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Everything makes debris?

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I tend to do everything in my power to make the game as realistic as possible so i was wondering if there is a mod out there that makes it so everything including solar panels and fairings makes debris when destroyed? instead of just making temp objects that delete themselves.
I know it would make the game harder and more laggy but immersion is everything.

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There's a game setting (under "settings" on the first menu after startup, on the right side), for "max persistent debris" -- you can choose how many "debris" objects the game will keep.  Once full, the oldest ones will despawn (I think).

Now, this still won't keep "parts of parts" -- if a solar array was a single part when you built the vessel, when it's destroyed (by reentry heating, or an impact, for instance), it's gone -- but if the core of a spacecraft is destroyed, pieces attached to it will fly loose and become debris.  With this setting high enough, that'll let you have a nice Kessler infestation before you've finished out your tech tree.

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I have my max debris set to unlimited but what I want would for solar panels and farings to make allot of debris when destroyed. I am so far quite good at maximising my proffet returns by launching in one stage finishing the mission then recovering the stage from orbit afterwords. What I would like is if you have a solarpowered  station in orbit and the panels get damaged to keep the parts instead of deleting them.

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The fairing and solar panel pieces are not actual parts, just visual effects.  There is no way for mods to make them parts without replacing the base parts themselves.  The Procedural Fairings mod uses shells that are actual parts.

Edited by Alshain
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10 minutes ago, Physics Student said:

What's the point of debris anyways? It doesn't affect the rest of the game in any way, whether it is deleted or piles up in orbit doesn't make a difference. 

My older station was hit by a small debris cloud once, now it is a large cloud of debris...

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I once made kessler bombs, as many parts as I could launch with separators all on one action group, I would spin the craft then fire off the debris. I did it all on pretty much the same orbit to maximise density, some in opposing orbits so the parts approached at 4km/s. There were over a thousand pieces of debris, I could not see orbit lines, it was a solid block of orbit line. The game lagged greatly.

Then I moved focus to my station and waited for it to explode in a cloud of debris.

And waited, and waited.

The anticipated impacts did not happen, the game was very laggy and slow, it was a LOT less fun.

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2 hours ago, John FX said:

I once made kessler bombs, as many parts as I could launch with separators all on one action group, I would spin the craft then fire off the debris. I did it all on pretty much the same orbit to maximise density, some in opposing orbits so the parts approached at 4km/s. There were over a thousand pieces of debris, I could not see orbit lines, it was a solid block of orbit line. The game lagged greatly.

Then I moved focus to my station and waited for it to explode in a cloud of debris.

And waited, and waited.

The anticipated impacts did not happen, the game was very laggy and slow, it was a LOT less fun.

To quote Hitchhikers, "Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space." God, that was an incredible book.

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13 hours ago, Spricigo said:

No,  it wouldn't. Nothing better to break the immersion than being unable to play the game because of lag. 


I've had allot of debris in orbit with no problem before, a mod like that would be only for people with beefy computers I guess but I would still download it

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1 hour ago, SYDWAD said:

I've had allot of debris in orbit with no problem before, a mod like that would be only for people with beefy computers I guess but I would still download it

Which don't mean :

A) much more is necessary to cause lag. 

B) lag will not be frustrating if/when occur. 

C) such idea would improve realism a sensible amount. 

If you get a way to archive it, without lag,  more power to you. But that was not my point. 

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6 hours ago, Streetwind said:

@Spricigo Yes, but you miss his point as well :wink: 

He has a clear idea what he wants, and understands the tradeoffs. Your disagreement with him is a mere matter of opinion and preference, so the two of you will probably just have to agree to disagree.

To be fair, I didn't even aimed at his point. :confused:  But yes,  a mere matter of opinion. No big deal if we disagree 

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