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Where is a good place to learn C#?

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I know it a little, as in "knows enough to be dangerous", but it seems clear that a more complete knowledge would be to my advantage.

So for those who are formally trained, what would you suggest?

I have googled it, but I find lots of options, some of which seem to bundle c# with a wealth of other things, but I'm just interested in c# and I don't want to just pick one at random.

I'm not new to programming either, started with BASIC and went on from there to mucking around hacking c++ code, but skipped much of the structural stuff so classes and things like static, public, private, etc. don't mean much to me... Nor do the rules of asynchronous execution - which if you know basic makes sense since those programs followed a straight line - so within a function I'm fine, but the further out you get the shakier I become.  lots of trial and error, and that's slow going...

Edited by tg626
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The only thing I can think of is: buy good book(s) about the language.

  •  The C# Player's Guide (2nd Edition)
  • C# 6.0 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference
  • Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step (8th Edition)

I'm not very fond of general online tutorials as a starter, they are good to expose specific features but won't teach you the basics, at least they can't rival a 400 to 600 pages book after all.

If you have a specific question about how something works, go to the Microsoft (MSDN) web site (there are also some good guides | here there). There's usually an example about the feature you are searching for (e.g What's a static class and static members).

Lastly, if you are interested in KSP plugins development, you should at least:

Note that Unity is still stuck at the 3.5 framework features but you can still use some of the features of the C# 6 language (e.g. Null propagation or interpolation strings) in a KSP plugin: the framework and language versions are two different things. 

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As you have a background in programming already, there are decent online lessons.

I can't find a link because it's been so long, but there was a set of 7 online videos that I used to get going.

As for KSP specific stuff, looking at other people's code is really the only way to go. Asking questions on the forum also works, but the more specific the better answers you will get.


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