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  1. Hi, (I play stock, without copernicus) I feel like the contract pack does not generat contract with ap/ep below Kerbin Geostationary Orbit ? All "put new satellite in orbite of kerbin" type contract propose orbit over 2-3M meters, that really huge.... There is a settings some-where to modify the RNG ?
  2. The only question are if that will be a "ARM like" DLC or a "Making History like" DLC
  3. Hello, First, thanks for this beautifull pack, I like it from the first version !! Just a question : It's possible to desactivate clouds on map ? it's quite difficulte to target KSC with clouds ... Thanks
  4. So Size1 aren't size1p5 .... same problem Thanks
  5. A little update with a new collection with "couplers"
  6. Hi, I don't know where I must post there... I working on a API exposing part data ( https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/174216-ksp-api/ ) but, on working on parts, I have see some errors On "making History" parts The LV-T91 "Cheetah" and LV-TX87 "Bobcat" Engine, are declared as Size 2 but they are Size 1p5 in game In Fuels tanks : the FL-A150 Fuel Tank Adapter (Size1p5_Size0_Adapter_01) are declared as a size0 => size2 fuelTank, but in game its a size0 => size1p5 fuelTank the FL-A151L Fuel Tank Adapter (Size1p5_Size1_Adapter_01) are declared as a size2 => size2 fuelTank, but in game its a size1 => size1p5 fuelTank the FL-A151S Fuel Tank Adapter (Size1p5_Size1_Adapter_02) are declared as a size2 => size2 fuelTank, but in game its a size1 => size1p5 fuelTank the FL-A215 Fuel Tank Adapter(Size1p5_Size2_Adapter_01) are declared as a size2 => size2 fuelTank, but in game its a size1p5 => size2 fuelTank Generally In several "old parts", the size are not set on node_stack_* attributs ( exemple : mk2_1m_Bicoupler ) or incorrect ( exemple : adapterMk3-Mk2 as a top as size1 and bottom as size3, instead mk2 and mk3) Thanks for game !
  7. thanks Kerbart for stagging code in https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/130742-14x13x122-krpc-control-the-game-using-c-c-java-lua-python-ruby-haskell-c-arduino-v047-27th-july-2018/&do=findComment&comment=3105021
  8. Hi all Another update here, I have add some new collection ( Separators, Adapters) and some new stack item to the parsing. Thanks tor your interest DrDam
  9. @JPLRepo : Where can I found planetary Data like Go or atmosphereCurve like profile in files ?
  10. Hi all, Just an update on the API. I just add some "collection" callback, they help you retrieving "filtered parts" with some computed fields ( for engine, Thrust for each ISP value on curve). Actually the two only collection are "engines" and "fuelTanks". If you need more, call me. Thanks for you interest DrDam
  11. I @JPLRepo In the class "module Engine" ( https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/class_module_engines.html) they are 5 attributs containing curve data : atmosphereCurve : a curve to determine loss or gain of thrust due to changes in atmosphere vs vacuum values are based on ISP to ATM Pressure atmCurveIsp : Same as atmCurve, but changes Isp not flow atmCurve : Normally thrust is proportional to density, but we allow tuning. Tuning is especially needed because there's no stratosphere, so temperature keeps decreasing and thus speed of sound keeps decreasing velCurve : replacement for the existing module's velocityCurve. Note that its x value is Mach, not m/s velocity. High-bypass turbofans will see thrust decrease steadily from static. Low-bypass turbofans and turbojets will see thrust decrease slightly up to about 0.2 Mach then increase steadily until the limit is reached (both in terms of heat, and incoming compression vs compressor compression). Ramjets have 0 static thrust, and do not light until 0.3 Mach or so, but once lit have steadily increasing thrust until Mach 5, when the incoming air can no longer be slowed to subsonic (combustion must be subsonic for ramjets). Thermal limits also apply, of course. For heat limits, see machLimit, below. velCurveIsp : Same as velCurve but changes Isp not flow For the atmosphereCurve, in some parts, the curve are compose by 2 values ( Atm / ISP), but in other ( like toroidalAerospike cfg file) curve points are composed by 4 values : What is the signification of the 2 others ( -50 and -73.71224) ? The atmCurve seems limited only to JetEngine, each point are composed by 4 values, what are their signification ? ( same as atmosphereCurve ) ? Same question for the velCurve, each point are composed by 4 values, what are their signification ? ( Mach Number, ? , ? , ? ) ? I have not found parts with atmCurveIsp or velCurveIsp attributs in .cfg files Edit : In the same way, there are a real distinction between Engine implementing ModuleEnginesFX class against those implementing ModuleEngines class ? ( I work on configuration files) Thanks DrDam
  12. Hi @SQUAD, I'm working on a API which expose part data as webservices ( kspapi.drdamlab.net), and when I looking for listing all engines of the game, I discover they are split in 2 category ( Engine and Propulsion) The first ( Engine) seems containing all "old" engine ( before 0.23.5 - ARM pack) The second ( Propulsion) seems containing mixed parts like engine ( since 0.23.5) , fuel tank ( mk2Fuselage * ) , and some parts from making history pack Is there a particular reason behind this split of engines ? DrDam
  13. Hi all, I just update the Api service : http://kspapi.drdamlab.net/ You can now found : Documentation in english Services for searching parts between many criteria ( category, tech needed ...) Services for getting part data with different level of "volume of data" Services for getting "strings" from dictionaries, ( because "autoLOC_500178" don't speek, "Heat Shield (0.625m)" a little more) Thanks for your interest
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