  3. Thanks for your reply. Yes, I have mentioned in my question that the propeller is always at maximum RPM of 460.
  4. I built a small plane powered by electric ducted fans and a few RTGs, which is capable of infinite flight. I was flying it on long flights around Kerbin where I set MechJeb to cruise at 4000 m altitude. I noticed something interesting, which is that the maximum cruise speed decreases as latitude increases. At the equator, it could cruise at 280 m/s but this speed gradually drops to 250 m/s at 60° latitude, which is a difference of more than 10%. As I flew back towards the equator, it gradually increased back up to 280 m/s. Even more interestingly, the blade pitch at which this maximum cruise speed occurs decreases from 49° at the equator to 46° at 60° latitude. The electric motors are always at constant (maximum) RPM and the mass of the aircraft is strictly constant as no fuel is involved at all. This is not an issue of bad controls as the plane is just not physically capable of cruising at 280 m/s at 60° latitude. I think the reason has to do with the temperature, pressure and density of air varying with latitude. Can anyone explain?
  5. There is a way to get scatterer working on RSS. Firstly, go into the scatterer planet folder and notice that there is a folder for each stock celestial. Inside are three files with the .half extension together with a config. Some celestials such as Kerbin have separate folders for atmo and ocean. Take note of the file and folder structure. Download RSSVE, extract it, dig inside and you will find the same .half files and configs for the RSS celestials but arranged differently. Move them into the scatterer folder and put them into the same structure as the stock celestials. Using a text editor, open every config file and update every file path inside to the correct one. You can delete the stock celestials folders afterwards. Finally, replace any other applicable file (I believe there are a few) with the versions from RSSVE Start KSP and you are good to go. Check all the celestials to make sure they work. It will be fairly obvious if you made a mistake somewhere. I would send a link with the above all done, but unfortunately I am away from my desktop now. Other visual enhancement mods working are PlanetShine, custom skybox with TextureReplacer, and RealPlume, which makes engines look beautiful. Hope this helps.
  6. Ah, I sort-of figured it out by experimenting with different values for the top and bottom row of pixels. Thanks for confirming!
  7. Hi, I have created a custom celestial in Kopernicus, but there is an annoying problem which is a spike at the north pole of the planet as shown in the image above. I am using dds 4096x2048 textures. I have already tried making the poles completely flat. How do I fix this?
  8. Yes, yes and yes, I did read through the entire documentation and I am clear what the ICRF is and how to transform coordinates. I looked through the files again and I realized I accidentally mixed up some values. The original values provided are indeed consistent. Maybe I did not explain it clearly enough. I prefer KSP's skybox to be aligned with the ecliptic instead of Earth's equator. In reality it doesn't matter whether we use the ecliptic or equator, but in KSP there is a definite direction that is upwards. Therefore I rotated all the vectors in the gravity_model.cfg and initial_state_jd_2433282_500000000.cfg files. It is the exact same system, just tilted back by 23 degrees so that the orbit of Earth is in the horizontal plane of the skybox. Link here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gjgRcA_bMposrlMfnkW6zvEwJdCQkeL Tested and working. Let the truth speak for itself before calling what I did "incorrect". TLDR: By default, Principia aligns the solar system such that the Earth's equator is in the horizontal plane of the universe. This modification aligns the ecliptic to the horizontal plane of the universe instead. It is a mostly cosmetic change to the orientation of the skybox.
  9. Hi, can you please change my name to VincentThacker? I am standardizing my username across different platforms. Thanks
  10. Thanks a lot! I could not understand why my Eve lander suddenly started rolling uncontrollably at a certain point during atmospheric entry. I even edited the craft file to make sure that all the identical parts (such as multiple groups of legs and parachutes placed with symmetry) were placed at exactly the same height along the vertical axis, ensuring that the craft had complete cylindrical symmetry. I was at my wit's end until I found your solution. I turned off SAS and it stopped. You made my day. +1
  11. Oh. Looks like the absence of heat shields was the problem. Thanks for your reply!
  12. So my probe finally reached its destination, Jool. It came in on a regular intercept path, and I aimed for a very shallow aerobrake in Jool's atmosphere at around 8500 m/s, with periapsis at 195 km. Around 10 seconds after entering the atmosphere, the entire probe exploded. There were no flames/re-entry effects, and certainly no red overheat bars seen during a regular re-entry (such as from Minmus). Everything (except the MechJeb module) just instantly exploded. I'm suspecting this is what happened. Does this problem still exist? If it does, is there a workaround (other than Tylo gravity assist)? I'm playing on KSP 1.4.3, with only MechJeb and other visual mods.
  13. Nope, craft above solar escape velocity just keep going forever. You can't "leave" Kerbol as it's gravity well is infinite. Only the Kraken knows what will (eventually) happen to them.
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