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Everything posted by WWEdeadman

  1. Honestly, I can't imagine playing the game with a PS4 controller. Anything I do with the Mouse on PC would be akward to do with either the sticks or the touch-pad or motion tracking or really any way of input with the DS4. But anyway, I'll just keep to the PC for this one. Good luck with the PS4 launch though, Squad
  2. I built this little beauty to bring orbiter and lander probes to Duna and Ike: Also, I rescued a kerbal and his vessle from Minmus Orbit. First rescue that's not from Kerbin Orbit for me.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1wDCdtTfNc?t=31m49s This. Spinning that makes no sense, caused by some phantom force, that only sets in when SAS is off. There is literally nothing that should cause this spinning. (I didn't set any trim, and I didn't touch the controls.)
  4. I don't think so. I don't have a Mac, so I can't check, but as far as I remember from back in 0.23.5 we didn't find a similar workaround for Mac.
  5. You probably have the KSP.exe file called KSP.exe.exe. That error only happens if the .exe file isn't called the same as the _Data folder. Make sure you see file extensions. There should be a Windows setting to turn those on.
  6. I thought that that was quite clear. Well, I'll update the OP to have the full path... That would just produce an error, because of the game being compiled in a different version.
  7. The only thing I haven't been able to do pre-1.0 was build a ship that can launch from Eve, that isn't so huge and laggy by itself that I would literally crash the game if I built a launch stage for it underneath and pressed "launch". The only Eve escape vehicle that I ever took from Eves surface to low Eve Orbit was hyperedited into Eve Orbit from Kerbin instead of getting it there legit. That is more of a "The GAME can't do this, I totally could, if it wouldn't either play at 1 FPS or crash." I haven't been to Eve as of 1.0 yet, so we'll see if it's doable now, because aerodynamics are better, therefore Eve isn't the embodyment of Drag anymore, or if it's gonna be possible once 1.1 on Unity 5 is out, cause that would reduce lag on high part counts. Anyway, I don't have anything else I consider not doable.
  8. Nope, I only ever played the very first release once to see what that looked like, and I sometimes keep playing old modded saves on old versions for a bit after new updates, but I mostly play on the most recent patch.
  9. Most of what I've seen with wobbly rockets as of 1.0 is because of the gimbal of the engines when SAS is on. I set the gimbal down to like 30-40 percent now mostly, and viola, no wobbling.
  10. I've been using fraps for all my videos forever, and it's relatively cheap to get. The recorded files are huge though. Expect a few GB per minute. You could alternatively use OBS (Open broadcaster software) ( https://obsproject.com/ ), which mot people use for streaming to twitch. It is free and also has a local recording option, and you could have live commentary recorded along right away. It's a bit tricky to set up for local recording though, if you want the best possible result, but there are enough tutorials for that on YouTube, so you should be fine. As for audio: Your webcam mic is probably - to put it friendly - not good audio quality. You could try to record with it (Use Audacity, a free audio recording program for trying it out: http://web.audacityteam.org/ , also you can easily make a lower quality audio less crackly and remove background noise with it, if you record your audio separately.) Now, I myself use a large diaphragm studio mic. Those are really high quality, but expensive, and definitely not a requirement for a starter. If your webcam mic really sucks, you can use a headset instead. Those usually have at least half way decent mics in the middle price range. My headset for instance (Sharkoon GSone, ~45€) has a pretty OK mic. Really, most headset mics would be OK for a starter. Oh yeah, and for editing I use Corel Video Studio x7. Not a very popular one, since most people use Adobe Premiere or Sony Vegas, but I gotta say I haven't had any problems with Corel, and I hear people complain about Vegas crashing all the time, so yeah. It's also a lot cheaper than either vegas or premiere. As for free stuff: I really don't think that Windows Movie Maker is good, and I don't know of any other free ones, so that's that. Decent editing programs have a price.
  11. I never eat while gaming. Apart from the fact, that the most time I'm playing, I'm recording Let's plays, and therefore have to have my mouth free to talk, I find it distracting and it's really easy to get your peripherals of choice (Mouse, Keyboard, Controller) dirty. I only drink, while playing. Mostly Iced Tea (homemade without sugar) or water.
  12. I turned it down to half the default on the outside view, but I have it on on both.
  13. Elaborating on my statement before: Well, having struts have drag is definitely not the problem. The problem is that the drag stays that high on the parent part when the strut is gone after staging. Really, this means never EVER strut from the inside out, but always from the outer part that you're gonna drop, to the center. Also the drag actually might be a little bit over the top, and it is definitely not optimal that the length and positioning of the strut is irrelevant.
  14. OK, that is actually ridiculous... I guess, screw strutting anything from now on.
  15. Wow. Just wow. Awesome. I actually never saw that experiment before. And I am amazed at how accurate the physics simulation of KSP is for that.
  16. I actually never really thought about it much. Would be nice to impose a rule on oneself though, to either leave them in space forever once they left Kerbin, or bring them back to Kerbin for a safe recovery. You of course could also make nuclear transfer stages reuseable in the first place. Just park in orbit, refuel, reuse.
  17. Do you have any mods installed? Cause I had the game freeze on the loading screen when I tried using Kerbal Attachment System with this. Could also be some other mod conflicting. Does it always stop loading on the same file? Cause that file would be the cause of it then, I guess.
  18. Got the game in 0.22, and never stopped my let's play since then.
  19. Haven't tried realism overhaul or real fuels. As for mods I had running in that video: -Toolbar -Better Buoyancy -EVE (with Astronomer Visual pack interstellar V2 in highest possible quality, including all optional features, exluding city lights (just cause I don't like them)) -CollisionFX -Cool Rockets -Distant Object Enhancement -FASA -Kerbal Engineer Redux -Universial Docking Ports -Hot Rockets -NovaPunch -Outer Planets -Planetshine -PreciseNode -Procedural Fairings -Taurus HCV -SpaceY -Stock Bug fixes -Take Command -Texture Replacer -Ven's Stock Revamp -Wheel Sounds I haven't tried whether everything works 100% like it should, but all of them show up and do what they're supposed to do so far.
  20. So, in your KSP directorys GameData folder you should have one folder called "Squad", and also the folders "BoulderCo", "DistantObject", "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements" and "scatterer" if you have installed them correctly. If that is the case, then try installing only one of the mods at a time, and see if they work individually. There might be a conflict between the mods, although I don't know of conflicts between those 3 mods. If they still don't work individually, try a fresh KSP install, there might be something wrong with the install you're using. If that still doesn't help, I am out of ideas.
  21. So, I actually put up a little video showcasing the 64 bit version with heavy modding: So, this runs without any problems and without any RAM use reduction mods, at over 6 GB RAM use at all times. Haven't had a crash, haven't had a major bug, only minor inconveniences.
  22. What? I have no clue what you're talking about. Unless I try launching overly large stuff, I haven't had a problem like that, outside of using FAR on my last 0.90 save. Maybe that was enough practice to not have problems with the new stock aero, maybe I'm just naturally building stuff that flies well, but I seriously cant imagine how you have a problem getting a normal 3 stage rocket off of Kerbin... o_O
  23. 236 hours on steam, and at about 300 more on modded installs I didn't start through steam.
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