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  • Kerbal Space Program patch 1.1.3 is now available!




    Hello everyone!


    The 1.1.3 patch is now available! We’ve taken our time over the past couple of weeks to tackle as many issues as we could in this patch and the results speak for themselves: close to 100 fixes have been logged compared to the previous version of KSP, and we even found time to hide something small in the game that we’re sure a lot of long time fans will appreciate!


    Here's the complete changelog:

    =================================== v1.1.3 ============================================================
    * Fixed game crashing during deletion of parts under certain conditions.
    * Fixed Gizmos buttons not properly highlighting after loading a craft.
    * Fixed Fuel tank Part Action Window sliders to dynamically update symmetry partners when adjusted in editor.
    * Fixed frozen parts showing up in front of the main vessel.
    * Fixed fairings being see-through when a part inside or behind is highlighted.
    * Fixed certain fairing configurations causing inputlocks.
    * Fixed interstage fairing panels not being properly deleted when an interstage is removed from the ship.
    * Fixed Abnormal lighting and contrast.
    * Fixed Re-rooting and attaching frozen parts causing improper part selection.
    * Fixed an exception in FXModuleAnimateThrottle when in the editor.
    * Fixed inputlock preventing pressing [Delete] key from deleting a part.
    * Subassemblies can now be used as the start of a craft (fixes editor being non-responsive).
    * CoM indicator now accounts for mass of physicsless parts added to parent.
    * "Ground Crew" option now toggles off all animated components of VAB/SPH. Fixes increased CPU Load and Temp.
    * "Place" gizmo now provides onscreen message in editor to be consistent with other gizmos.
    * Fixed Circular Orbit Ap/Pe jump on exiting timewarp.
    * Fixed on-rails SoI transition message to properly report both SoIs.
    * Greatly reduce Apoapsis/Periapsis changing with no input, with thanks to ferram4 and eggrobin. option is toggleable in Settings->Gameplay and tunable in Physics.cfg.
    * Lower the thresholds for floating origin shift and krakensbane when above the inverse rotation threshold, and use doubles when recomputing velocity during change (and do so immediately rather than via PhysxX).
    * GetEccentricAnomaly now correctly returns negative eccentric (hyperbolic) anomaly values when the true anomaly is before the hyperbola's periapsis, and should be more numerically stable.
    * GetEccentricAnomaly no longer spams E is NaN.
    * Conic patch creation is a little more efficient.
    * Ignore G spike on the frame where SoIs switch.
    * Orbit reported position will no longer be a frame ahead of velocity.
    Misc. Fixes:
    * [KSPedia] Fixed Bug with KSPedia asset bundle Dependancies.
    * Fixed symmetric part stage icons not expanding in stage manager.
    * Fixed Quicksave filename accessibility.
    * Fixed Multiple core heat producers not being properly cooled by radiator panels.
    * Fixed NRE when trying to overwrite or cancel out of save folder overwrite dialog.
    * Fixed E is NaN! tA: (pi) spam with some generated contracts.
    * Fixed Flags no longer displaying properly in the Tracking Station Info Box..
    * Fixed Flag transparency issues in editor.
    * Fixed Science lab spamming the log with "Updating" warnings whenever right-click menu is open.
    * Fixed funds penalties not being applied when Hiring Kerbals.
    * Fixed being unable to rename vessels via Knowledge Base.
    * Fixed NRE in ModuleGrappleNode.Release when parent is null.
    * Fixed UI_ChooseOption - onFieldChanged being called even when the field value hasn't changed.
    * Fixed Body lift missing when loading the Physics.cfg file.
    * Fixed Parts Tooltip window location being misplaced when changing UI scale.
    * Fixed issue with the sea level pressure display in the Knowledge Base.
    * Fixed an exception in PartModule OnLoad and OnStart causing vessel load failure.
    * Fixed a NaN in FlightIntegrator atmospheric thermo.
    * Fixed issue in Moment of Inertia calculations.
    * Fixed Rocket Exhaust FX not being moved by FloatingOrigin/Krakensbane when emitters are disabled.
    * Fixed missing parachute deployment sound.
    * Fixed VesselModules not being properly destroyed when a vessel object is destroyed.
    * Fixed unit tests from main menu causing every test to be run 4 times.
