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  • 1.11: Weighing in on some changes


    There’s a lot of cool stuff in 1.11 Some Reassembly Required, and the Squad team hopes you’re enjoying it all!   I’m here to share a few thoughts on some tuning changes we’ve made to the game.

    Kerbals on the Scale
    Kerbals have always had a mass in the game when they’re EVA - 93.875kg.   That included themselves, their suit, their EVA jetpack, and their parachute, plus any Snacks they managed to hide on themselves.

    Now with jetpacks and parachutes being something Kerbals can choose to go without - for better or worse we’re taking the time to update and rectify some things around this.

    On the Scales:
    First, Kerbals got a little fatter - now tip the scales at a full 94kg, fully loaded.  A little weight gain is expected after almost 10 years on a job this stressful.  Here’s how that breaks down:


    IVA Kerbals have mass now:
    Second, we’ve gone ahead and made Kerbals have a mass IVA.  Previously, whenever a  Kerbal got into a craft, their mass would be nulled out.  Now, the weight of the Kerbal itself - 45kg with their suit on, plus anything their carrying - gets added to any part they’re riding in.    

    Note: The command seat was a special case as that’s still an EVA Kerbal, and the Kerbal’s mass always counted.

    To keep everything roughly as it was before, all command pods are now automatically 94kg lighter per seat - that’s the weight of one Kerbal plus an EVA jetpack and a parachute.   All other parts that could contain a Kerbal - crew cabins and the MPL - are 45kg lighter per seat, as you hopefully won’t be kicking your untrained passenger


    This automatic readjustment can be disabled on a per-part basis for modders who might want to do so.

    EVA fuel has a density now:
    Kerbal EVA fuel was always a bit abstract.  With the addition of separated jetpacks and the EVA Fuel cylinders, we’ve adjusted that.  Now EVA fuel is 5kg/unit, and the Kerbal respond as you’d expect as it's burned up - jumping a little higher, being able to accelerate faster with the Jetpack.

    Crewed part tuning adjustments:
    Since we’re already messing with pod masses a bit, we went ahead and made a few changes to the tuning of certain pods.

    First, all of them have inventory capacity, to store some baggage if you’d like.  The amount of space involved depends on the part.

    Second, we’ve adjusted a few to align them more with other parts.

    PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container:  Its mass was adjusted from 2.5 tons to 2.07 tons, and it now has some significant cargo storage capacity.  This makes it closer to the average .5 tons/passenger that other passenger containers had, accounting for the extra benefit of that large storage.

    Mk3 Passenger Module: Its mass goes from 6.5 to 7.18 tons:   This part was judged to be too mass efficient vs other passenger storage modules, so it got bumped up.

    PPD-12 Cupola Module: Its mass was cut from 1.8 tons to .886 tons:  Despite giving some glorious views of the cosmos, it's always been much too heavy, given how few Kerbals could get a view from inside it.  Perhaps its now being built with transparent aluminum?   Its cost was also cut in half, from 3200 to 1600.

    Mk2 Crew Cabin: Its mass goes from 2 to 1.85 tons - which is slightly less than the tuning adjustments for the passenger mass might otherwise have lowered it to,, since its built in lifting surface is now accounted for.

    There’s a lot more that’s gone into 1.11, and I hope you check all the changes out at the 1.11 intro and change log.  Feel free to add a comment here if you’d like more info on some of the details behind the game design of this update!


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      On 12/31/2020 at 1:46 PM, panarchist said:

    It was never confirmed by a dev at that time as far as I can tell.


    Actually it was confirmed, by the creator of the game no less :)


      On 12/19/2013 at 3:58 PM, HarvesteR said:

    The original idea (and implementation) was indeed that the Kerbals would use the monoprop from the pods to fuel themselves.

    During experimental testing however, we noticed everyone was getting frustrated with it because those tanks, being just normal mono containers, would get drained out using RCS, and when it was time to EVA there would be no more fuel left for them. It didn't work as well in practice as it did in theory, and without a total rewrite of the RCS flow logic, which we just didn't have the time for, we had to think of something else.

    In the end, this feature was causing more aggravation than enjoyment.

