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Everything posted by Groot

  1. [quote name='Doke'] Well: (1) Fighters are cool. (2) Kerbals are basically drones (high G tolerances). (3) Speed is arguably still important. Energy state of missiles, ability to intercept or escape, etc. Also, it's cool. (4) Lasers are uncool (and possibly involve heat/power/other issues). (4) Dogfights are cool. Also, possibly necessary IRL, where unknown factors like rules of engagement and electronic warfare might interfere. (5) Even without dogfights, energy state and tactics matter in a missile duel. It's not just a matter of pushing a button. (6) Fighters are cool. (7) How did I get to seven? My fast missile fighter can beat your slow laser drone. Some of those are pretty Kerbal.[/QUOTE] We are probably less than a decade away from fighter mounted laser weapons. And they will also be able to shoot down incoming missiles.
  2. [quote name='cikho']well, let me modify it, remove the rocket assist, and the 3rd engine and, if it performs good, then yes sir :D[/QUOTE] I don't think you are understanding this correctly, the juno engine is the 0.625m part with no thrust reverser. You can't possibly power that big of a plane with two of those engines. It isn't the 1.25m turbofan, nor the big turbofan. [quote name='Friethjoph']No picture of landed plane on KSC Runway => Invalid.[/QUOTE] Considering how high its top speed is, seem to be totally legit.
  3. could've just mounted another probe core in the right direction and set and control point?
  4. Because nobody is gonna bother to install that mod just to do your challenge.
  5. It was just a proof of concept, and I didn't even expect it to be competitive to people who know how things work. I knew you could circumnavigate with turbojet because it's just super OP. The way to go is maximum orbital travel, and not lift and glide.
  6. This mod doesn't seem to do anything for me, except it prevents decouplers from separating properly.
  7. In wonder if you can make planes fly easier with this.
  8. wow this game has been out for 4 year already?
  9. stock with rockets, because haven't had enough experience for spaceplane!
  10. VRAM doesn't seem to be a huge problem for all Unity games.
  11. I choose 2, my stations don't even have much right angles. I mean between modules that are connected by at least one other module.
  12. after spending a few decades in space, my kernels have managed to land on the purple planet one orbit in from Kerbin, but my lander only got like 50 meters off the ground. Sure I used some of it's fuel and the return stage's fuel to get there so never expected successful return but it still seemed like an impossible task given how high the low orbit is. Is it even possible?
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