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  1. Ah, thank you OHara and westamastaflash @OHara I haven't checked maneuver nodes, but I do see Ap and Pe nodes moving on their own, with no RCS or thruster input. Sometimes they move faster than the craft in its orbit! These errors are indeed more noticeable in low orbit. In higher orbits, the error is nearly undetectable. I watched some of my higher orbiting crafts for a while and saw no drifting. I am using 1.7.2, and I used the widget on the bottom left to watch my orbital parameters. @westamastaflash I really would like to go back and try 1.6 and see if this is as bad. I didn't notice it before, but I wasn't paying very close attention. However, I noticed it almost immediately when I started playing again, after 1.7 dropped. From your data, your drift seems to be less severe than mine. But yes, physical time warp makes it much worse. Besides physical time warp, these three factors make it worse: Having a complex craft, having scatterer, and being in a low orbit around a high gravity body. Using Environmental Visual Enhancements seems to have very minimal effect, curiously. This issue has been a bit more than a minor annoyance. With a randomly drifting orbit, you can't have a craft that sits on the very edge of the atmosphere. That was my plan for getting atmospheric analyzer data from Eve's upper atmosphere. Not to mention that I can no longer switch to communication network satellites, for fear that they start drifting once I switch to them. I also have to stop using scatterer. While the orbital drift is already bad without it, it's ludicrous with it. It's around 20 times worse with it. I'm probably just gonna wait until this gets fixed to play again.
  2. Nope, RCS was off. I just had SAS, and I didn't touch the controls.
  3. I'm not sure if it used to do this, but I began noticing it after the update. I'm noticing that my orbit is changing very slightly over time. The orbit is outside of the atmosphere, and the option "Orbital Drift Compensation" is checked, but my orbit still changes gradually over time. The tendency is to lower both Apoapsis and Periapsis, but on occasion I have seen one or the other raised slightly. I have removed all mods and DLC, and I'm still getting this. So it's not being caused by mods. Over the course of 20 minutes, I saw my space station orbit go from 72.6998 km, 72.6686 km | time 1:01 72.6985 km, 72.6684 km | time 1:21 I'll also note that when I started noticing this effect, the space station had an Apoapsis of 72.706 km. Of course, when the vessel isn't being actively watched, it doesn't change, which is expected. When I have Kerbal Engineer, I can see this effect in much more detail. The Semi Major Axis is dropping in a herky, jerky manner. It drops a bunch when you switch in and out of map mode. Of course, I can't be sure if Kerbal Engineer is making the effect worse, but nevertheless, the effect is there without it. Admittedly, it's a very minor effect. But it makes me not want to switch to my relay satellites as they're flying in a very precise orbital formation. Does anyone else see this? Has this always been there? Has it been made worse by a recent update? EDIT: On closer observation, the periapsis dipped and went back up. The lowest point was: 72.6996 km, 72.6682 km | time 1:08 EDIT 2: Using scatterer causes the Semi Major Axis to drop much faster. But a complex vessel with lots of parts that makes it run at a lower frame rate, doesn't change the rate at which the SMA drops. Satellites that are far away from their parent body are unaffected. Strangely, my Gilly satellites are having their SMA raised. Maybe because they are orbiting slower than Gilly is rotating? Another curious observation: My Eve vessel that is in low, circular, polar orbit, has a Ap of 90530 and a Pe of 90520. So nearly circular. The really weird thing is that the Pe and Ap are advancing forward in orbit faster than my ship is orbiting. So the time to Periapsis is constantly increasing, and same for the Apoapsis. The SMA is changing very little, but the point of Apoapsis and Periapsis are moving rapidly. On closer observation, for my Eve vessel, when it's closer to Apoapsis, the Apoapsis rapidly lowers and the Periapsis raises. When it's closer to Periapsis, the Periapsis rapidly lowers and the Apoapsis raises. Physical time warp makes the orbit change extremely rapidly. Within a few seconds of maximum physics warp, my orbit changed to something like 90730 to 90320. OK, simply by quickly switching physics warp from 1x to 4x back to 1x, my orbit drastically changed. It went from 90500 90500 to something like 90700 90300 in one iteration. By doing multiple iterations of this, I managed to raise my Apoapsis to 92000 and lower my periapsis to 88000. I'm pretty sure it wasn't this bad before. A few more iterations and I changed my orbit to 98200 82900. Just by messing with physics warp. Without using any thrust. This is absurd. Can someone please try this and tell me if it's just me? EDIT 3: Started a new sandbox mode, put a simple spacecraft in a similar orbit of Eve, and tried it. No more orbital drifting. No problems whatsoever. I'm wondering if it's because I'm in year 20 of my career mode in my main save? Maybe some part is causing it? Ah, it has nothing to do with the time. I warped until it was 19 years in the sandbox mode. Still no orbit drifting problem. EDIT 4: OK, it does have something to do with more complex spacecraft. I loaded my career mode space vessel into a low Eve polar orbit. The orbital decay returned. Having more crew also seems to affect it. Using the "interior overlay" also makes it worse.
