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Everything posted by WWEdeadman

  1. Seriously, I couldn't give less of a you-know-what whether ships I designed in old versions would still work in the next. If they shouldn't be able to fly, but still do in current stock, like that box-shaped thing made from wing-connectors Scott Manley did once, then they definitely shouldn't work anymore in the new version. Anything that looks like it should fly, like pretty much any half way realistic aircraft/rocket design I ever did, should still be fine, since it literally has no reason not to work. That's not "backwards compatibility" though. If they'd make it so that anything that flies now still flies in 0.91 they would essentially not change anything about the aerodynamics. To put it short: Any plausible designs will still work anyway, so why would they even mention that?
  2. Yes, Minmus is visible in the sky from Kerbin, even in Stock. With Distant Object Enhancement it gets even better. (You literally see every single planet and some of the moons with that.)
  3. I didn't have any problems with the 64 bit community hack in 0.23.5, and neither with the 0.24 64 bit version. I never really played 0.25 much, especially not with mods, so I don't know about that, and I of course don't use x64 on 0.90 because of the career bug, but "avoid it like your life depends on it" is pretty much the overreaction of the freaking year.
  4. Currently x64 (on windows) is broken so much that you couldn't progress in career mode at all. So if you want to play career you need to play 32 bit. All together 64 bit is considered unstable, and has random unexplainable crashes happening, as well as some bugs that are exclusive to the win x64 version of the game, like the career bug I mentioned before. We all hope that it will get better with the next Unity version, but we'll see how well it works when Unity 5 is a thing. For now I'd say don't use 64 bit KSP on windows.
  5. Apart from an Eve SSTO I can't really think of anything that would be impossible. Apart from building ring-stations around planets or moons, or landing on Jool.
  6. Well, looking at your video I'd say yes. Then again, I softly land a plane made of MK III parts, and it falls to individual pieces. I'd say they're just very inconsistent in their stability.
  7. I am just so used to using the rotation keys, that I'm just not even thinking about using the rotation gizmo most of the time. Only when I want to turn something seamlessly I actually use it. I really only used it for the Engines on my Space Shuttle so far.
  8. Finally started a 0.90 career. In my version of "hard mode"
  9. Welp, I know what I'll be using once x64 works with career again and moons are a thing for the planets. Cause I sure don't even wanna try adding this to 32 bit.
  10. This looks incredible. I just tested it out, and I'll definitely replace Ambient Light Adjustment with this. It just looks so damn cool.
  11. Oh, where do I start xD (Pretty much all of these happened in older versions though) -Kerbals becoming part of the ship after getting knocked out of command seats -Ships stil being under my input-control after EVAing out of them. -Wings randomly falling off a plane on Eve, for no reason whatsoever. -Probes starting spinning like crazy when turning off SAS, again, for no apparent reason. -A Lab-Rover on The Mun exploding while switching to another vessel, also for no apparent reason. -Infini-glide on Eve making landing impossible with SAS on.
  12. I can absolutely not understand how anyone could NOT like the original barn-like design. And the current tier 1 is literally the most generic, uninspired, bland-textured garbage I've ever seen in KSP.
  13. It's definitely not too easy. Making it harder would most probably frustrate and scare away even more new players than it already does. If you need more challenge as an experienced player, there's a mod for that. There is always a mod for that.
  14. Ummm... What level would you put me if I tell you it's "Hohmann transfer" not "Hoffman" as you wrote in point 5 of Level 4 I'd say Level 5, however I still like playing in stock, even though I mostly play in modded installs now.
  15. The text to that could just read "We want you to make Gilly wobble around like crazy. Just for fun" for all I care. If KSP would simulate gravity effects like that, that is...
  16. I just built a working stock Space Shuttle on my stream:
  17. No. I only use it in sandbox, since, well, it's sandbox, screw carefully designing stuff around efficiency and fuel use, I build what I think looks good. In career however, I feel obligated to play without "cheating". I haven't really played 0.90 career yet, but I don't think I will find it necessary to use the cheat menu.
  18. It's never been unstable to me, so I can't really say.
  19. Playing 0.90 in 64 bit is pretty much pointless for career mode at the moment, since the buildings show as fully upgraded at the start, but don't function as fully upgraded, but as tier 1. This makes progrssion pretty much impossible, and career mode effectively unplayable on 64 bit. So, I guess almost no one will even bother using 64 bit at the moment.
  20. Well,then I hope that they'll fix that until the mods I wanted to use for this career are updated. If not, back to modding 32 bit it is
  21. Great, does that mean I won't get to play 0.90 career on 64 bit?
  22. Umm, so I tried playing on the 64bit exe, and the builldings in career show as fully upgraded from the start, while not actually functioning as fully upgraded. In 32 bit everything is fine. o_O
  23. Can it be that the optionall 64bit Steam thingy doesn't update? Cause I got the update once I opted out, and when I opted in again it set back to 0.25...
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