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  • Kerbal Space Program update 1.1 “Turbo Charged” is now available!


    1.1 Turbo Charged


    Hello everyone!


    Kerbal Space Program is “Turbo Charged” by the release of patch 1.1!


    After almost a year of hard work our major update is finally here! In the package you’ll find a large boost in performance due to the upgrade to the Unity 5 game engine, 64 bit binaries for Windows and OSX that will help you mod the game to ridiculous lengths, and the brand new KSPedia reference guide for all the information you need to play the game!


    That’s not all though, here are some of the highlights for this patch:

    All new user interface
    The user interface has been rewritten from the ground up to take full advantage of Unity 5’s new integrated systems. The ‘parallel’ UI systems have been removed and the game now uses only one system, adding to the performance bonus the update already brings. Almost all interface elements have been redesigned and tweaked but have retained the familiar feel for experienced players. The most notable tweaks can be found in the map view, staging, IVA portraits and the right-click part menus.

    Players can now search through parts by typing in text greatly reducing the time needed to find that one part needed to complete the rocket. The Tracking Station will inform the player of a craft’s next maneuver node time, helping players to maintain several active flights at any one time. The Space Center overview features buttons for all the buildings, making sure you don’t miss out on any part of the space program by overlooking mission control!


    KSPedia will be the primary source for information on just about anything in the game. New players will find the basics of building and flying explained here, and more experienced players can take in information about more advanced concepts such as docking, in-situ resource utilisation and all the information they need to plan a successful mission to the next planet or moon.

    New tutorials and scenarios
    The tutorials have been extended and reworked from the ground up. The new tutorials will cover topics ranging from basic and advanced construction and flight, to docking and landing on Mun. Learn how to execute the perfect gravity turn, orbit Kerbin and land the Eagle.

    Not only tutorials have been reworked: we’ve extended the available pool of scenarios as well, increasing it by 150%! Use a spaceplane to re-enter the atmosphere and land it back on the runway at the Kerbal Space Center, return a craft without heat shield from Duna, or beat SpaceX at their own game by flying back the first stage of a rocket to the launch pad. These new scenarios will unlock these advanced topics for any player!

    A special thank you goes out to everyone involved in testing the QA, experimental and pre-release versions.

    Kerbal Space Program 1.1 is now available on the KSP Store and Steam, and will soon be available on other third party platforms.



    Edited by KasperVld

    User Feedback

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      On 4/20/2016 at 11:27 AM, basic.syntax said:

    If you have mods installed, they may need to be updated for KSP v1.1. Temporarily remove all mods.  One way to do this is ...  assuming you are running KSP on Windows, in file explorer, look for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData  Temporarily move any folders you see - (except \Squad ) - to another folder.

    Next, look for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\settings.cfg   and rename this file to settings.cfg.old.   Restart KSP and it will be re-created, with default settings. 

    If this seems too risky or not helpful, take a look in the support topics over here, look for posts similar to your problem, or post a question in the appropriate folder. 



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      On 4/20/2016 at 9:53 PM, Fredbear12returns said:
      On 4/20/2016 at 9:53 PM, Fredbear12returns said:

    If you have mods installed, they may need to be updated for KSP v1.1. Temporarily remove all mods.  One way to do this is ...  assuming you are running KSP on Windows, in file explorer, look for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData  Temporarily move any folders you see - (except \Squad ) - to another folder.

    Next, look for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\settings.cfg   and rename this file to settings.cfg.old.   Restart KSP and it will be re-created, with default settings. 

    If this seems too risky or not helpful, take a look in the support topics over here, look for posts similar to your problem, or post a question in the appropriate folder.




    NEVERMIND. I loaded up the VAB, I see no parts, just the assembly line. Clicking flags and exiting it, never happens. It's stuck at Flags. I quit the game, look at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\, and scroll to settings.cfg.old. BOOM. There is 2 of them. I want my old KSP back. :/

    EDIT: BTW, I did this before it started up.

    Edited by Fredbear12returns
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      On 4/20/2016 at 2:57 PM, lude said:

    Dear people sad about it's release in 1.1

    but think of all the people who have not bought it over steam, those that bought it from the shop or gog, they now can finally too come into the exclusive experience that is all the new 1.1 functions and mods more or less exclusively developed amongst that major version.


    As hard as it may be for all of you who bought a steam version that would haver rather waited a very long time, you can backup your folder since it's not saving in documents but is portable, that means you can keep the old 1.05 version as well as the 1.1


    All the other people were only able to have 1.05


    I'm glad 1.1 is out because that means that most or all major issues are solved and the rest will most likely not be mod breaking in the majority of cases.


