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Retro Future parts pack


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I released this on another board, and figured people here might be interested as well. I\'m doing mostly random things requested by various people. All models and textures were done by myself.

This pack includes:


A \'power decoupler\' someone requested. This thing tends to detonate anything smaller than the large solid boosters from Sunday Punch\'s pack. Use with caution.

Fast burning solid motor; provides a nice kick in the pants but burns out pretty fast.

Nifty retro-style nose cone

A small winglet

Suspicious looking device. It doesn\'t seem to do anything. It almost looks like some kind of re-entry vehicle, but it\'s not big enough for anybody to fit in.

A .5m decoupler to get rid of it with. Or the parachute, escape tower, or anything else that fits a .5 meter form factor.

A storage module made for the waste disposal challenge. also available seperately

A small solid booster modeled after the Mercury retro-rocket.

Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21315217/Parts.zip

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I like the idea of having 50's style parts, it fits with the game very well!May I request a sort of glass dome with seats as a crew module?

Hmm, only problem with that is that the engine doesn't have full alpha channel support, so you can't have a translucent glass texture. It does have transparency but it's either visible or invisible.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I don\'t think we can make 5-1 adapters or similar yet, can we? Otherwise there\'d be a MIRV base in there.

You can make an upward-facing 5-1 adapter, however, it will not allow you to reconnect multiple branches from farther up. As in, you can\'t go pod, 1-5 adapter, 5 tanks, 5-1 adapter, engine, and have the engine pull from all five tanks; it will only connect to and pull from one. However, if you have the parent part (the part closest to the command pod) connecting to the 1 side of the adapter, you could put five 'suspicious-looking objects' on top.

TL;DR - Yes, you can, but it would only work the way you expect if it\'s mounted above the command pod. Which should be fine, really...

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Hey, Oniontrain, I was wondering, would you have any objections to my attempting to modify the 'suspicious-looking object' into a command pod, for use with half-meter sounding rockets?

Go right ahead, though that would be more cramped than the Gemini capsule. I\'ll try a MIRV base when I get some free time

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I can\'t get the waste container to attach to anything? Am I doing something wrong?

It works fine for me, what are you trying to attach it to? I just used a regular stack decoupler on top of it.

Also I\'ve fixed the weird textures for the new version.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like it\'s missing the .5 meter decoupler now. As well it would be great if we had a hollow decoupler that went along with the mercury retro rocket, that way the pods won\'t look like they\'re floating above the rocket. Current hollow decouplers are either too long or too short.

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