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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. Granted. you are now permanently under the influence of any psychoactive drug of your choice, excluding (nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine). Do note, it is in whatever dosage is enough for near ego-death. I wish Alaska was part of Canada (or just the panhandle bit)
  2. 7.89/10 Known you for a bit, one of the few users I can still recognize
  3. Banned for disturbing ancient relics.
  4. Honestly speaking there is no chance in a frozen-over hellscape that I will ever take this font seriously, even as a joke. smh
  5. Seems you did, and I missed it! Thanks pal! Further congrats to @GRS for giving Dres a new moon named Spade! Cheers mate, updating board.!
  6. Hot dang those are some purdy moons! Congratulations to @Spacenerd Kerman and @Eriksonn for literally making moons and a ring to show love for Dres! Always appreciated to see classic manned missions on a large scale! Congratulations to @SecondChance for a decently-sized full-scale mission to Dres with a relay network, station, and lander! A Kerbal of science I see! Congratulations to @GRS for studying the heck outta Dres and garnering 30 thousand science points! Seems you know our planetary friend a lot better now Sorry for such a late reply everyone. Updating the board now!
  7. You can't see my face, but i'm doing a double-eyebrow raise with my eyes squinted. I haven't actaully played this game in a while, so I know nothing of the best startegies. But I wish you the best in the name of Dres!
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