    * Fixed having an abstract UnitTest type causing TestManager to throw an exception.
    * Fixed regression that was causing global gravity to be non-zero, which should help with phantom drifting, especially with wheels.
    * Fixed a logical issue causing crew rotation objectives to be much rarer than intended on station and outpost contracts.
    * Fixed staging requiring two activation's when resuming in flight mode.
    * Fixed navigation waypoint getting stuck if a survey is killed in the middle of the flight scene.
    * Fixed Waypoint Markers not showing on Navball in IVA view.
    * Fixed potential error from generating if attempting to IVA an EVA kerbal that has just been loaded outside of a vessel.
    * Fixed RCS TorqueProvider implementation to take thrust limiting and alternate precision mode into account.
    * Fixed an issue where the NBS dialog was not resetting its coordinates properly.
    * Fixed reported typos and grammatical issues in various areas of the game.
    * Fixed ITargetable FlightCoMTracker.GetVessel always returning null.
    * Fixed Asteroids all spawning with a mass of 150t, regardless of class.
    * Fixed race condition with map filters causing asteroids to be invisible in new games until they were modified.
    * Fixed asteroids sometimes appearing to be pitch black while being seemingly immune to light when rotated at certain angles.
    * Adjusted science data collection range of Mk1 cabin to match other science options.
    * Kerbals can no longer "Take surface sample" while in command seat.
    * Fairing base purchase and entry costs adjusted to vary by size.
    * Part Action Window for symmetric parts no longer needs modkey to open when a sibling window is open.
    Misc. Tweaks:
    * [Modding] Additional access to fields in Mission Control.
    * [EVA, Gameplay] R&D upgrade text adjusted.
    * Added onVesselCrewWasModified, which consolidates many events in which crew changes on a specific vessel. Use this to fix a few issues with crew rotation objectives.
    * Added ITargetable.GetActiveTargetable, which allows us to specify if a target should be allowed on something that is part of the active vessel.
    * Added AeroFXIgnore layer so some parts (Gigantor e.g.) can have parts of their model ignored by AeroFX. Fixes an issue with odd Aero FX streamers.
    * Added "EVA" layer, added it to various cameras, physics casts, lights, and collision matrices to behave exactly like normal parts, except suspension raycasts ignore it entirely. Prevents violent interactions when kerbals touch wheels.
    * Added alwaysRecomputeLift to ModuleControlSurface so it can be set to not ignore slight actuation.
    * Added wheel weight stress and slip stress multipliers to game settings, allowing players that do not want these stresses to disable them globally.
    * Added onCommandSeatInteraction GameEvent, and deployableSeated to science experiments. Use these to disable scooping up surface samples when seated.
    * Added Felipe to crew name generation.
    * Satellite contract orbit generation made much more modular and maintainable, allowing us to validate generated orbits now. If an orbit parameter becomes corrupt through save manipulation or other means, that parameter can be regenerated without affecting the rest of the orbit.
    * Clarify R&D facility upgrade text to make it clear that Kerbin is still fair game for surface samples without the astronaut complex upgrades.
    * Crew Transfer more moddable.
    * Game is now paused going to MissionControl, AstronautComplex, Admin, R&D and unpaused when closing them.
    * Renamed Telus ladder to Kelus Ladder to avoid naming conflicts.
    * Improvements to flag rendering in KB.   
    * Improvements in Tutorial input locks and Error checking
    * Adjustments to the Repair/Downgrade costs of the Facilities
    * Changed "Cancel warp" to use forward slash instead of Esc.
    * When repaired, wheels become temporarily immune to weight and slip stresses, slowly rising back to normal over a period of between 30 to 90 seconds.
    * Reduction in the creation of Garbage Objects in Flight scene.
    * Reduction in the creation of Garbage Objects in Space Center.
    * Optimize Part.GetConnectedResources and Vessel.GetActiveResources for speed and to not create garbage.
    * Dramatically improve resolution of asteroid textures, while simultaneously improving their shader performance by 400%. New shader can have very subtle desaturated brown/red hues sometimes.


