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the bridge of death


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My name is astrokerb. My quest is to not kill the three kerbals I definitely sent on purpose to Minmus. With a little editing of the game's code, any engine is the most efficient!

What is your name?
What is your quest?
How many waffles [B][/B][I]with syrup [/I]are there in Massachusetts?
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massuchsets is a a [SIZE=1]very[/SIZE] small part of earth and of universe why anyone should care about syrup there and only there ?

wink .. the guy that usually wink ...
did i ever told you not too walk on this bridge before pming me ?
did i ever told you not too walk on this bridge before pming me ? now i did. Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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  • 7 months later...

Dont worry bout it dude its am here

Name: fidelfadel from dibble dabble on the far side of the island od skidaddle. 

Quest:Asymtotal paddle, or any reasonable likeness thereof. 

How many great circles reach the exact opposite point of the earth that do not cross a termination?

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By my estimate, many.

Name: RocketSquid

Quest: To seek... huh... oh carp. It was either "the holy grail", "enlightenment", or "an easily accessible E-class asteroid".

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? (please provide values for all varieties of swallow)

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  • 2 weeks later...

you ll find the values wrote on the floor if you continue walking here , on that bridge ; ) seen them long ago keep walking

name: wookayr

quest: building a c4 helmet, because it's should be pretty fast end efficient and use it away from as most being as possible, i still might hurt a few accarrii and plant but well ...

do i look like a being awaiting any answer from any question ?

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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4 minutes ago, WinkAllKerb'' said:

you ll find the values wrote on the floor if you continue walking here , on that bridge ; ) seen them long ago keep walking

name: wookayr

quest: building a c4 helmet, because it's should be pretty fast en efficient and use it away from as most being as possible, i still might hurt a few accarrii and plant but well ...

do i look like a being awaiting any answer from any question ?

Yes you are waiting the question to 42. C4 helmet may get you the question faster or no questions at all.

Name. The Hermit

Quest. To find the place no one else wants to find. 

Question. If antimatter can go backwards in time might the universe expanded in time in both directions? 

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Name: Quasarr

Quest: To find the absolute best holiday musical light-up pop-up card. 

Answer: In our universe, i think evidence points to no. After all, antimatter has about the same mass as normal matter, and therefore can only contract the universe, not expand it. If you're talking about before the big bang, however, or the supposed dimensional wormhole that caused that illogically large Quasar grouping (who are my brethren and who meeting is my side-quest), possibilities exist.

New Question: If i had a strong enough magnet, and i put it on my skin, could i get a hickey from it attracting the haemoglobin in my blood?

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die.

2. I don't know, I just, like... took a walk or something...

3. The viscosity of liquid helium is zero. It's a superfluid.



Who are you!?

Who sent you!?

What do you know about operation Blackbriar!?

Edited by Matuchkin
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I was sent by the Committee to Regulate Forum Games Pertaining To Things That Are Deemed To Be Able To Be Described By An Adjective (CRFGPTTTADTBATBDBAA)

I know that it is called Operation Blackbriar.


What is your name?

What is your excuse for being on Forum Games?

Who created the 3x3x5 Rubiks Cube?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Basically that's the name you read and try to give a meaning, technically ;

i m virtually killing time, while waiting for time to kill me for real
to do so i'm thinking about making two survey:
-1 how many %time (@10% interval) a day you spent with(and/or)out other being of your kind in direct proximity ?
-2 can your read braille on your first attempt with your fingers, or aren't they sensitive enough; because not trained enough as well to count and perceive the variations and shape ?

a mind away from the 95% gauss's


What is your name?

What is you quest ?

Do you surf the waves whatever their frequencies and amplitudes ?

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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I am cubinator. My quest is to cross all seven bridges on this river exactly once. I only surf microwaves and x-rays.

What is your name?

What is your quest?

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck hammers?

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  • 3 weeks later...

My name is unknowable to the uninitiated.
The meme density would appear to be infinite, since the count of words is positive and nonzero, but the count of words which are memes is zero.
It is high noon along one meridian at all times, eclipses excepted. However, if one defines "high noon" as a given time on a clock, the answer is once every hour, in each time zone, half- and quarter-zones excepted.

What is your name?
What is your ultimate purpose?
How many potatoes do you need to plan for space?

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1 hour ago, 0111narwhalz said:

My name is unknowable to the uninitiated.
The meme density would appear to be infinite, since the count of words is positive and nonzero, but the count of words which are memes is zero.
It is high noon along one meridian at all times, eclipses excepted. However, if one defines "high noon" as a given time on a clock, the answer is once every hour, in each time zone, half- and quarter-zones excepted.

What is your name?
What is your ultimate purpose?
How many potatoes do you need to plan for space?

My name is njmksr the wise, slayer of Krakens, and defender of airspace.

My ultimate purpose... Is to be the very best, like no one ever was.

And approximately one crate of unfrozen potatoes are to be sent along with any Ares mission as per the Watney Doctrine.


What is your name?

What is the best generation of Pokémon?

And finally, SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!


(Yes, I know that is a request as opposed to a question, but whatever.)

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Larger than I can represent here.

My quest is that of knowledge, power, and a balanced diet of souls.

"your quest" is after "What is "

What is your name?

To whom do you give your children's blood?

For what reason do you give your children's blood to this entity?

Edited by 0111narwhalz
Forgot the challenge
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  • 3 months later...

- so that's wink just wink

- just to watch them grow a noah arch away from pluto in [insert number of years and not everyone gonna leave anyway] here

- i do wonder if people sometime are even serious ...


-oi yo sup hello bonjour konichiwa etc. etc.

- so your looking for something, oki no problemo homer

- i do wonder if sometime peops are even serious


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Yo Soy Último steve.

My quest is to explore High School, the final frontier. to continue the mission of the Red Beacon, it's now sixth mission: To carry art supplies, a camera, and an altimeter to great altitudes, to explore strange new classrooms, to seek out new social interactions, to BOLDLY GO WHERE NO STEVE HAS GONE BEFORE!

People are serious when they are not, and are not when they are.


What is your name?

What is your continuing mission?

Should you trust engineers?

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Which save? There is a 10% chance on current computer, 40% chance on older computer, and a 90% chance if you're talking about the other computer... It you're talking about the library computers, who knows...


State your name or be destroyed.

State your intent or be obliterated.

In order to obtain a permit to cross, you must answer: "How many seconds are in eternity?"

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hello nine car accident later (and else) im getting out of the crash yawning, while others have there leg shivering (i also yawn while the car is rolling asking myself, ah with luck may be this time)

i like this thread

do you like this thread ?


name, quest, question your turn and welcome


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