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Everything posted by Rus-Evo

  1. I read a book called MARS by Ben Bova in the 90s. It had a depiction of a reasonably realistic Mars mission in which they used a "two spaceship on a tether" gravity system. The advantage was that everything for the mission was doubled for safety purposes. I suspect that the weight of cable is a big DV downside.
  2. Well this quote from wiki is what I am thinking: The law of salvage is a concept in maritime law which states that a person who recovers another person's ship or cargo after peril or loss at sea is entitled to a reward commensurate with the value of the property so saved. So whilst ownership is not transferred, there is nothing to stop someone going to take possession (if sunk or abandoned). I have a clearer understanding now than I did before this thread. With all things legal there woykd be many laws and loopholes.
  3. I dont think you still own a ship that sinks. Dont the laws of salvage apply?
  4. The space race had many benefits in terms of technological advances that help mankind. Also can you imagine not having detailed information on all the planets and moons? The solar system would seem so much more mysterious. Which brings my mind to considering whether the launch of space probes was part of the space race.... To actually answer the thread, I see it as a subset of the Cold War.... which is itself a major part of history.
  5. During the initial stages of reentry I realized chutes had not been repacked... So I sent out Bill (or was it Bob), who managed to repack one chute. Then the atmosphere started having an effect and the RCS wasnt strong enough to get him back in and he floated away. I switched back to the ship but wasnt able to get it to land on water so the other two died too as one chute was not enough. It landed NEXT to water...
  6. Oh interesting!! My assumption was that it held oxygen tanks, life support and fuel. Is Boeings capsule the same?
  7. I have a question. Why isnt more effort made to recover service modules (thinking specifically SpaceX)? Do they intend Dragon service modules to always be expendable? To attempt to answer my own question, is the extra heat shielding neccessary to stop a greater mass so much heavier that it affects cargo ability too much?
  8. You could take the time to calculate or add a mod, or you can do what I do, just fly the thing. If it works save and refine the design. If you don't like to "return to VAB" then this way may not be for you.
  9. Well I don't know about hype. I am very interested in the game but I am aware the expectations are so big that the game play may not meet them! I think I will buy it without expecting the world! It seems it is essentially single player with myself not likely to meet with anyone. I'm not even really very sure what the basic gameplay will be like. How much time spent on planets vs space? How many NPCs to interact with? Do you go inside buildings? Does someone give you a mission to do for money? Can I play the game in a non-violent way if I so choose? Will there be space stations? Will there be cities? Will the world seem real enough that you could imagine it going on without you? Can I find signs of other human players and track them?? Time will tell.
  10. I played my first game with my new PC. Old PC: i5 430M & GT 320M 4gb New PC: GTX 950 & X4 860K 8gb I must say there is a noticeable difference!
  11. When I saw this news I was confused as I thought this was what White Knight Two was for. It also made me wonder about whether White Knight Two was even necessary at all! BTW they are trying to get a Concorde flying again (they are currently trying to raise money).
  12. I will have a vastly more powerful computer in a couple of months...... I might hold off till I get it running. Did someone mention use of multi cores..... As it will be my first quad core (bit out of the loop)
  13. I once slid 8 kilometers on Bop, its like a terrifying slow motion car crash.
  14. I find lag is worst at the launchpad when you have the most parts,and I just put up with it as I know most of the mission will be spent using a ship of a manageable size.
  15. It would be good if the abort system was attached to test itself in real world conditions. I doubt it though.
  16. They are saying that the vehicle provides a LOT of data which is transmitted during flight that they will be going through now...... and for a while I imagine.
  17. Im watching the youtube live feed (which is silent of commentary), are you guys getting any more info on what your watching?
  18. Oh dang. People are supposed to go on this soon!
  19. Whilst their travel technology might be far beyond earths, their military technology and tactics might not be. Humans may be unusual in the level of warfare we conduct against ourselves, making our advancement in this field unusually high. If they are internally at peace by nature they may not be talented fighters at all.
  20. Nope, not worried about crashes, I just like the challlenge of doing everything with just what they gave us (which I think requires more creativity from me).
  21. Well I have halted ship development and stuck to things like practicing advanced landing techniques etc.
  22. I hope we get a surprise or two..... things not promoted by the devs...... like an extra planet or something!
  23. Its close but it seems to need wild moves right at the point of landing. Doesn't seem sustainably reliable (to the uninformed watcher)
  24. I dont agree with OP. The version I bought two years ago was as good as a full game for me...... And then they kept making it better!
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