    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

      On 6/22/2016 at 5:13 PM, Specific Alduin said:

    Cinnamon crashes about 90% of the time at some point during the game launch.

    Nope, I have pulseaudio running.

    I'm using Cinnamon, and KSP crashes cinnamon on launch about 90% of the time, or the game crashes when I try to go into a save file.


    Do you, any chance, have Intel graphics?

    I read the linked bugreport and the log indicates it couldn't upload all the textures into GPU RAM (which is shared on Intel).

    If the GPU driver can't cope with this problem - then this will lead to trashing of onscreen memory, problems with any software that also uses OpenGL interface (compositing), and can very easy lead to kernel panic.

    There is at least one bug report on security issue with opensource drivers (all three), which causes system freeze and panic via image decompression "bomb" expanded in the browser.


    In this cases, its not KSP issue, but driver issue because today everything modern on "desktop" Linux runs and requires OpenGL.

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    Regarding not launching on linux mint, I have to start the game from console with ./KSP.x86_64 -force-gfx-direct in order for it not to crash. It wasn't always like that, but I use an AMD card so I'm used to gaming on linux going horribly wrong. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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      On 6/22/2016 at 11:05 PM, drtedastro said:

    Quick question, have the wheel issues been fixed / resolved?

    I tried a search on "wheel' and nothing came up so I don't think I have missed it on earlier post.


    As far as I know from reading posts by @Arsonide and other Squad staff, the base problem with KSP 1.1+ wheels (and landing legs, which are related) is due to Unity 5 completely breaking older KSP wheel code, requiring a complete rewrite for KSP 1.1.  KSP currently uses Unity 5.2, but that Unity version has a major bug with wheels that KSP can only work around.  Upgrading to Unity 5.3 that would resolve that issue would introduce other known Unity bugs that Squad considers much much worse.  Unity 5.4 is still in beta; it's also had a long beta so is expected to be a significant improvement.  When Unity 5.4 releases, Squad plans to move KSP to it and expects that transition to be much easier than the large one needed to go from Unity 4 to 5.2.

    What the KSP 1.1.3 change notes and players' testing indicates is that with experience, Squad's quality of workarounds for the Unity 5.2 wheel bug have improved.  I believe these quotes from the patch notes covers them.

    * Fixed regression that was causing global gravity to be non-zero, which should help with phantom drifting, especially with wheels.
    * Added wheel weight stress and slip stress multipliers to game settings, allowing players that do not want these stresses to disable them globally.
    * When repaired, wheels become temporarily immune to weight and slip stresses, slowly rising back to normal over a period of between 30 to 90 seconds.


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    Why are people complaining about the Monolith near the KSC as an 'eyesore'?  I think it's great for people new to the game, show them that there are easter eggs about.  Usually one of the first things I do in a new game is send a kerbal in a rover over there to plant a flag over there by it.  I'm glad it's not half-buried any more and hope the other monoliths aren't either.  As for being 'useless' that's pretty much what easter eggs are...  If you can call aesthetics 'useless'.

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    Still getting phantom forces in Munar orbit.  G force bouncing between .002 and .004 with gradual orbital decay. :\

    And... game crashed switching back to space center.  If there are any files I can provide to help, let me know.

    Edited by mjl1966
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    anyone else have the issue of stock launchclamps not working? when i add them in the editor then don't adjust themselves to the floor...??

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    * Greatly reduce Apoapsis/Periapsis changing with no input, with thanks to ferram4 and eggrobin. option is toggleable in Settings->Gameplay and tunable in Physics.cfg.


    I just would like to know, why is a fix made toggleable? Has it a downside?

    Edited by Rob2222
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      On 6/23/2016 at 12:15 PM, Rob2222 said:

    I just would like to know, why is a fix made toggleable? Has it a downside?


    @Arsonide was in EJ_SA's Twitch stream yesterday, and I asked him this very question.  He actually had to run it past @NathanKell, and the explanation was that due to the fix tweaking things deep inside KSP, it was made toggleable in case anything was missed during testing.

    In other words, if the orbit decay fix ends up breaking something else in a worse way, it can be turned off in a case of "pick your poison".

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      On 6/23/2016 at 3:14 AM, Jacke said:

    As far as I know from reading posts by @Arsonide and other Squad staff, the base problem with KSP 1.1+ wheels (and landing legs, which are related) is due to Unity 5 completely breaking older KSP wheel code, requiring a complete rewrite for KSP 1.1.  KSP currently uses Unity 5.2, but that Unity version has a major bug with wheels that KSP can only work around.  Upgrading to Unity 5.3 that would resolve that issue would introduce other known Unity bugs that Squad considers much much worse.  Unity 5.4 is still in beta; it's also had a long beta so is expected to be a significant improvement.  When Unity 5.4 releases, Squad plans to move KSP to it and expects that transition to be much easier than the large one needed to go from Unity 4 to 5.2.

    What the KSP 1.1.3 change notes and players' testing indicates is that with experience, Squad's quality of workarounds for the Unity 5.2 wheel bug have improved.  I believe these quotes from the patch notes covers them.