    There were other issues as well, for instance, the mono on EVA suits had to be 'hacked' to zero density, otherwise the added weight would make Kerbals unable to walk properly (just those 5 units of mono was several times heavier than they are themselves). The EVA propellant resource can have its own defined properties, so it works without having to resort to hacky fixes.

    The switch to EVA prop solved all those issues without having to do a full reversal back to the old system. Now they have all the advantages of having a proper resource-based pack propellant, without the problems that arose from that fuel being the same as the one used for RCS.

    I decided to leave the RCS containers on the pods however, because that did prove very useful for minimal craft designs, as you noticed as well. :)




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    With the upgrade how can you get an engineer to carry the cargo of a Communotron dts-m1 to do the Attach communotron dts-m1 on the spacecraft contract?

    I remove jetpack and parachute and can carry the DTS-M1. However without the jet pack how do you get to the other spacecraft and return?

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      On 1/11/2021 at 1:22 PM, IanCanberra said:

    With the upgrade how can you get an engineer to carry the cargo of a Communotron dts-m1 to do the Attach communotron dts-m1 on the spacecraft contract?

    I remove jetpack and parachute and can carry the DTS-M1. However without the jet pack how do you get to the other spacecraft and return?


    I've struggled to find any instructions for this mode (somebody please post a link if any exist) but I found by accident that after you pick up a part (from a cargo module or just somewhere on a ship) you can hit "i" again and it's stored temporarily in a magical invisible fashion (but the Kerbal turns blueish as a hint that something is afoot). You can then EVA around, hit "i" again, and bingo it's on your cursor waiting to be placed.

    So, no need to ditch the jetpack. Ditching the chute does help tho cos you can store small/light stuff there to speed up the work.

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      On 12/19/2020 at 10:53 PM, eberkain said:

    Or, you see that there are five different actively developed life support mods and realize it is a popular feature that many players want to have. :cool:


    And some players dont want it, if they do add it i hope you can toggle it on and  off cuz im not one for life support

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      On 1/11/2021 at 11:06 PM, Souptime said:

    And some players dont want it, if they do add it i hope you can toggle it on and  off cuz im not one for life support


    when they added the stock commnet it was made entirely optional, so I'm sure they would take the same approach for a stock life support system. 

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    Interesting. A fully fueled jetpack weighs masses as much as a suited kerbal. So a bare kerbal will be able to jump quite a bit higher than a "fully loaded" kerbal. I'll need to remember that when I can't quite reach the ladder....

    Hmm, too bad the suits don't have a mass. Maybe the future suit could be a little lighter? And tourists don't even need suits, right?

    Edited by StrandedonEarth
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      On 1/11/2021 at 11:06 PM, Souptime said:

    And some players dont want it, if they do add it i hope you can toggle it on and  off cuz im not one for life support


    Same. One of the (many) things I like about KSP is that there's no life support. I think it would be cool as an added challenge, along with mods like realism overhaul, but not for stock.

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      On 4/20/2021 at 8:25 AM, ShuttlePilot said:


    also i'm talking about MAJOR updates, the other ones are bugfixes



    a) I know you're talking about major feature updates.
    b) We won't definitely know which update will be last unless SQUAD declare it themselves. So far, there hasn't been an official statement on KSP's end of life.

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    But I feel like it's near. No need to number strict statements. I feel like it because KSP2 Is near.

    I also wonder if KSP2 will be available for free at the first few days of it's early release. Would be nice, because it will the price of it is 3 times above my budget.

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      On 4/20/2021 at 8:49 AM, ShuttlePilot said:

    But I feel like it's near. No need to number strict statements. I feel like it because KSP2 Is near.

    I also wonder if KSP2 will be available for free at the first few days of it's early release. Would be nice, because it will the price of it is 3 times above my budget.


    Since KSP2 is made by a different studio, I'm not sure there will be any direct connection between KSP2 being released and KSP1 being sunsetted. However, if all the sales completely dry up for KSP1, then I can well imagine Squad deciding to no longer invest in it.

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    Given the dirty politics the new firm did to the developers and owners of KSP1 I will not be going to KSP2 unless they publicly apologize and make restitution


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