  4. Hi, sorry to bring this up again, but will there be any solution to the shoreline flickering problem? I haven't used scatterer since it started. I miss having scatterer, but to me, the shoreline flickering is worse than having no scatterer effects at all. I reinstalled the most recent version recently and the problem is still there. Changed tons of settings like V-Sync, frame rate limit, changing program specific settings in Nvidia control panel... nothing fixed it. Thanks, and I realize you're doing this all for free! Youtube link - example of shoreline flickering
  5. Hi, I'm also having the bug that Senshi is having. Here's some more screenshots, I thought it looked interesting. Using Scatterer-v0.0215.zip.
  6. The problem was caused by a plugged in Xbox 360 controller with a bad analog stick constantly tugging down slightly even when nothing was touching it. So much for all that "investigating" I did.
  7. Oh, I definitely alt-tabbed out a few times. Was trying to remember that version number (and other details) but I kept forgetting
  8. Hi all, I'm running KSP from Steam. The build version is build id = 006422014-10-07_10-59-44Branch: master I have 64 bit Windows 7. Intel core 2 duo E4500 4gb ram (3.37 usable) nvidia 9800 gt This is a really bizzare bug. It was fine a week ago, but today when I played it I kept noticing that my craft had some phantom rotation force constantly being applied to it. Using SAS did not correct the rotation force. It would just start spinning even when it's outside of the atmosphere, and no thrusters were on. It would always start to pitch down, and very slightly to the right. I had to constantly manually correct for this rotation, but it just kept happening. Trying to isolate the variables, I gradually took parts off my spacecraft, until only the command pod MK1-2 remained. At the launch pad, I turned off gravity using Alt-F12. There it was again. The craft began to rotate on it's own. I used the smaller command pod Mk1, and again, it started rotating. I then made Jeb get out and do an EVA, and to my surprise, the command pod stopped rotating. Somehow Jeb being inside the command pod was causing it to rotate! I switched to a different Kerbal, Bill, and again, the rotation force was present. When he was outside of the pod, the force was gone! But this time, I discovered something stranger. I had Bill dismount from the pod, start using his jetpack, and move around a bit. I had nulled all lateral velocity, and instead of coming down he started drifting backwards! He kept accelerating along his backwards vector, no matter where he faced. This force must be the cause of the command pod's strange rotation! To verify this, I launched the Stayputnik all by itself without gravity, and sure enough, no rotation. With different save files, new games, this all still happens. So... I hope this will be fixed soon? I haven't found anything online regarding this bug, so maybe I'm the only one who got it? I don't use any mods btw. vwrstudios.com/output_log.txt In this game log I started the game, went to my usual save file, launched a craft that is only a Mk1 command pod with Jeb in it. Turned off gravity, let it rotate a bit, controlled it a bit, and then got out for an EVA. Dismounted, turned on jet pack, and floated in the air for a second. I then let myself be carried backwards by the phantom force. Then I revert to VAB, exit, quit, quit.
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