    Further reading on the issue led to the core reason of the problem, which is Unity 5 (or 5.2.4 I think, and probably PhysX as well) does not like wheel colliders being attached to a rigid body via a joint.  Simply put, that means all the other parts of a vessel, so KSP's fundamental LEGO-like construction method was incompatible with Unity 5.  Squad had to use "middleware" produced by a third-party named Edy, who wrote KSP-style wheel modules (Wheel Physics Plus) that allowed the wheels to be used in Unity 5.2.4.  This is what was meant by the wheel code being overhauled for KSP 1.1,  because the old wheel modules literally would not work with Unity 5.2.4.  I think 5.2.4 has other issues as well with wheel colliders, which were fixed in 5.3 but that version had other issues that made it not useable.  5.4 apparently fixes everything, and the middleware has been updated as well, so 1.2 should see the wheels (and landing legs, which use the same system) finally working correctly.

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    * Added "EVA" layer, added it to various cameras, physics casts, lights, and collision matrices to behave exactly like normal parts, except suspension raycasts ignore it entirely. Prevents violent interactions when kerbals touch wheels.


    Nexter and Danny won't be happy about this...

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      On 6/23/2016 at 7:44 AM, mjl1966 said:

    Still getting phantom forces in Munar orbit.  G force bouncing between .002 and .004 with gradual orbital decay. :\

    And... game crashed switching back to space center.  If there are any files I can provide to help, let me know.


    General --> "Orbital Drift Compensation" on (green).  This is default setting.

    After watching craft in orbit around Mun for several minutes in 1x, orbit did decay, but then it magically adjusted itself back up.  Still seeing .002 g force.  Looks like this is a true compensation that dynamically adjusts forces acting on craft to compensate for decay.  Guess that'll work.  Interesting workaround.  Maybe we'll just call it a "realistic compensation for natural perturbation."   Maybe they should put it in the tech tree.  "Perturbation compensator."  5000 science.  heh.

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      On 6/23/2016 at 2:58 PM, Laguna said:

    @Arsonide was in EJ_SA's Twitch stream yesterday, and I asked him this very question.  He actually had to run it past @NathanKell, and the explanation was that due to the fix tweaking things deep inside KSP, it was made toggleable in case anything was missed during testing.

    In other words, if the orbit decay fix ends up breaking something else in a worse way, it can be turned off in a case of "pick your poison".


    Technically, running with the option off is exactly equivalent to how things were in 1.0.5 and 1.1.0. And the drift compensation disables itself automatically at a certain threshold of error (i.e. when it would make things worse). But juuuuuust in case, it's fully toggleable too.

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      On 6/23/2016 at 12:21 AM, Kerbal101 said:

    Do you, any chance, have Intel graphics?

    I read the linked bugreport and the log indicates it couldn't upload all the textures into GPU RAM (which is shared on Intel).

    If the GPU driver can't cope with this problem - then this will lead to trashing of onscreen memory, problems with any software that also uses OpenGL interface (compositing), and can very easy lead to kernel panic.

    There is at least one bug report on security issue with opensource drivers (all three), which causes system freeze and panic via image decompression "bomb" expanded in the browser.


    In this cases, its not KSP issue, but driver issue because today everything modern on "desktop" Linux runs and requires OpenGL.


    I use an NVidia GT740. (crap, i know. i'm in the process of upgrading, because my CPU is a 5820k. I needed the extra threads for video editing.) Tried a spare GT 740 without a fan, some kid broke it when I was doing a demonstration at school, the school bought me a new one. I am just running it with a case fan pressed up to the heatsink. I'm getting the same cinnamon crashing and stuttering issue.

    Edited by Specific Alduin
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    More on orbital instability:

    Put a station in orbit around Mun.  Dock a smaller craft (lander) into a side mounted docking port.  Orbit falls completely apart in a matter of minutes.  Apo remained more or less steady at 33K while Pe plummeted from ~30K to 0 and craft crashed into Mun.  What's really odd here is that Apo remained stable while only Pe deteriorated - and it deteriorated fast. 

    Verified all engines off.  Disabled all torque. 

    Whatever Unity broke in the physics engine, they broke good and hard. 

    I can't keep trying to play the game.  I don't have time to continue tripping over broken physics that used to work and are now unpredictable and unstable. 


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      On 6/23/2016 at 8:27 PM, Friend Bear said:

    The fact you named the mod without me mentioning it tells you are must be dead on.


    Thank you!


    If your problem is like this post HERE then it is certainly Scatterer.

    You can try the fixed the developer mentions HERE and hopefully he will have a fix in for the 1.1.3 update release of Scatterer. Any other difficulties you might bring up in the add-on thread there instead. Hope it helps.

    Edited by HvP
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