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Everything posted by EladDv

  1. If Speeds close to C is ever reached consistently in KSP (i presume via Kraken Drives) I'll work on a mod to simulate(partly) space and time dilations (at least locally or path lengths) and inertia(making it impossible to reach to C if you have mass)
  2. If you want the GSCO (Guidance and Software Coordination Officer) on site and active those are the dates possible: 1/4. Go.2/4. Go3/4. No go4/4. No go Also if we have a 24/3 date for a launch the software might not be ready by that date or it could be unreliable, more info is to come after 20/3 for final Go/No go right now looks like No go for GSCO (Guidance and Software Coordination Officer)
  3. Talk to zoo about adding me to the group Skype and lv comms channel, the more communication between us the better
  4. Oh my this is awesome! And if you'd be kind enough to supply me the vehicles I'll do some programming on the weekend, I'll have to figure out an optimal trajectory so if anyone has an idea if what it is I'll be delighted to insert it
  5. Ok send me the files you have right now. manned aborts will be activated manually i think with the big red abort button. about input- i'll take a look at it, if i can figure out how to take input i'll do it. Boostback is going to be a long time in the making so you have time to prepare one
  6. correct me if i'm wrong but we were in contact before iirc Dman, i have KSP(ask zoo he'll know). now if the LV team has a consistent lineup i could spend time writing special code for each one which would get better at each launch instead of bundling a bit of code together for each vehicle. (and i am working on a rocket recovery code right now- got the landing to stick,boostback is a bit tricky to get to hit a spot but i'll iron it out eventually)
  7. So who's in charge of flight computers/flying the rocket? because if you add kOS i might be able to help with some launches and missions. though most of the time (unless we do simulations) the code wont be checked (or you can check it if you want to and it fits within the theme) I know it's considered Guido(which is also called Guidance and Procedures Officer or GPO sometimes) but really your current guido is more of a GNC
  8. new parts should be polished to a mirror level and even MORE! ok ok , some parts can be a bit shiny, with metalness acceptable for their material IRL
  9. either way you wont send people in that little can for 8-9 months
  10. my question is how many hype trains will we have? and when will they stop? will we need a beta hype train or could we just combine that one with the regular one for a SuperHype train?
  11. Too late, it was pushed back to friday.... the universe is working against that single launch
  12. Oh COME ON! seriously now i am starting to suspect the universe is working against that launch!
  13. i think i heard we have 24 hours to the next launch. well launch attempt is more accurate i say
  14. yeah but it's rare that those kinds of hold backs happen, most of the time if you get to the last minute there is a lesser chance of a launch hold, mostly because almost everything but engines is already tested by that point(and there is that static fire for the engines you know)
  15. apparently not 20 minutes is the current estimation
  16. just under the amount of times that it gets concerning on on a more serious note- more than 5-6 for sure, the pressure isnt as bad as the aerodynamics stresses experienced during flights
  17. Sounds reasonable, but really that falcon refuses to fly!
  18. psst *opens his coat* you kids want to buy some roleplay?
  19. Should we rename it to devnote wednesday? or - Third time's the charm?
  20. Congratulations to both of them, from the time i got to know them they are more than capable and worthy of a paycheck from squad.
  21. as far as i can tell it's an E or D small wing and 2 rectangular lights
  22. what you all seem to think is that the falcon has to launch 1 type of payload from 1 customer at a time - they have constructions that allow them to launch may payloads in one go, having stuff launching like the SpaceIL spacecraft and a few more sats and about 1/20th of the OneWeb sats that would have them split the costs even more and cost even less for OneWeb with the recovery, seeing now as SpaceX is the cheapest option AND with recovery AND with splitting room on the rocket? i say that there is little to no reason to choose any other launcher
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