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Someone wants some spacejunk?


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Hi fellow rocketeers,

Anyone elese having issues with space junk and a good solution to it :D? I now really understand the issues we have in the real world with old rocketparts and junk.

I actually had to warp time to get a safe launch window today when i put a new reactor on my moon base.

I tried to built a kind of collision based junk destroyer but it s sometimes quite hard to hit the smaller parts which actually make the bigger part of the junk :D

My Kerbal Space Station actually was hit by a junk piece and lost a solar pannel...

So anyone has a good idea to get the crap out of orbit :D?

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If you don\'t mind going out of character ('cheating') you can edit the save file. Unistrut wrote a helpful post about that here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=8814.0

Going forward, you can reduce accumulation of space junk by timing your stages to go into unstable orbits. Sorry, that probably means redesigning your ships! Drop the last boosters in the upper atmosphere, and use some of your descent module fuel for circularisation and Trans-Munar Injection. Or something similar. I like to leave intact descent modules landed on Mun; to me they\'re like little trophies and don\'t get in the way there.

But an easy way to keep your sky clean is to time your launch so that you can burn straight into the transfer orbit. Just interrupt your gravity turn at 35 degrees or so, and then 'steady as she goes' until your apoapsis is 11.4M KM. (When we were playing the demo this was easy; Mun was always in the right place for immediate launch.) If you skip making the parking orbit, all your boosters and junk will have a periapsis of 'squish'.

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