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  • Kerbal Space Program update 1.1 “Turbo Charged” is now available!


    1.1 Turbo Charged


    Hello everyone!


    Kerbal Space Program is “Turbo Charged” by the release of patch 1.1!


    After almost a year of hard work our major update is finally here! In the package you’ll find a large boost in performance due to the upgrade to the Unity 5 game engine, 64 bit binaries for Windows and OSX that will help you mod the game to ridiculous lengths, and the brand new KSPedia reference guide for all the information you need to play the game!


    That’s not all though, here are some of the highlights for this patch:

    All new user interface
    The user interface has been rewritten from the ground up to take full advantage of Unity 5’s new integrated systems. The ‘parallel’ UI systems have been removed and the game now uses only one system, adding to the performance bonus the update already brings. Almost all interface elements have been redesigned and tweaked but have retained the familiar feel for experienced players. The most notable tweaks can be found in the map view, staging, IVA portraits and the right-click part menus.

    Players can now search through parts by typing in text greatly reducing the time needed to find that one part needed to complete the rocket. The Tracking Station will inform the player of a craft’s next maneuver node time, helping players to maintain several active flights at any one time. The Space Center overview features buttons for all the buildings, making sure you don’t miss out on any part of the space program by overlooking mission control!


    KSPedia will be the primary source for information on just about anything in the game. New players will find the basics of building and flying explained here, and more experienced players can take in information about more advanced concepts such as docking, in-situ resource utilisation and all the information they need to plan a successful mission to the next planet or moon.

    New tutorials and scenarios
    The tutorials have been extended and reworked from the ground up. The new tutorials will cover topics ranging from basic and advanced construction and flight, to docking and landing on Mun. Learn how to execute the perfect gravity turn, orbit Kerbin and land the Eagle.

    Not only tutorials have been reworked: we’ve extended the available pool of scenarios as well, increasing it by 150%! Use a spaceplane to re-enter the atmosphere and land it back on the runway at the Kerbal Space Center, return a craft without heat shield from Duna, or beat SpaceX at their own game by flying back the first stage of a rocket to the launch pad. These new scenarios will unlock these advanced topics for any player!

    A special thank you goes out to everyone involved in testing the QA, experimental and pre-release versions.

    Kerbal Space Program 1.1 is now available on the KSP Store and Steam, and will soon be available on other third party platforms.



    Edited by KasperVld

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    I own two copies, one purchased from the KSP store and one from steam.    Comparing the two, I see that the one I just downloaded from the store does not contain KSP_x64.exe or the KSP_x64_Data folder.      Wondering if anyone else is missing the x64 executable from their store download.

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      On 4/20/2016 at 1:29 AM, A_name said:

    Thank you Squad, you guys are awesome!

    Now, how can I tell if the version I'm using is the 64 one?



      On 4/20/2016 at 1:29 AM, nukeboyt said:

    I own two copies, one purchased from the KSP store and one from steam.    Comparing the two, I see that the one I just downloaded from the store does not contain KSP_x64.exe or the KSP_x64_Data folder.      Wondering if anyone else is missing the x64 executable from their store download.


    My download is from the KSP store and it does NOT have a KSP_x64.exe.

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    Seems as if you download the store KSP INSTALLER, you DO GET the x64 executable and data folder.    The stand-alone download of KSP 1.1.0 (ksp-win-1-1-0.zip) seems to be missing the 64 bit files.    Therefore, for Windows users, I recommend downloading the store's KSP INSTALLER


    The problem has been corrected, and download file ksp-win-1-1-0.zip now DOES contain the 64bit executable and folder


    Edited by nukeboyt
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    I am having some of my pre-existing, launched  ships explode to various degrees and get propelled out of orbit. I haven't seen it happen to any of my test ships since the upgrade. Any suggestions?

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      On 4/20/2016 at 1:48 AM, ZarDan said:

    I am having some of my pre-existing, launched  ships explode to various degrees and get propelled out of orbit. I haven't seen it happen to any of my test ships since the upgrade. Any suggestions?


    The game is now less tolerant of part clipping. It sound like this may be your issue. Try checking your craft for clipped parts.

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    I don't know if its just me or what but My camera during flight has this weird fish eye style thing going on with it. For instance when in the IVA, I move the cam face on with something like the nav ball and it appears to be smaller than it normally should be, then as I pan the camera in a direction it grows larger and stretches ever so slightly. Is there any way to fix this or is it just a result of switching engines?

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    Hmm... Could be. I generated an instance of one of my satellites and put it on the launch pad to see if it would explode. I did not explode, but it did twitch and rotate like it was experiencing some phantom forces. It did not have SAS on and even it it did the probe is too heavy to be stabilized at 1G. It should have just fallen over. I used tweek scale on the fuel tank to make it smaller, so maybe that is the cause. I'll have to see if that changes the behavior.   

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    Take a look at the domed building part of the R&D facility.



    And this one take a look at the nav ball



    Yes it is a small difference but its a difference that I just cant unsee. It is essentially a slight fish eye kind of effect. Anyone have any fixes?

    Edited by RYU AZUKU99
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    My tests seem to support your part clipping theory. I took the same probe and put normal sized fuel tanks and engines on it and it behaved normally. I also tried removing the re-sized parts and replacing them with "new" instances of the same parts, just re-sized while using KSP 1.1 and they also behaved normally.

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    I CANT EVEN STAY ON MY CHAIR BECAUSE MY DOWNLOAD IS SLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT I AM FEELING SO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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      On 4/20/2016 at 2:44 AM, RYU AZUKU99 said:

    Wait I cant even click on my periaps or apoaps tabs to keep them there? WTF? Its a pain to have to hover over them constantly.:huh:


    Right click them. Takes some relearning but in the end it really is better.

    I called that it would be today, by the way. Over a month ago. When I bought plane tickets for a vacation. I fly in 10 hours... :/

    Edited by 5thHorseman
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    I was expecting for devnotes to show up. Y U NO DEVNOTESS

    Edited by Atlas2342
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    I don't want to throw out negativity, I'll start by saying overall 1.1 looks great however I am disappointed. You'd think someone in testing would have mentioned that you cannot get clear readable text in the game now. It doesn't matter what resolution I try or how I set the new "UI Scale" the text is simply well... Blurry maybe? I can't really describe what is wrong with the text, it is just simply unreadable no matter what I put my graphics settings and "UI Scale" at. I have heard that this was an issue with past version but I've been playing for a while now and the text was never an issue for me before. You need a lot of data to build and fly these rockets effectively, if I can't read said data then the game will be to the level of unplayable. Upon looking around I find I am not the only one having this issue so it is not just a fluke. Here is hoping for a fix because KSP is awesome!

    Edited by cj_1601
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    I really did not expect this... Congratulations Squad! Thank you for all your effort and hard work. Cant wait to download and give it a test this evening :)

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