    -- edit --

    also from my experience: the prerelease already blew 1.05 out of the water (especially performance but also stability, especially on x64), I don't know what people do to their ksp to have it extremely buggy might be the nature of physics sims and apparently I'm far from alone with this experience


    I'm not a steamer, so no access to 1.1 before this, but I'm sorely disappointed with KSP not even starting, hitting several startup breaking bugs (3 of them!) before even being able to make a game. I was able to work around them with persistence and editing of config files, this is not something I expect most people to be able to do, and more to the point this is not something that should be acceptable. 3 critical game breaking bugs at startup, that is acceptable in pre-release not in the real release.

    Then once in the game I did 2 career missions before encountering a mission breaking bug (right click menu's stop responding) that requires a reload from start to fix... Thankfully I am comfortable editing the save files by hand but... That is a bit much to expect from the average user.

    I'll probably stick with 1.0.5 for a while until some hot-fixes fix some of the worst of it.

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      On 4/20/2016 at 10:25 PM, CattyNebulart said:

    I'm not a steamer, so no access to 1.1 before this, but I'm sorely disappointed with KSP not even starting, hitting several startup breaking bugs (3 of them!) before even being able to make a game. I was able to work around them with persistence and editing of config files, this is not something I expect most people to be able to do, and more to the point this is not something that should be acceptable. 3 critical game breaking bugs at startup, that is acceptable in pre-release not in the real release.


    Very close to my own experience, though in my case the number of fails-to-start issues was (2). Workarounds employed and all is mostly well, but issues like these make for a less than optimal first impression, especially for such an anticipated release.

    Largely positive reception, excepting the usual game-engine bugs.

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      On 4/20/2016 at 10:25 PM, CattyNebulart said:

    I'm not a steamer, so no access to 1.1 before this, but I'm sorely disappointed with KSP not even starting, hitting several startup breaking bugs (3 of them!) before even being able to make a game. I was able to work around them with persistence and editing of config files, this is not something I expect most people to be able to do, and more to the point this is not something that should be acceptable. 3 critical game breaking bugs at startup, that is acceptable in pre-release not in the real release.

    Then once in the game I did 2 career missions before encountering a mission breaking bug (right click menu's stop responding) that requires a reload from start to fix... Thankfully I am comfortable editing the save files by hand but... That is a bit much to expect from the average user.

    I'll probably stick with 1.0.5 for a while until some hot-fixes fix some of the worst of it.



    are you using any mods?

    I am using these mods

    I have not run into any game breaking bugs (I produced some in the prerelease versions with modding)

    I am even using FAR and it works perfectly fine.

    But dependign on gaming environment and pc architecture there's obviously room for a lot of bugs including game breaking.

    I just don't really have them yet.


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    Edited by lude
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    I downloaded from the store; from the top line where there is the Windows, Apple and the penguin man.


    I opened it up and the play box was teeny.

    After loading up I was only getting half a screen. I couldn't even see the options/arrows to change screen configs/whatevs.


    I deleted it and am currently downloading the Launcher version.



    Edit/Update: I had to fix the screen resolution from the little wheel thing in the launcher. It got really big once I loaded up and I got it back down to 12?0x800

    Edited by Mahnarch
    The Cheat fixed it.
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      On 4/20/2016 at 10:52 PM, lude said:


    are you using any mods?

    I am using these mods

    I have not run into any game breaking bugs (I produced some in the prerelease versions with modding)

    I am even using FAR and it works perfectly fine.

    But dependign on gaming environment and pc architecture there's obviously room for a lot of bugs including game breaking.

    I just don't really have them yet.


      Reveal hidden contents



    No fresh install. No mods. There is an issue with unity screen size detection on linux, giving absurd results like resolutions of 1x0 or 1900x2. the problem is that once you get a semi-workable resolution say 640x480 the pop up asking about tracking is outside the window so you are stuck. But since startup generated KSP config files you can then edit those, to get a screen big enough to answer the pop-up, and once the pop-up is gone you can go into settings and try and fix stuff... but several of the options seem to break the settings menu. Touching anti-aliasing or full screen will make the accept and apply buttons do nothing, leaving you with just cancel.

    It looks like these bugs do not affect everyone, but they affect me and make me liquided. Then when I finaly get in game I encounter mission killing bugs, so for now all career games will need to have revert to launch enabled, and I am not sure what I will do about later missions where you switch vessels and so revert is not an option.

    I probably had some bad luck with the sheer number of bugs I encountered, but I found other people with the same issues in the support forum just with only 1 or two of them, not all of them. But given that in ~5 minutes of play time I encountered 4 different game killign bugs and a horde of minor annoyances.. I'm liquided.

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      On 4/21/2016 at 12:06 AM, CattyNebulart said:

    No fresh install. No mods. There is an issue with unity screen size detection on linux, giving absurd results like resolutions of 1x0 or 1900x2. the problem is that once you get a semi-workable resolution say 640x480 the pop up asking about tracking is outside the window so you are stuck. But since startup generated KSP config files you can then edit those, to get a screen big enough to answer the pop-up, and once the pop-up is gone you can go into settings and try and fix stuff... but several of the options seem to break the settings menu. Touching anti-aliasing or full screen will make the accept and apply buttons do nothing, leaving you with just cancel.

    It looks like these bugs do not affect everyone, but they affect me and make me liquided. Then when I finaly get in game I encounter mission killing bugs, so for now all career games will need to have revert to launch enabled, and I am not sure what I will do about later missions where you switch vessels and so revert is not an option.

    I probably had some bad luck with the sheer number of bugs I encountered, but I found other people with the same issues in the support forum just with only 1 or two of them, not all of them. But given that in ~5 minutes of play time I encountered 4 different game killign bugs and a horde of minor annoyances.. I'm liquided.


    Interesting, I remember having the first bug quite some time ago in a different major version and the mod AnyRes creates the same problem as the second one you describe, KSP only seems to accept those config changes when a resolution is selected it likes (or some other reason)


    Yeah there are quite a few bugs still hidden and probably some of them major but it's been bustling about with productivity in terms of mod creation and in general new material revolving around 1.1

    I can imagine that now they can put some more time into tracking ogl/graphic related bugs.

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    Well, I'm a little dissapointed having played around with 1.1 for the day, the gave is nigh near unplayable on my stock install. All of the rovers explode on the runway. Planes shatter into pieces on load. Rockets are the only working thing. Landing on anything with ore gravity than the Mun is basically kraken bait. MOAR HOTFIXES!!!

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      On 4/20/2016 at 10:20 PM, Fredbear12returns said:

    NEVERMIND. I loaded up the VAB, I see no parts, just the assembly line. Clicking flags and exiting it, never happens. It's stuck at Flags. I quit the game, look at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\, and scroll to settings.cfg.old. BOOM. There is 2 of them. I want my old KSP back. :/

    EDIT: BTW, I did this before it started up.


    This sounds like an old bug that sometimes happens with upgrades, I had something like it, once. And so I suggested clean-up steps. I was going by this thread about a similar problem.

    Also try checking Steam cache (Right-click KSP in Steam library, Properties / Local Files tab / "verify integrity of game cache..." button

    Try to create a new game in career or sandbox mode, exit KSP, and try again to make a different new one, 2-3 times. Exit KSP each time. Something is not loading up right.

    Finally, if these steps and perhaps drastic measures like removing / reinstalling is not helping, you can revert to v1.05 by going back to the Steam library, KSP properties / Betas tab / "previous stable release."   Watch the support forums, this isn't the best forum to use.

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    Hello staff of KSP , recently installed the new version of KSP ( 1.1 yesterday ) , however when I play , I did not think nor KSPedia nor help building tool . Can anyone help me ?

    http://imgur.com/a/OrguW <---- Link of the images here.

    And when i went to install again the KSP, the site is on Server Migration. Please, anynone help me?

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    I am massively not pleased. I love KSP so much and particularly adored my modded build of 1.0.5. Unfortunately I am with Steam so now despite me having the Previous Stable Release selected and operating on 1.0.5, CKAN now only recognises it as 1.1.0 and won't give me all of my mods back. What the frack!? I mean, seriously? And you wil be wondering, why not just use 1.1.0? Well, because to be honest, it feels really rather pointless. Despite being massively faster than 1.0.5 it just feels unfinished and massively rushed. I'd have rather waited till 1.2 to be honest and had a real upgrade. Version 1.1.0 feels like the Windows 8 of Kerbal Space Program. The interface is massively misaligned in terms of size and it feels like a mismash of old and new art assets. Nice update but I would have preferred to wait for a full and proper upgrade. Now after all that moaning, good work Squad. As always still loving KSP!

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    I'm a tad annoyed. Downloading it, at 85% completion, the download fails. When I restart it (just now), I'm getting your 'highwinds' notice of a server migration. My DSL connection is slow to start with - meaning this download is hours, not minutes. Picture it. :huh:

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      On 4/20/2016 at 7:06 AM, CaLVin-K said:

    128bit? ALL THE MODS!!! No, actually, one could load all of the mods, you'd have enough memory for every single mod made for KSP. 


    I don't think you quite understood. 64 bit has (theoreticly) infinite amounts of ram allowance so what is the point of 128 bit.

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      On 4/20/2016 at 9:49 PM, Camacha said:

    Why would you think that? Because the maximum clock speed is higher? The 6700K outperforms the 4790K, single thread and all 4 cores/8 threads, even though only by a small margin.


    I guess it depends on who you go by. According to Passmark, the i7-4790K is still the king of the hill when it comes to single thread speeds. However, I was wrong in that your 6700K is one of the seven processors listed that has a faster single core speed than mine 3.6 ghz i7-4790.



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    Is there a full change log available for this update? I'd like to know if any changes have been made to the horribly broken patcher, or if it's been fixed.

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